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In a way though I did feel for Kim and see her POV. Like I'd be mad too if this trick was running around in these streets claiming I feel off the wagon and had completely gone off kilter just because of one incident (the car ride) and the one pill she just happened to take. I mean lets be real. That ish happens across this country everyday. Its not legal or right but people are always loaning their friends this one or that one to help with this ailment or another.

So I did get Kim's point of view. The thing I don't get is her reaction and her attitude towards Kyle and especially Eileen. Like Eileen's done nothing to you trick. And unlike Rinna she at least is giving you enough respect to not go around town gossiping on your scraggly vioiced behind.

Yolanda is pulling out all the stops to keep David right where he is...lol. This lady.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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I happened to love watching the scavenger hunt because it's activities like those that sometimes highlight different personality traits...

Kyle: That jumpsuit was so wrong. She looked like Tracey Ullman's Hollywood spoof character Linda Granger (a washed up 70s sex symbol) from Tracey Takes On... She and Kim have the worst relationship. I'm no fan of Kyle, but she's certainly better than her sister and she certainly deserves better than what Kim can offer up. It's time she cuts ties and moves on with her life. Let Kathy Hilton clean up Kim's messes: she's rich enough to have someone shovel the sh*t on her behalf. Kyle is a big mouth and melodramatic, but she isn't mean like Kim is. Kim's just nasty.

Lisa V: Now I see why she was accused of getting butt implants, but that's all her, and she runs like a woman whose never been to a gym in her life, which, given the physical shape she's in, doesn't make sense. She was a hilariously bad scavenger hunt player and I loved how the tour bus women screamed with glee at her and Yolanda and Lisa R hopping a ride aboard. And Lisa obviously has smoked some weed back in the day - she's from London and lived through the late 70s and 80s. Of course she did!

Brandi: A quiet, easy breezy episode for Brandi. Next week looks like it'll pack more of a punch, with her spouting off on Kyle being a hypocrite.

Eileen: I loved the scene with her list making as it's reveals something more about her personality. She's frosty and in charge and Vince knows this and caters to her whims accordingly. She was the best on the scavenger hunt - that's daytime discipline for you. She's also the most athletic looking. What I really want to see is Eileen nuke Kim for all the nasty crap she's said about her this season, I hope Eileen's got it in her.

Yolanda: "It's too bad that Lisa Vanderpump and Eileen can't come, they're working, but I really wanted to share this big part of our life with them" = "I can't believe those two bitches are busy making money and aren't going to be able to take in my gloating." I've been to a David Foster Foundation dinner on Vancouver Island, they're great parties, and the charity is amazing, but it's still hilarious to hear Yolanda dedicate a toast to "my love."

Kim: Filthy addict and in denial. Acts like a total bitch when confronted and then has the balls to play the fake Gracious LA Charity Matron saying she's there to support the Fosters "first and foremost." It really must irritate Kim that she had access to immense wealth as part of the Davis family and then blew it big time and now, among all the housewives, lives in the crappiest house that she doesn't even own! And then what a piece of total sh*t when she can't wait an hour and a half for Kyle to get her bag filled with jewelry, that she's left by accident after a transatlantic flight, as if the entire cast hasn't waited days for Kim to get out of bed or wipe the meth from her nose?! This bitch is always looking to pick a fight because nobody ever fights back with the force they should. With a little luck, Lisa R is going to change all that.

Lisa R: That daughter of hers...good lord. How did she come from Lisa R and Harry Hamlin? She loved that coat and then when she knew it was Target she turned up her nose - what a snobby brat. Lisa R does confrontation so well. She killed Kim with the "The anger, I don't understand." And then she has the grace to apologize which Kim of course flipped out over like the nutjob she is. And then Lisa R is just poise and grace at the David Foster Foundation dinner and a great sport about how beautiful and terrific the event is. But she has Kim pinned down on all fours: she IS mean. And the way the upcoming dinner confrontation looks to be filmed...Lisa has not forgotten how to stage a scene out of Melrose Place, all that was missing was the mid 90s guitar riff.

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That pig Kim Richards will be the one whose fault it will be. Guaranteed. Lisa R will raise a perfectly valid point and Kim will make it about Harry. And Lisa R will not take it lying down and Kim, drunk on her own fumes, will push her one inch too far and Lisa R will go Full Melrose on her sorry ass.

I can't wait. I hope it's a bloodbath. Kim deserves to pay.

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Im SO behind on my RH but thats what weekend's are for. I did see the first 14 minutes of BH and LMAO at Lisa shading Yolanda

Yo: "I know, but you love me anyway"

Lisa: "No, I dont" laugh.png

Lisa was not feeling her event and she let that be known

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OMG. This post is, once again, as FLAWFREE as the Krupp Diamond!


Kim [!@#$%^&*] Bitchards, my god. I am so [!@#$%^&*] done with this ungrateful, sour lemon of a human being. Never have I wanted a HW so fired. She brings nothing to the table. The only time she is vaguely interesting is when she is doped up (God is gonna strike me down for saying that but it's the truth). Otherwise she is... Mean. Bitter. Entitled. Ungrateful. LAZY. Omg so lazy! She is a bully, an even bigger one than Brandi. It would serve her right if Kyle erased her from her speed-dial and carried on shopping for discounted Chanel and envying the lifestyles of Lisa V, Yolanda and others. Why Kyle is so afraid to raise her voice to her or confront her or even stand by Lisa R (when it is obvious she supports Lisa's line of questioning) is a mystery to me. But Kyle has always had people fight her battles for her, likely conditioned by years of her older sister's bullying and blow-ups.

Kim's nasty little VTs putting down Eileen -- ok, bye bitch. Eileen is stunningly beautiful, erudite, dynamic, competitive, funny, self-deprecating, a great actress and is basically winning at life (unexpected Charlie Sheen reference, but it seems appropriate). She is everything Ratchet isn't. No wonder Kim has taken against her. Anyone notice a pattern here? The way Kim starts taking against the new girl on the show in order to distract attention from her own huge issues and to help secure a place for yet another season?

And what a lazy-ass. "Blew out my knee" yeah ok Kim. rolleyes.gif Do you need some painkillers for that? Her bitching and moaning the whole way set my teeth on edge, so how Eileen didn't backslap that ho with her ring hand, I will never know.

DONE. Done with her miserable, nasty attempts to be even remotely [!@#$%^&*] relevant. The way Lisa R read her on that plane with a few simple questions was plain. Kim has big problems. She doesn't want anybody calling her out on them. Because she has probably put together a nice little system where she gets wasted on the sly, is sober for a little while, then gets high again. And her saying she doesn't need to apologize? WHEN have we EVER heard this tit apologize for anything she has ever done?! NEVER. Certainly not to Kyle who has been her sister's keeper all these years. Selfish. Lazy, delusional, entitled, SELFISH. I am done with this bitch!


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Couple more things:

Lisa Rinna is EVERYTHING. She needs to be back next season (so does Eileen). Lisa makes my heart sing. I know she didn't bring up Harry Hamlin's struggle with alcohol (Kyle did), but she went with it and went with it honestly. She owned it. She didn't pull a Kim. Bless her. She knows what she is talking about and she can spot a fake and an addict a mile away. She is always upbeat and polite and I just cannot say enough good things about this chick. And she brings it. And still has all the HWs (ex Kim) loving her for it. Even Brandi.

Brandi threw Lisa R under the bus to Kim. Another deflector of blame. I'm not even surprised anymore. I guess she will get the brunt of the blame at Reunion, which is a shame. That's probably why Kim turns against her -- to deflect from getting any blame slung her way. Birds of a feather!

I like Yolanda, even though the My Love stuff is cringeworthy and she never apologized to Lisa V. OMG Steve Tyler! cool.png I do love him.

Lisa V has lucked out with great genes but I think it is clear from her ass and hips that she doesn't exercise if she doesn't have to. She is curvy. I do love her Vanderbooty.

Anybody notice the scene in Kyle's kitchen, Kyle's hands and arms looked like those of a 50-year old male? Damn. I never realized!

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I LOVE Petti, um I mean Pettifleur. "My name is Pettifleur. Please call me Pettifleur." Okay! "I know they are thinking, what does this fabulous bitch have?" Love her lines

That limo ride with Gina and Lydia was awkward as hell. Its obvious Lydia is trying to backtrack bc her sidekick isnt around

Gamble...not feeling her. Her voice is annoying too. She comes across as a mix between Gretchen and Poorsha. "If I were gay, Id turn for her" If you were gay, you wouldnt need to turn for a woman, you idiot

Not much drama but I liked what this episode had to offer. I look forward to the season

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