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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I realized I didnt post on it last week so this post is gonna be a blend of the two most recent episodes


Them bitches are coming for Magal.. They are COMING for Magali. I need her to torpedo through them. DEAD at her saying she doesnt like Dawn and told her she's going to burn in hell. She wasnt holding anything back. Dawn looked so ugly and wrong to say Magali wants to be her. Really? Girl, bye. She's giving me shades of Andrea from Melbourne.


Magali's name STAY in their mouths It seems like the show is trying to give Magali the "villian edit" but its failing. I dont see her as the big bad witch that these "victims" are claiming her to be


Magali: "Im in another country!" LOL....love her and her family. Her son is FIIINNNNEEE


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Say what you will about the three witches but this shot was perfection. I have to say overall all the women are beautiful in their own way. Probably the best looking RH cast

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I feel bad for Kim Fields. She has no clue in that trailer just how vicious and desperate it can get. The thirst is real, Kim! Am I the only one who thinks that Kim F and Kandi might actually get along as the lone somewhat-sane ones? 


November feels a long ways away right now. ONly OC is holding the fort and I cannot bring myself to watch the latest episode. I cannot believe it is still more "Is Brooks cancerous?" and "David cheated." Who greenlit this awful waste of a 10th season? This should have been an awesome season and yet it is the worst it has ever been (and yes I remember Tammy Knickerbocker and her waste-of-space daughters). Vicki has already done the cancer SL, with Briana. The difference then was that the issue was sensitively handled, thanks in part to Briana's basically upbeat and matter-of-fact nature. They made it real without being morbid and without trivialising the subject. Here it is morbid and heavy -- and yet the issue of cancer has been totally trivialized and rendered meaningless.


Regardless of whether Brooks/Vicki are lying, Meghan needs to be fired like yesterday. She is a shark-eyed excuse for a human being. It occurred to me that over the past few seasons, RHoOC had some pretty watchable housewives: Peggy Tanous, Lydia and especially Lizzie come to mind. They were, give or take some personal quirks, actually relatable human beings. However, I never fully understood how toxic the environment was until these ladies started getting run off the show. (Heather is resilient and a friend of Andy's so she has survived). Peggy got stampeded by that waste of good botox, Alexis. Lydia by the altercation between Ryan and her mother (and the producers probably put pressure on her not to make a big deal of it). Lizzie by Tamra's general awfulness. Now the OC has someone sordid and as opportunistic as Tamra, but dumber. I can't watch it. I need a better balance of personalities. If Meghan is there just to make Tamra look good by default, well, that's not enough.


Sorry for the rant. LOL I guess I just needed to let that out. :lol:

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Well, Kim IS a grown-ass woman.  Also, Chip and Kim's wigs don't pay for themselves.


OTOH, I just can't help but feel this could have been avoided simply by hiring Kim to work on another sitcom.  Even one written/produced/directed/photographed/composed/lit/hair-, makeup-, set- and wardrobe-designed by Tyler Perry.

Edited by Khan
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Episode 5: 

Magali v. Dawn was hilarious. Magali had me straight rolling with her insults. She has no chill whatsoever. And when she got up and left and then came back--I about died thrice. But I am glad that the two came to some sort of middle ground. 

Tanya, Lauren, and Lapdog in Portugal was boring. For Tanya, this trip did her no justice. It just shows that she has no story this season. Only thing that was popping about this trip was the scenery. I definitely have to add Portugal as one of my future vacate spots. It looks so tranquil. 

Ampika's dog almost drowning in the park lake was too much. My heart dropped. I'm glad that Bella is safe. I would've been a wreck had that been my dog. 

And why did Dawn find it necessary to tell her kids that she was meeting with Magali? I can tell that Dawn is the type of parent that wants to be best friends with her kids. I bet when them cameras are down, Dawn's kids give her hell. 

Next week seems good with all the women meeting for lunch. I cannot wait to see Magali and Dean's vow renewal next week. It's good that Magali is also making the other three work for their invitations. I personally wouldn't want Dawn or Leanne there. 

A link to tonight's episode: 

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The preview for the OC finale looks soooo good! Vicki's friend is SOOOO shady! To Shannon: "well she didnt ask you to see the records when you thought your husband was cheating on you" Damn. Its about to go down


Megan whining that she feels alone bc her 17 year old stepdaughter would rather hang out with kids her own age. Girl bye





"I said it, I own it, what you gonna do about it?" DEAD. She was killing me. Team Magali! Dawn is making it really hard for me to continue to like her. That meeting was great and it reminded me of the Gina vs Andrea confrontation on Melbourne



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I'm so glad next week is the finale. This has been a heavy season to watch at times. I really don't need to see Meghan's lame, stupid ass ever return to this series. Andy, for God's sake, fire her, don't ever look back, she's awful and she has no storyline of her own. She's a whiney mess and if I have to see her pretend to be a mother with a teenager that she, literally, could not have birthed herself, I'm going to stop watching this show. 


Tamra and her baptism. Whatever. It's all for show. I wish Eddie luck with that joint bank account.


Heather was totally irrelevant this episode, as she has been for much of this season. She's lucky that mansion of hers isn't finished, the reveal for it has guaranteed her a spot next season.


Shannon and the enema/colonic. Oh my. That was reality. I don't think her marriage to David has recovered at all. I think she's seething.


Vicki and Brooks and Brianna. What a mess. I understand all points of view. And I don't think any of them are being fair to the others - Brooks is a douchebag, so is Ryan. Vicki is a drama queen, so is Brianna. If Brooks is lying about his cancer, he'll be crucified for it, but he's also been persecuted by half the cast in an extremely unhealthy way. 




Dawn vs. Magali. I didn't think that lunch was such a win/lose for either of them. Dawn kept her cool and made some cogent points, Magali lost her cool and stormed off and blathered on. Like Camille Grammar said, whoever keeps their cool, wins...but Magali was wise and came back to the table and heard Dawn out and Dawn appeared to just let down the barricades a bit. The problem with Magali and Dawn isn't either of them, it's that bloody lapdog Leanne. Magali clearly has a really good home life with her husband and sons, and Dawn as the same with her husband and daughters. I think those two have a lot more in common than they'd like to let on. 


Speaking of which, Leanne just bores me to death. She's an idiot. She's just a stripper who made good with a footballer. Nothing more. I hope she's making sure that husband of hers is saving major money and paying off their mortgage. Football careers in the UK can end in a flash and then they'll be screwed if they don't plan for the future like Magali and Dawn obviously did. 


Ampika didn't have much to do this episode. But I like how she didn't hesitate to get soaked to save her dog and then flip when she momentarily lost her bracelet. And then she just went in with Dawn and laid out how everything needs to get sorted so the group has some cohesiveness. That's a good ol' Cheshire gal for you.


Tanya is useless. This episode demonstrated she has nothing going on in her life worth filming. However, she's harmless and an airhead, so she isn't grating to watch.


The same cannot be said for fabulous Lauren and Paul! I adore these two as a couple, I hope they stay together forever and ever. Like BH's Lisa and Ken, they do seem to 'get' each other and have a good banter going on and they appear to make each other genuinely happy, as if they like being around each other. It's really nice. And they're fun and rich and clearly believe in having a good time. 

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Oh please, peasant Leakes wishes she could hang with a real rich bitch like Queen Vanderpump. Unfortunately, she has to settle for invites by fellow desperate clinger on Kyle "Look at me! Look at me!" Richards 


But I'll gladly take Nene on Beverly Hills if they bring back Brandi just so I can have the satisfaction of NeighNeigh ripping her to botox shreds!


Edited by MrPrezident
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Lol the elitism I can't. Lisa may have more money than Nene but that doesn't make her any better than Nene and I'm sure she would be the first to admit it. If anything I see her being genuinely open with a real woman like Nene as opposed to all these fake Hollywood broads like Taylor and Lemons Yoyo with her highly exaggerated Lyme disease. 

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