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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Gamble came for Pettyfleur and she failed! I find her Barbie comments to be insulting to and I think she knows exactly what she was doing. Im glad Petty sees right through her. Speaking of which, all her scenes were gold. Im glad she is back bc she brings so much to the show. I love the shade she throws

I didnt like how Jackie came at Gina at the table. She irritated me

Janet continues to be a mess and Im loving her this season. She says what she wants, stirs the pot and is at the center of everything

Lydia's back as well. Okay....

I really should have posted right after I saw the episode so I could recall much. This season started out slow but its getting into its groove. Really enjoyable

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To be honest, I was kind of bummed that Lydia and Petti weren't in last weeks episode. I would have loved to have seen what they were doing while the other women were golfing together.

I assume Lydia was in Italy for her son's wedding.. again I think a comical scene of Lydia trying to get ready to go to Italy would have been funny.

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Pettifleur is starting to irk my nerves. I think she is trying to find a reason to fight with Gamble. She practically had to pry something out of Jackie and Chyka to hate Gamble for. Pettifleur is nouveau riche and the worst kind. She lords her richness over everyone's head. How she demanded that salesman give his tie to her son was gross. It wasn't endearing and this wasn't the first time we've all seen this. I don't like how she talks to people that are helping her. At this point, I can do without her.

Lydia can go to. She brings nothing to the table. She better be lucky that Arena is not as strict as Bravo b/c they would've cut her ass midway through filming.

I don't hate Janet but I don't care for her this season. She kills me how she plays victim one second but turns and stirs sh-t up the next. Like her recruiting Pettifleur to her side was so odd. Especially when Janet expressed how much she loathed her a few episodes ago.

Jackie got on my nerves tonight too. She too tried to find something to fight about when Gamble and Rick were eyeing each other from across the table. I was go glad that Gina chin-checked her and sent her on her way. Messy b-tch.

Gamble stirs sh-t up too. She really needs to let go of this hooker crap. If she knows she's not a hooker or pole dancer then let it go. She keeps giving the rumor life by acknowledging it. I hope after next week's episode that this rumor is put to bed for good. I don't wanna hear about it after next week.

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Lydia said she was in Italy for the wedding and Petty was in Europe as well. Since it was just them two and in seperate places, the show probably didnt feel it was worth filming. Had this been the American versions, they would have foot the bill to fly them all there and made an event out of it

Your building blocked FB and YT?

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm going to keep it short and sweet because tonight's episode annoyed the f-ck out of me. It focused to heavily on Phaedra. Her delusions of grandeur are sickening. I was appalled that Sarah Jakes entertained this beast, who continued to lie to this poor woman. Sarah could be out helping people with real issues. Not this felon. I did enjoy how her attorney shaded the sh-t out of her by simply asking her why would she of all people marry a convict. Phaedra couldn't even recover after that mess.

So funny that once Nene left the room, everything came together. Porsha annoyed me for the first part but once she opened up, it all got better. This therapy basically showed that Nene is the common denominator in all the drama.

I am looking forward to the women going to Manila without Nene. Seeing Phaedra and Kenya hugging it out might cause me to have a stroke.

Furthermore, I am glad to see that Kenya finally found her man on Millionaire Matchmaker. I hope that she and James are happy.


Watching this 1 on 1 special with Bethenny has me gagging. I am excited to see RHONY after her interview. It is clear that Bethenny has many of her costars pressed. Betting money that it is Kristin and Heather. Bethenny gave me the impression that she doesn't care for Heather at all and I am excited for it! I hope she eats Jabberjaw's ass up. I know somewhere Aviva is sitting in smiling. Her form of crazy is nothing compared to Bethenny's. When Bethenny has a bone, she won't let it go.

ETA: New title card:


Also, a ranking list of the all the housewives taglines. I personally disagree with the #1 choice....


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Poorsha speaks up to defend Nene, after she leaves? Why didnt she do this when Nene was in the room? Im glad Nene called her out on this in the talking head



btw, has she been shopping in Phaedra's closet? I also noticed that Kenya apologized to her yet again and she STILL didnt do the same

LMAO at Kandi's shade when she was videotaping that message for Nene. IA with her. It was BS and they shouldnt have been kissing her ass. Its obvious Nene is the negative reason there is so much negativity. Notice how the therapy session was actually working once she left. Her lame ass is so weak running off, questioning Dr. Jeff's degree...she made herself look like a fool.


Is this her Christian look?



And that list is BS bc #1 is one of the worst ones. I hated it and Carole's delivery sucked

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Now you know you wrong for removing Kristen. laugh.png But you got me straight rolling over that.

SN: Nene was 'threatening' ppl [i.e. Kandi] via Twitter last night. From her tweets, the reunion is filmed this Friday. Chi.... It's about to be WWIII in the A-Town....


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I like your fixed NYC cast, Cheap! So, so true.

I kinda wish they had gone back to their original look on NYC, just because of Bethenny's return and because I'm not a huge fan of the color scheme overall.

All-time best taglines: I'll never understand those season 1 taglines on Orange County. It's almost like the editor made a mistake and used the wrong sound bytes.

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It's disgusting to watch Brandi use her father's health issues to try and garner sympathy from Lisa V in this preview clip. Then to turn around and use it to attack her and Ken? No wonder her father wouldn't speak to her for so long. I would be so disappointed to have Brandi as my daughter. Talk about an embarrassment.


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Gamble did try and come for Pettifleur, and indeed, she failed. However, Pettifleur IS a nouveau riche bitch with very little in the way of class or manners. She was incredibly rude to the salesman at the menswear shop, extremely condescending to him and this isn't the first time we've seen her be awful to people working in the service industry. She's nasty and I dislike her.

I'm loving Janet this season, just as I loved her last season, as she's very ballsy with what she says and doesn't really back down. She's a great Australian sheila and they don't make 'em like her anymore. Yeah, she's a mess, but I think she's sincere with how she is: Janet is Janet, good and bad.

Chyka...she's a lot shadier than she was last year and it's interesting how Gamble doesn't see that. Obviously, Gamble is really stupid and the axe she's grinding with Janet is a joke, especially with what next week's previews indicate. Gamble is giving the "Hooker/Pole Dancer Rumours" a lot of life by whining and complaining about them so much.

Lydia brings absolutely nothing to the show. Zero. She should be fired without a moment's hesitation, nobody would notice her absence.

Jackie was wacky at the modelling agency, she should thank her angels that Ben is there to keep her ass in check.

Gina is really restrained this season and remains so. It's good that she sees that Gamble is a "fan" and not a friend because that IS the reality of the situation. Gina needs to up her a game a bit because she's basically in Lydia territory of relevance. If she's moved house, we need to see that! Right now Gina is just sitting back and it's not making her relevant.

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