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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Brandy is such a slut monkey. She's nasty, she's dirty and she is just disgusting. She is beyond vile and needs to go. The stuff she was saying to Lisa about being angry that some 22 year old didnt want to f--k her was just ugh!

Rolling my eyes at Kim trying to throw shade at Rinna bc she has "more pride". I love that Andy checked her and reminded her that she did Diving with the Stars. I didnt even know that was a show

Now the bitch says "F U" to Andy? Andy DROP her ass. She is so disrespectful. His comparison about the dog was perfect. So true

You know Im here for Faye

She is. Defintely the most vile person on this franchise. I cant think of anyone as vile on any of the other shows as her. Nene, Phaedra, Jill Zarin have all had their moments but where Brandi trumps is that she has NO filter. She is just crass and nasty and says whatever is on her mind. She holds nothing back and she gets worse with every season and there has been no personal growth with her. Not only the way she treats other women, but she is very dirty and nasty with the way she talks about herself. She has no sense of self worth or respect and that makes her the most vile housewife of all time

IA. Id love to see Kenya there at least as a friend for a few episodes. They can use Kyle as the gateway to integrate her into the fold


I really want it to happen!

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Brandi's 'slaying' and comebacks are as old as that tampon string. Plus, she's only 3 1/2 years younger then Kyle so that line really fell flat for me.

The fact that most of these women (kyle and Brandi especially) can't seem to argue without swearing, threatening bodily harm, etc.. just shows how much they lack in intelligence. The only reason Brandi swears and threatens bodily harm is because she can't articulate verbally so she resorts to name calling, threatening bodily harm, etc.. I doubt Brandi could even hurt someone. She's all bark and no bite.

For me, Kyle has a mean streak... but she is so emotionally that she can't properly harness that mean streak. Kim, on the other hand, has no trouble harnessing that mean streak. It's ironic seeing Kim and Brandi so buddy buddy when during the season 3 reunion, Kim was the only one to rightfully defend Paul and Adrienne.. and went after Brandi.

With that said, Lisa R looks like she's a train-wreck.. and can easily replace Brandi as the stirrer of drama. Brandi has run her course, it is time to send her on her way. It worked for the OC when they sent Gretchen and Alexis packing so I think it can work for BH, as well

Edited by Soaplovers
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I was shocked at how unnatural Kyle looked. It was obvious she had work done maybe even specifically for the reunion. Her face was extra tight and plastic looking and the blue contacts were ugly. Brandi's face was extra plump too. I thought Rinna looked the best.

Lisa and Kyle made a pact and Eileen and Rinna made a pact. Lisa should want nothing to do with Kyle either and I'm not sure why she chooses to focus solely on Brandi since Kyle was also a part of the shade being thrown at her last year.

I do think Yolanda was sick but her facial expressions were exaggerated for the sake of the camera.

The dog comment by Andy is pure Andy. He's messy and he's a s.hit stirrer. As host comparing her to a dog was offensive and I had no problem with Brandi saying F. U. He would never dare to make that comparison to Nene and Nene is just as vile as Brandi.

I understand Brandi's frustrations as she's her own worst enemy. She practically kissed Lisa's ass to resume their friendship and even though the slap was in severely poor taste, she's no better than Kyle, but since she's now the common enemy of both Lisa and Kyle they're throwing her under the bus.

Eileen is made of win. Hearing "Ashley" say F.U made me giggle. I'll be here for part 2.

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I think Eileen needs to channel Kristen a bit more at these reunions since her peacemaking and common sense approach r lost on these women.

I think Kyle looks a combo of work done and losing too much weight. Anyone over a certain age needs a little extra weight on them to look younger especially in the facial.area

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Wow, Brandi came guns blazing to the reunion but still came off as pathetic as the unfairly sleighted victim. I'm glad Lisa V spared no feeling in telling Brandi what is what. I just wish someone told her that in isolation her actions are forgiveable, but the relentless chain of going too far followed by the sorry-not-sorry routine isn't forgiveable.

I kind of think Lisa R is shellshocked from the naked bitchiness of Brandi and Kim.

Kim is a special kind of nasty though. It's a pity that Kyle's verbal sparring skills are those of a 12 year old girl because she should of taken that wrinkled cow of a sister to task.

Eileen is so classy - she effortlessly glides above this circus.

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