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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sorry, boo, but Tre was a twat s1-5. The first two seasons, she was a mere pawn and flunky for the Laurita/Manzo clan when she should've stayed neutral. Danielle never had issues with Tre. Tre came for Danielle for no damn reason. And seasons 3-5, Tre was horrible to her family. Yeah, Kathy and Melissa (especially Melissa) weren't angels in the situation but how Tre gave the greenlight for her friends to destroy her family members was gross. 




Team Vicki! Yeah, I feel like Vicki might know the truth about Brooks but who cares!! It was no one's business but his and these women used his situation to provide them with a story seeing as they were all lacking this season minus Vicki. And I didn't like how Meghan lead the charge of everyone coming for Vicki and demanding answer from her. She owes none of them anything. I was proud of Vicki and her paying the women dust. 


And Rhonda (Vicky's brother's girlfriends) is a BOSS. How she flatlined Shannon by bringing up David's affair was hilarious. Shannon couldn't bounce back and all she could do is resort to her typical erratic behavior, which got her nowhere. Vicki still doesn't give a flying f-ck about her. 


Overall, I am glad that Vicki sees the light. Tonight on WWHL, she finally sees that none of those women are her friends. Not even Tamra. I am also glad that she mended fences with Gretchen. And with Gretchen being brought up time and time again and Alexis having an impact on the reunion next Monday, I get this inkling feeling that we'll see both of them come next season. Talk about Tamra's worst nightmare! 


Oh and Tamra's baptism was gross! I hate people that use religion on reality TV. It's just gross. When she stepped into that pool, I thought the water was going to boil. A damn heathen. She should've gotten struck by lightening for this farce performance she put on tonight. Tamra will resort back to the same shenanigans come next year. 




Magali and Dean's scene brought me to tears. I love their relationship. It's one that everyone should aspire to. You can see that he genuinely loves his wife and vice versa. 


Lauren writing a tell-all book is funny. I hope it is better than Tanya's book, which she shat on last season. I personally would keep my body count to myself unlike Lauren plans to. 


Dawn continues to annoy me this episode. Does she have to hell EVERYONE that she made up with Magali? Let them all figure it out on their own. It's like she told all of them for validation. It makes it even less convincing. Ugh!


Lapdog doing a clothing line is laughable. I don't find her fashionable, and what young girl is gonna buy her clothes? I wouldn't be surprised if her target audience are young sluts with aspirations of riding a pole till a sugar daddy comes and saves her. 


Tanya and her calendar idea for charity is stupid. It was funny that Lauren said her idea was sh-t too. 


Magali telling those women that they better be on their best behavior or they aren't getting invited was too funny. She put bitches on notice! 


I cannot wait for Ampika v. Dawn pt 2 next week! Dawn don't want it with Ampika!

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DEAD at Lauren getting bored at Dawn's story. Lauren is so shady but she's fun about it and most times doesnt even realize it


Dean asking Magali to remarry him was so sweet. Love them as a couple. Lauren and Dawn were quite bitches not being happy for her. If I were her, I wouldnt invite those two

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To each his own but I think you're grossly misrepresenting her. She was lovable and hilarious from the get go and especially in the first two seasons. Perhaps in Season 3/4 when all this acrimony with Caroline (and "MY NAME IS MELISSA GORGA...MELISSA" came barging in) started to fester she became harder to root for and believe but she's never become a twat or totally unlikeable as was the case with Jill from NY for me.

I'm just glad time is flying by and before you know it she'll be out with her precious girls. I'm only sad that Joe has to go in as well because its not going to be easy for him or the girls to not have their dad at special events.

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Im usually with no but you lost me when you made the comparison to Jill and basically said Teresa was worse. People genuinely coming for Teresa so her behavior while not justified was understandable to a degree. No one was coming for Jill.  She was delusional and thought her sh-t didnt stink and was making up drama to play herself as the victim. She was the bigger twat

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All I can say is thank goodness this season is over and it ended with The Guitar Music. 


I don't like how the women came for Vicki like a witch hunt. Heather, Meghan and Shannon should be ashamed of themselves. They took a storm in a teacup and made everything having to do with Brooks a huge, messy, nasty, issue. It was just an ugly season to watch/endure. Every last one of us should get a medal. 


Heather, particularly, is a sh*t stirrer for no reason, she should focus on her mansion - it wouldn't be over budget and behind schedule if she paid attention to it. 


Shannon hasn't sold me one iota about her crap marriage. They'll be divorced one of these days. Bank on it. And she'll be headed to rehab. She's gone from victim to Queen Bee in a single season. And that won't last. She'll come crashing down next season. It is inevitable. 


Meghan is a psycho. Nothing more needs to be said about her. I wish Jimmy well when he finally escapes her. 


Tamra hasn't sold me on being saved. She's the same she's always been. None of her behaviour changes what she's done and who she will always be.


Vicki has dealt with a lot this season. Do I think she's totally innocent? No. Of course not. That said, she is the tentpole of this franchise, it's OVER without her. And I have to give her brother's girlfriend, Rhonda, a shout out for decimating Shannon with a single comeback. Shannon was just destroyed by Rhonda. 





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Delusional? Yes. A twat? Yes. But Jill was nowhere near Tre the first 5 seasons. I'm sorry. I know Tre is your girl and your my boo, but we are gonna have to disagree on this. Tre bulldozed over her own family and then fed them to the audience. I have an issue with that. Regardless how one should feel about their family be on a show with them, to the feed them to the mass is just gross. I did grow to like her somewhat in s6 and I think she'll come out a changed person but I cannot forget her actions from the first five seasons of the show. I just cannot. 

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Loved this episode, as I have loved this entire season so far. The international editions of the franchise really hit the right note between drama and fun and glamour. 


Lauren's tell all book will be hilarious as she is just totally out to lunch and hilarious about decorum. That husband of hers, Paul, is such a gem, he found someone he's crazy about and the two of them clicked together like fish and chips. I loved that in her VT she said that the calendar photos looked like sh*t. That made me howl. She was absolutely right and I love how blunt that wisdom was.


Does anyone actually think Leanne's clothing line will succeed? I know I don't. The UK is one of the most fashionable countries in the world with access to incredible, stylish clothes, at very inexpensive prices. The market doesn't need Leanne's crap. The show doesn't need Leanne. 


Speaking of useless objects, Tanya continues to leave me unimpressed. She doesn't have a storyline, whines about her kids and has an assistant for no apparent reason.


Ampika...well she didn't get up to much this episode, but I look forward to next episode, I want to see her go IN on Nick and Royston, those bitches.


Magali and Dean, now there's a love match. Adorable.


Dawn has grown on me. She's gobby, she's brash, she isn't a bad gal. And it's undeniable the show would be more boring without her. Next week looks dramatic!



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RHOBH and RHOM are both in Dubai at the same time filming their cast trips. Only two RHOBH cast members confirmed are the two Lisa's. I wish we had gotten a group pic so we could have a decent idea of what the cast will be. Since they're just filming that I imagine we may have to wait a little bit longer for RHOBH. 

Speaking of waiting...where the hell is the RHOC reunion trailer? It premieres next week and still we have not even a tiny snippet of it? It's been the highest rated show on Bravo for it's entire season so you'd think they'd want to carry that momentum by promoting the reunion. Weird that they're not hyping it AT ALL when the season has been successful.

RHOCheshire has been flawless. I agree with DaytimeFan in that I like Dawn even though I don't like her, if that makes sense. Everyone except Tanya who brings nothing, is a vital part of the mix. I LOVE this series. I think it's even better than Melbourne, because while they've gotten more natural, Melbourne just felt too put on for that second season. If they decide to do a crossover with the two housewives series in Dubai I only hope the Melbourne girls act normal and not like fans. In season one of Cheshire I didn't have much of an opinion of Ampika, but I must say I LOVE LOVE LOVE her now! I want to re-watch season one just to see if any opinions change. Does anybody know what Ampika's ethnic background is?

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