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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene would never work on Beverly Hills. It would just be awkward and not fun.


lmao at Lemons. So fake. This Lyme disease thing has been her story for like 3 seasons now. Her kids are now starting to be out there in the public eye too. Just annoying as hell. 


Kenya looks call girl ready in her pic on that bus. Is she still single? Is she even pregnant? so many stories/rumors around this lady I can't even keep track 

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So when is RHoA set to air? I am having RH withdrawal symptoms now that my RHoNY is finished for the year.


And bring on RHoMelbourne. I can't wait to watch that glamourfest. Poor RHOC cannot carry the whole franchise on its frail shoulders. In some ways I enjoy how it lets it all hang out sometimes, but rn I cannot bear Meghan, Vicki & Brooks's cancer is the ONLY sl, Tamra is an increasingly desperate [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer, Shannon and David's marriage is clearly DOA and I have actually forgotten that Heather is still on this show. Am I missing anybody? Gretchen? Slade?


DaytimeFan have you had a peak at the Dubrow's skincare line? Are the formulations any good? :) 

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Ooo! I am so pissed by tonight's episode. I am LIVID. I don't appreciate how these women have painted Magali with the 'aggressive' brush when she's had once blow up this entire series. I'm sorry but that sh-t make me look at all of them (minus Lauren and Ampika) with a major side eye. 

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And how dare Leanne try and act like she has some more high ground. Girl, didn't you use to swing from poles to make a living? 

I found it laughable at best. But I am glad that Lauren dug into her ass and let her know that it isn't right that she filmed Magali on the train, and is now using it to have some moral leverage on Magali. 


Tanya is a moron. One, why is she still entertaining hearsay? And when Ampika genuinely felt offended that someone would say she'd say something about Tanya's marriage, she still didn't believe her. Tanya is about to go back into the doghouse with Lapdog Leanne. 


I am glad that Chantelle stayed neutral when she was shown the video BUT still defended Magali. I also commend Dawn's husband for going off on her b/c she is so stupid. Furthermore, I am over this fantasy she is living in where she believes everyone wants to be her. Lady, you're a 40+ year old woman about to begin menopause, but you're still trying to procreate. 

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Magali was traffic stoppingly glamorous in that white and cream outfit at the very beginning of the episode when she went shopping with Ampika. I thought her choices for Ampika were stunning - that white dress was beautiful. Magali was powerful as she had that gold facial applied as she decried Leanne as a bitch and a coward - she's right and she's a real force. 


I love Lauren and Paul. I like how fun their marriage seems, they are friends. Lauren has class. She is friendly and outgoing and so breezy. And then she very wisely said the video recording was inappropriate. A total invasion of privacy


Dawn has a good sense of interior design. She's so gobby with Ashley. The do have undeniable chemistry. 


Leanne is such a cowardly bitch. Taking her sly video and then giggling and splashing it around. All she can do is follow Magali's sparkle and dim her light. I want to see Magali beat the sh*t out of her.


Tanya...oh dear. She is so dumb. She really doesn't comprehend that believing rumours, over her own friend, spoke volumes. She also didn't articulate any reason why, in this instance, Leanne video recording Magali was okay. 


All credit to Ampika. She has tackled Tanya directly. And that bikini when she burst out of her house to get the party started - wowza. If you've got it, flaunt it. 

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Preach. I cannot stand that Meghan is making me defend Brooks of all people, but her Crusade for Knowledge, Justice and the Truth via the bottom-feeding blogs of the internet is wack. This vile person will literally say and do anything to remain 'relevant' on this show, including inferring someone is faking their cancer while simultaneously throwing an actual cancer sufferer (now deceased) under the bus for not parenting correctly. I thought Alexis Bellino and Gretchen Rossi were bad but seriously, Miss Know-It-All needs to get gone. She is hideous. Seeing her husband Jim realize it with every passing second she opens her mouth is the only thing even vaguely entertaining.


Tamra is so ratchet. And so is her layabout son. No wonder Eddie doesn't want to work his ass off to prop up that free-loader.


I don't know what to think about Heather and Shannon at the moment tbh. This show is depressing at the moment. Only one storyline and it's all about cancer. It's not as bad as Season 4 RHoBH but it's up there.

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Oh! P.s.: Did anybody catch Meghan and Jim walking into the Goat party, and Meghan waving like she was the Queen of England and Jim saying "Why are you waving at no one?"


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Really Megan? When I first heard about this fake cancer storyline, I thought it would be Tamra as someone who disliked him that would be instigating it but no its Meagan as some newbie that doesnt know him. She's calling up Brook's doctor to investigate if he has cancer and now his ex gf? So she knows people with cancer....that makes her a crusader for cancer? She crossed the line and is being messy as f--k. LMAO at Vicki telling her to be an oncologist and go find a cure


and yes Cat, I was LMAO when Jim said that to Meagan. She's the worst


Im with Eddie. Ryan is too damn old to have his mother supporting him especially when he as an adult took it upon himself to wife up some woman with 3 kids, now 4 with him


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BH crossover!




Did NOT like that Leann saying Magali went ghetto and that of course videotaping the ordeal and then playing it back for a laugh. And the way the girls shut her out and wouldnt say hi. BITCHES.



Yes. Im glad Lauren went to give her support





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Yaaaaaass!! Miss Lisa Rinna in the OC! God, she was made for these shows. I'm surprised they didn't promote it, as they did when Yolanda and Brandi crossed over to NYC.


Meghan is just going too far. And what flimsy resources to consult: a jilted ex on a random blog. The nerve of her to actually contact her, through a random text is just WEIRD.


Okay, Tamra, let's just run around like a maniac over hearsay.


Did y'all watch Ramona and Tamra on WWHL as they handed out some of their Real Housewives Awards? Haha, cute stuff. Ramona got MVP, much deserved. At first I thought it was interesting that NYC and OC had a good turnout, but then I remembered those were the two shows airing at the time of the voting, so it makes sense. Lisa Rinna's glass-throwing table rant earned her a coveted glass shoe trophy, though :)

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Cheshire was soooooo good! I hate how Leann and Dawn are LYING on Magali to justify their actions. Leann said she filmed it and is showing people because Magali is painting herself as a saint and downplaying what happened. That is a straight up LIE! Chantelle, Leann's own damn friend, said that Magali recounting the story exactly like it happened. She isn't denying it and even apologized for it. Dawn and Leann are thirsty for a storyline and a reason to dislike Magali so they'll play it for all it's worth.

Tanya is a stupid idiot. I never liked her, but I didn't mind her. Now I can't stand her tired raggedy ass. She's no friend to Ampika if she can't even own up to what Ampika allegedly did and even once she did, she wouldn't admit who told her. She's acting childish and STUPID--two things I can't deal with. OF COURSE Ampika is going to be upset with Tanya for not coming to her and for believing it. 

So far I only LIKE Magali, Lauren and Ampika, but it's a very strong cast. I enjoy all the women as characters, but I definitely can't support the others. I do wish this show would do an international trip and send them to the US. I think that would be fun.

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