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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I they're afraid that calling her out in public like that might lead to some very bad consequences for Kim....

Lisa V was perfect executing the best and most embarassing revenge ever by making Brandi sing and look so foolish. Lisa Rinna was amazing for pointing out how Kim operates. She gets others to fight each other so they can ignore her true issues. That's why she can't stand Eileen's butt. Eileen is just sitting there quietly and has already analyzed the hell out of Kim Richards and knows what's what.

Still though it was the epitome of class for Eileen to talk to Kyle on the side and express what she and Lisa Rinna were thinking/saying to one another. I mean it has to be very wierd and uncomfrotable to have to be around Kim in a state like that. ANd NO ONE is saying a single word. No one has even said straight out whether Kim evne has a damn sponser! WTF?

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Except for her ongoing menopause/old angle, Brandi was not the one who came off mean in last nights edition of RHOBH. The difference between 2 glasses of wine Brandi and no glasses of wine Brandi is the difference between Eileen's poker party and Lisa's birthday party. I can't stand 2 glasses of wine Brandi while I enjoy no glasses of wine Brandi more than most of these heffers.

Kim in her blog says she has a life coach and a sober group, etc. She basically says it's nobodies business - including Kyle and Brandi's - to know about this. I don't know if I believe her though because in last nights episode she seemed to make it clear she's not doing recovery in the normal way. She never countered anybody when they mentioned that she was not doing recovery in the normal way (the group, the sponsor). I respect not feeling you have to answer to anybody but what would be the point of not revealing these things? She says she doesn't interfere in Brandi and Kyle's arguments because it's a danger to her sobriety, uhm ISN'T letting them go at each others neck and nag to you about each other a bigger danger? She could just tell them both to STFU because they're endangering her sobriety by arguing and trying to make her choose between two people that she is very fond of.

That all aside, besides that limo episode with Lisa Rinna, Kim is acting no more unusual than normal ... since she's been sober. I don't get why it's the gospel that she's a flaming addict off the wagon because Lisa and Eileen have decided that it is. She did have a set back and she pretty much owned up to it. Did she own up to it as hard as she should have? No, at least not in front of the camera.

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I'm glad Lisa R is calling Kim out and not backing down. The last time someone (Lisa V in Paris when Kim was wackadoodledoo on the balcony) mentioned Kim slipping, it was swept under the rug. It's gotta be strange having to film with these ladies for hours & hours and there's something apparently off about the "sober" recovering addict and everyone smiles and pretends the pink elephant isn't in the room. Lisa R is a newbie who's not playing that game and isn't ashamed to say what's what.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I don't dislike the flavor Lisa Rinna is bringing to the show at all. It's conductive to drama. I don't really dislike anybody this season except for Brandi, Kyle and Lisa Vanderpump when they get a little much on their rough sides (Lisa with her high horse, Kyle with her victim card screeching, and 2-drink Brandi), which is nice.

Lisa's enforcement on the Kim issue is OTT. Sort of like the summation of Kim and Kyle's relationship is not or should not be any of Brandi's business, the summation of what Kim or Kim's friends and family are or aren't doing to Lisa's standards in recovery is not for Lisa to say or enforce. Kim freaked you out that evening SO don't hang out with her alone anymore. Lisa is as obsessed with her thoughts on Kim, right now, as Carlton was with her thoughts on Kyle last season.

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Kyle: Ahh so now we've got another peak into Kyle's psyche as she discussed being "chubby with braces, a real winner." So that's who Kyle is. She's the unloved fat kid whose stage mother from hell probably pressured her into being an achiever. Kyle doesn't understand why Ken would invite Brandi to the surprise party? C'mon Kyle, we all know that was as producer dictated as it gets. Kathy Hilton didn't seem to dismiss her as much as she usually would be.

Yolanda: "I want to Facetime with my [very seriously ill] mother in Holland...but oh forget it"...all class, that Yolanda. Did we really have to watch yet another yoga segment? As in, the very same yoga segment we saw last week, in the very same outfit as last week? And then we see her taking her vitamins, yet again. Humourless hag at Lisa's surprise party, seething that Mohammed threw Lisa a party that, deep down, Yolanda wishes was hers.

Brandi: Why is anyone surprised that this trashbag needs to be told to be on her best behaviour? Now she claims throwing wine in Eileen's face was by accident? What a liar. I will give Brandi credit for doing an incredibly spot on impersonation of Cameron Diaz singing karaoke in My Best Friend's Wedding...she really is a terrible singer and that gave everyone a good, clean, laugh...but then she was so bitter and then had to talk up "her flow"...oh lord help me that was bad. As an aside, Leeza Gibbons told Wendy Williams that when Brandi invited her to the housewarming shown earlier in the season that she hadn't expected it to be filmed and that she only stayed for 15 minutes.

Lisa Rinna: "What a waste of my talents..." Oh Lisa R, I just love you. She is so right about Kim's game of having people fight over her so they don't pay attention to what's really going on. Yes, she might be a tad strident in her attempts to intervene in Kim's pathetic mess of a life but she isn't doing it for the wrong reasons, as Eileen said, they feel a moral obligation to say something.

Lisa Vanderpump: She's right, it's better to stay out of Kim's ridiculous bullsh*t because Kim is a chronic liar and addict and she's never, ever, going to make a real change because she loves being coddled and lashes out at anyone who expects her to be an adult. I found her line reading of Vince's script hilarious. Lisa needs to appear in a Guy Ritchie movie set in London in a smart little cameo. And then for her "I could show these bimbos a thing or two, I wouldn't have an Emmy, I'd have an Oscar'...oh Lisa, never ever change. She is looking fabulous for 54 (she turns 55 this year)...and then she slays Brandi with "How did you make the cut?" Pump looked absolutely gorgeous.

Eileen: "What Kim says doesn't match up with her actions."...YES EILEEN! She makes so much damn sense. Kim can't stand that Eileen sits in quiet judgment of her as she slurs her way through LA's westside. Eileen is frosty, which is a stark comparison to Kim's over the top nonsense, but it's refreshing.

Kim: You don't have the "warm and fuzzies" for Eileen? Well that's fine because nobody has the warm and fuzzies for you Kim, you drunk, pill popping pig. Nobody knows what's going on with Kim because she hides it all. What's all this crap about "owning" being mean? So Kim says that because Brandi "owns" it so being a piece of sh*t is okay? Kim's "over it" regarding speaking to people every day so that she doesn't isolate herself? Alright, then go be a drunk and go get mauled to death by your dumb dog. The real piss off for me was when she said "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." What an ungrateful sow.

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