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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The fact Brandi says Eileen is boring doesn't say much and shouldn't really be taken seriously.

Brandi isn't married, we can't see her being a mother, and her work scenes pale in comparison.. she should never have been upgraded to a full time housewife. She's basically been a friend of a housewife, only with a diamond in her hand and a higher pay check.

Apparently, Tamra on RHOC is now a grandmother. I read an article that filming for season 10 has been boring.. and only Tamra is bringing it.. but in the sense of her day to day life. I will say her son knocking up the gun sales woman actually saved her job.

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LOL...Brandi isnt feeling the backlash she is getting this season. It must be really bad for her to talk about quitting now. I'll beleive it when I see it. If so, then BYE!

Wendy talked about Snooki wanting to be on RHoNJ. Snooki apparently things her fanbase has grown and they've moved beyond the Jersey Shore to the Housewives franchise, which is why she wants on

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Brandi wanting to quit is a negotiation tactic, IMO. This'll persuade her hardcore fans to rally for her to remain via social media and she can use that when she renegotiates her contracts for the next season. That heifer ain't going nowhere. She has no other source of income. Andy will have to boot Brandi for her to leave. That skank is going to ride this show till the wheels fall completely off.

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Between Lisa & Max and Eileen talking about losing two sisters, there were a LOT of tears on this week's episode for me. Lisa broke my heart.

I think it was sweet of Eileen to try to bring Kim & Kyle back together, and I think she had the best of intentions/motivations, but I wish she hadn't gotten herself involved with that. Because, like I feared, they soon would turn against her... and Kim did. It's just a situation she shouldn't be put in.

Yes. Yes. YES.

#FLAWLESS. :wub: :wub: :wub:

God. Thank you, DF, for this pure brilliance. DEAD at the Yolanda part.

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You and this post are the BOMB!


That part you highlighted was the mask dropping from Kyle's face. How dare Lisa intrude on her Oscar moment! However, did you see the smile she tried to hide when Lisa comforted her and hugged her close? Even amid the jealousy, Kyle desperately needs Lisa's love and approval.


I feel bad for Kyle because it must have been hell growing up with Big Kathy and an older sister who is an addict. But I feel even worse for Kyle that she cannot see how wonderful she has it. She has beautiful, healthy children, a nice home (ok, Sherman Oaks, but she still lives better than about 85% of the LA population), a seemingly caring husband, a great lifestyle. Instead, this creature is whining about how she is the star and the spotlight should be on her Mother Teresa-ing her poor, helpless sister. I can't have much sympathy for someone who feels so entitled and bitter when somebody else excels.

Lisa's reaction to that incident was perfect and is exactly as a friend should react -- recognizing that Kyle spoke in the heat of the moment, was very upset, and that it was best to let this remark go. Lisa did not take it personally, whereas Kyle's outburst was entirely personal. That says a lot about where they are in their friendship right now, which would be two different places.

Kim is a selfish, deluded, vampiric excuse for a human being. She is addicted to the attention and if staying on hard drugs is going to keep everybody's attention on her, then so be it. She is a liar, a user of people and a bully -- just look at the way she turned on well-intentioned Eileen when Eileen dared to suggest that Brandi might be enablng her. That self-righteous meth-croak "Don't attack the people I love" was hypocritical in the extreme. (And in other news, Kim's neck looks about 103 years old). Lisa R was so right in implying that both Richards sisters (not just Kim!) will target you if you dare say that Kim is still using.


In both senses of the word.

Yolanda realizing what a succubus Brandi is was an astonishing moment. And then Brandi throwing her supposed BFF under the bus in her convo with Lisa R laugh.png Bye, Kim! I can't fault anything Brandi was saying -- she is not a 'sober companion' and cannot be held responsible for Kim when Kim should be responsible for herself. Letting out the "patch" secret was one of the quiet 'omg' moments. What patch would that be, Brandi?! A methadone patch? Damn. Brandi better watch her back. Not only has she eroded any kind of fanbase or goodwill she may once have had -- to the point of being fired, I would imagine -- but she just revealed that Kim is not just an alcoholic but a hard drug addict, something she always denied but always seemed patently obvious.

I don't know how I feel about this tbh. A part of me hopes you are right, actually. I guess I want Brandi to stay on the show so she can face up to her mistakes and atone. I actually do want her to let the hatred go and become a better person. On the other hand, if she stays on the show, she will take it as a reward for all her shenanigans and will continue to be hateful and manipulative, and just go to newer and different extremes. She will never mature or evolve because she never believes she has done wrong. She always feels she is entitled to do what she does.

But she is def in Jill Zarin territory at this point. Personally, I think her position will depend on whether Lisa V will leave the show and if Lisa R signs on for another year.

Edited by Cat
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I like Claudia but over her white girl this, black girl that. She's overplaying the race issue. I wasn't feeling her when she started crying over her confrontation with Poorsha. Girl you, tried it with Poorshy. You should just pay her no mind and go about your business


LOVE Cynthia's new talking head!

Kenya's project is a mess. The main character's sister has sex with her fiancee in the first episode? Yes that is too dark for a comedy. Maybe a drama, but not a sitcom

Kandi and Todd are married less than 6 months at this point and they already got that many issues? Its not normal for newly weds to be having sex only once a week. He must be getting it from somewhere else

Phaedra held her own well. I think she would have been within her rights to call the cops. Apollo was losing there

I didnt even realize this episode had no Nene till that final segment.

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Claudia does not need to come back next season. She doesn't have anything going on besides beefing with Poorsha's dumb ass and I don't understand why she mentioned race in the first scene. Good night girl.

Team Apollo! Expose Phroggy for all his lies. He was doing the most in that last scene but it was obvious he was frustrated and pressed that he was about to go to jail. LOL at him telling the man to put his tools back and telling Phaedra to fold his clothes in the laundry like he was going away for the weekend. You are going away for a decade!

Damn no Nene. I wonder if this was the beginning of phasing her out. The episode wasn't bad without her.

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I think with Claudia's story, it is more on production's end. I feel like they have her pushing the story of being the tragic mulatto. It makes sense for them too. For one, the show needed her to phase Porsha out, Two, Demetria didn't work out. Three, Claudia needed a story. I feel like production is behind all of this. What would've been a more compelling story after the 'tragic mulatto' story, which IMO ended before they went to Puerto Rico, would've been Claudia still having a hard time adjusting to Atlanta.

Apollo had me nervous last night. Especially when he bent around that corner with that power tool. I thought he was gonna poke a hole in Phelony and let the air out of her. :lol:

Kandi is a moron. She whines about the stupidest stuff--lack of sex and wanting to have babies. How the f*ck y'all gonna be intimate and bring a baby into the world when y'all still got the albatross [aka Momma Joyce] wrapped around your neck?! That's why your man does not want to be in ATL, Kandi. Doesn't take a brain scientist to figure it out. She better put her foot down with her mom or she is going to be one lonely heifer.

I cannot wait for next week's episode where Phelony is exposed by Queen Kenya. :P

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I'm curious how did Brandi throw Kim under the bus in that last scene? Perhaps I missed it because I don't anyrhing she says seriously anymore and thus half listen to her words. But all I heard was she was concerned bout Akins drinking blah blah.

It does make it painfully obvious though why Kim and Lisa get very mad at each other in the next episode

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