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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Poorsha is also a hypocrite and I hope Kandi comes for her. The past few episodes she's been talking dirty about Kandi not being a good friend and not coming to Phaedra's side quick enough during the dinner, yet she kept her mouth quiet and not once came to Nene's defense. Arent they supposed to be good friends now?

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Nene reminded me of big bird with that ugly, yellow wig. Even her beak nose was on point.

Phaedra was really shady. There Kandi was poring her heart out visibly upset that she would go to Nene instead of coming to her with their issues. Phaedra said they squashed the beef even though Stevie Wonder could see she was lying through her teeth as evidenced by her talking head. I hope Andy shows the clips at the reunion.

Nene is so ugly. Her behavior has reached the lowest of lows. She was the one who brought Dr Jeff there and immediately attacked him when he tried to hold her accountable for her behavior. Clearly SHE is the root of their problem. Then she has the nerve to threaten his license in the previews. Ugh! She's such a walking dumpster. There is absolutely nothing to like about her. She's just vile, despicable, and nasty and this reunion better be the reunion to beat all reunions as they all read her for filth.

Was it my tv or did Dr Jeff and a few of the girls had a weird orange glow during the session.

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To be fair she does bring up a few valid points. That doesn't condone her insulting the therapist or getting up and leaving the session. I just don't think she was prepared for all the issues that they have with her to be addressed one right after another.

But in reality though she's being very childish about some of these things. She doesn't want to talk about the past because she knows in the case of Cynthia and Kandi that she really doesn't have much to stand on. So it's easier for her to trot out this bullshit "it's in the past. I've moved on. Have you?" line. Well no Nene its fine and dandy for you to move on when you're not the wronged party....

I find Kenya to be equally at fault for the state of her relationship with Nene so I don't care what she does or says at this point. However, Nene made herself look so horrible last night by arranging all of that only to stomp out. And then she couldn't even be an adult and try to get at the root cause of the issue or allow the doctor to get a handle. Hell she can't even be honest that she and Kenya were working their way TOWARDS a friend. At least admit that Miss Leakes...Jesus.

In the end tho Nene is not the root of all evil. Nor is she the reason why some of these girls have issues now or have had issues in the past and I think that was her main point which is valid. So why was she bearing the brunt of the firing squad.

If not for Ayden and Dylan and I wish nothing but bad times on Phaedra after the mess she did to Kandi. I hope Kandi sees this ish and moves on. Life is too short to have shady friends like that. Regardless of whether it was money that made Kandi stay away if Phaedra was real she would have gone straight to Kandi and handled it maturely.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Tonight was the season finale and it was good. I love how this show kept it to ten episodes and didn't drag it out forever. The US shows need to go back to the format. Twenty plus episodes are too much. Give me 15 to 18 at the most and I'm fine. But onto tonight's episode....

I love Ampika and Mark's scenes. I feel it my bones that they are going to reunite eventually. The love is still there. Someone just needs to relight the spark and I see Ampika doing it. Mark [in so many words] shared that he was all for a reunion. Ampika needs to jump on it. I would. I find Mark to be sexy for a 'seasoned' man. I would've never let him out my clutches.

I am going to truly miss Magali. Especially if the rumors are true that ITV is indecisive as to whether or not they want to green light another season. She is the voice of reason of this show, which is ironic seeing as the women hated her in the beginning.

Dawn's dinner party was hilarious and gag-worthy. For one, I was not surprised that Tanya or Leanne's man showed up. They just have no interest in this show. This would be an issue on the US shows. Also, I was not surprised that Ashley left Dawn hanging. While he may love her, I just don't get that warm and fuzzy feeling like I do with Ampika, Magali, and Lauren's men. You can sense their love for their women. I can't with Ashley. Maybe it is a European/British thing, but I don't see it.

Paul is like RHOCheshire's Peter. He is messy. He is unapologetic. He stirs the pot, and I love it. I love to watch him hand Dawn a box of nails to hang herself, but I didn't appreciate him disregarding Magali's feelings when it came to her sharing that her sister beat leukemia. But I immediately gagged when Paul stabbed Dawn in the gut by announcing she is incapable of having a baby and it being absurd. I commend Dawn's daughter for sticking up for her mom, but I agree with Lauren. A child needs to learn his/her place. She had no right interfering or even being at the party for one.

Doesn't she have stuff to do?

If I was in London in my early twenties with and dispensable amount of money, I'd be partying and shopping. Not hanging with my mom.

I gagged even more when Dawn and Lauren had their exchange. I thought they were going to get physical for a second when Dawn put her hands in Lauren's face and told her to get lost. Funny but intense. Oh and I also knew Ampika was going to ditch Dawn's party. It is apparent that she is so over Dawn. Can't blame her.

This show is fabulous. I loved it. I hope there is a season two. And there better be a reunion. Just off those ten episodes, I could get a 3 part reunion with the men being in part three. Ashley v. Paul would be epic. Make it happen, ITV!

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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Finally, Gina and Jackie are getting involved! Its good bc they both felt like non-entities

I love Chyka apologized to Gamble. It was real big of her to own up to her role and take responsibility

Janet is so messy but so far she's the star of the season as she isnt afraid to say whats on her mind and is in the middle of all the drama

Gina trying to walk in flat shoes was hilarious

I didnt even realize that Lydia wasnt in the episode till towards the end. Shows how completely irrelevant she is without Andrea

No Pettyfleur either :(

Gamble: "If you got stuff to say about me, do it behind my back bc I dont want to hear" Really? I bet if she found out they were sh-t talking her behind her back, she'd get upset

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My server blocked a certain downloading site *cough* for a while, so I couldn't watch BH or Atl.

I seriously saw my life pass before my eyes when that happened.

I think I am good now lol but I am still catching up.

I have lots of feeeeeeeelings about the last two episodes of BH. I want to feel some sympathy for Kim and her struggle, but I think the only struggle she is truly facing these days is the knowledge that where she once was able to bully and threaten the women into silence, she can no longer do. Even with Brandi as her Cujo.

Brandi is self-destructive and fucked up. She wants Lisa V's love and affection so badly that like a child she will act up if she doesn't get it. Lisa's "No, no, Brandi, that is not ok, hitting is not ok" as she put her hands on Brandi's was actually quite moving. Brandi didn't realize it but this is the moment their relationship ended. The fact that she was unable to listen to the other HW's kinder words about her (after she had been so heinous and petty with them) and their words of advice made me feel bad for her. She will forever kick the people who genuinely want to help her.

Lisa R disappointed me by backing down and the "I love yous." Eileen OTOH is a Queen and deserves respect for dealing with the whole thing with intelligence and strength.

Seeing poor Yolanda in such a bad way and trying to find resolution with the ladies made me really sad. I loved Yolanda these episodes. I really hope she finds a cure or some help with this debilitating disease. Her health is the most important thing. Her family in Holland look the real deal btw. Her strugfgle makes all the other bs look ridiculous.

I hope Kathy Hilton watches this episode and sees the way Kim has played her and Kyle against the other. I hope it opens her eyes. I respect Kathy wanting to protect Kim but to passively blame Kyle (which I think she might have done) for Kim's problems is wrong.

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Nene just bought a new house for 750k.





Congrats but I don't know why it's taken her so damn long. All the money she has accumulated from RHOA, she should've been bought a house. Manors here in Georgia aren't that f-cking much and you get about as much [for less] here than you would in LA.

That aside, I seriously think this was a stupid purchase. Brent is almost out the house and all that will be left is she and Greg. Why buy a big a$$ house with no one to occupy the rooms? I've never understood that. Much like Porsha, Mama Joyce, or Kenya [who I love] buying a house when no one stays with them. I'd go get me a nice penthouse, like Claudia, and call it a day.

I guess this will be her story for season 8. Hopefully, she'll have it furnished unlike her current house [what Kim and Sheree claimed back in s4].

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What's crazy is how long it took Nene to buy a house. Given her previously impoverished background you'd think the first thing she'd want to do is secure a future for herself. She's still got a crazy mortgage on the place which sold for 2.1 million, so the 750k was her down payment.

It's buying a property with a mortgage at this stage of the game that doesn't make sense. She should have paid cash and bought something smaller. Reality TV is so fleeting and while Nene ha she's HSN business those don't always last a long time either. Living beyond ones means is guaranteed to fail.

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