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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Poorsha gets agressive and curses Kenya out for rudely interrupting her and Cynthia. Excuse me but wasnt Nene doing the same thing? Why didnt the twit go off on her master? Its obvious she's scared of Nene and has an axe to grind with Kenya. Notice how Kenya made a song about her weave earlier in the season and Poorsha went on a nasty Twitter rant. Nene shaded her weave this episode and I havent heard a peep about her going off on Nene.

IA that the hug with Poorsha was phony and I saw that as killing her with kindness as opposed to burying the hatchet. With that said, I'll disagree with you on her with Nene and Cynthia. Again, she acknowledged that their beef had nothing to do with her and she didnt want to be there, yet they BOTH wanted her there. She cant be faulted for interacting in that mess bc they dragged her into it. I do think that she didnt need to butt in, but she did make some good points and since she was requested to be there by them, she gave her input on the situation

IA. I was thinking last night, that this was the perfect time for her to exit. It seems as if her story has dried up as its come to is natural conclusion with her as a strong black woman, trying to move forward for her children. Thats a good image to leave off on but she is sticking around and is about to get dirty and ratchet

LOL...Poorshy was pressed to see Nene on civil terms with Kenya. Im glad Kenya didn play into the script she had in her head. Poorshy came for a fight but failed to readjust her attitude when it was clear thats not where things were heading. She looked like a fool

I dont want to rehash the reunion BS, so I'll just leave it as lets agree to disagree on that.

Edited by Cheap21
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LOL at dumb Yolanda...."does this mean she's moving on?" What a fool...

And Brandi's desperate attempts to reconnect with Ken are just beyond pathetic at this point. I love how Ken just pretends like he's 100 years old and can't hear a damn word she says to him....guy is just priceless.

Rinna is just WORKING this leopard dress..

And lmao Yolanda is still so bitter over PUMP...this woman has no class.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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LMFAO at Brandi. She wants so desperately to recreate the magic she had with the Todds and it's just not working. Ken loathes her and Lisa wouldn't even speak to her if not for the show. She looks so pathetic and goofy trying to win Lisa over. I cringed when she offered the olive branch and Lisa looked at her like a leper. Chile and then she offered to eat Lisa's p-ssy. #FixItJesus

Eileen and Lisa Rinna continue to be everything.

Yolanda.... Didn't you say Lisa was your Hollywood friend? Stop expecting her to be your bestie and just accept that she only tolerates you because she loves Mohammed. Bye!

Edited by Eric83
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Brandi is pure trailer trash. If I didn't like her ass before, I loathe her ass after tonight. In one breath, she begs for Lisa's friendship but in the next she is dogging her out and spewing lies to Eileen and Lips. And how awkward and thirsty was it for Brandi to offer Lisa head? Eww. Bitch, get some business 'bout yourself. That sh*t ain't cute at all. I really wanted Lisa to take that branch and choke Brandi out.

Kim and Yolanda got on my nerves too. Do these women have dementia? Selective memory? I know they old but damn. Have y'all not forgotten how y'all ganged up on this woman in Puerto Rico & the reunion?! I would not invite you to PUMP's opening or my walk of fame ceremony either.

I'm glad that Lips and Eileen were not phased by the other women trying to influence them about Lisa. Try as they will, it is apparent that they will join Lisa at the end of the day.

​And I can't--I can't with Brandi tossing drinks on Eileen next week! Eileen should've snatched that bitch up.

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I just can't with this woman. Is this her entire storyline this season? Bitching about Lisa not inviting her to this one and that one and the third one? YOU ARE NOT FRIENDS WITH LISA VANDERPUMP. Stop expecting her to invite you to meaningful events when you destroyed that bridge and any potential deeper relationship with her last year!

And God the way Lisa just dropped that bombshell regarding Brandi's "kind generous offer" was HILARIOUS. It's just so clear that Lisa has reached IDGAF stage with Yolanda and Brandi and could not care less. Things like that she would have joked along with and probably not repeated. Now the Queen is just like "f*ck it! Let all these heffas hear the trash coming out this guttersnipe's mouth".

It's just doubly sad to me considering how absolutely breath taking beautiful Brandi is. This lady has/had so much potential but the minute she opens her mouth it's just lies and nonsense and filthy language. GET SOME CLASS before it's too late.

And Eileen Davidson continues to make me fall in love with her more and more. The way she subtly brought up the past and get the girls talking about all that went down last week... Girl is PRO.

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I can't believe Eileen has been in like 3 episodes and Brandi is already throwing wine in her face. She must've known her for less than a month. I just finished re-watching season 2 and Brandi was so fierce and so fabulous that it is hard to believe she is so unlikable now. It's just insane. One thing I will say from my season 1-2 re-watch is that watching Taylor is UNBEARABLE and I'm so happy she's no longer on the show.

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Yolanda is only bothered by being dissed by Lisa V because it cost her airtime.. perhaps, if she had interesting things going on then maybe she wouldn't feel slighted and worry about airtime.

I liked that Lisa V didn't invite everyone to her star cermony and to PUmp's opening. #1, it causes more conflict for those that feel slighted by Lisa V.. #2) More organic and not as contrived.

I also think Lisa V showing up late was genius because it makes her detractors look bad for claiming she never shows up for things.. plus, she played it somewhat cool.. making Brandi look bad for practically begging for Lisa V's friendship.

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It was so obvious that Lisa wasnt going to that lame party and the only reason she attended was bc the producers made her. I wish she would have been more of a tropper though instead of coming with and maintaining that stank attitude. I do have to say at least she was keeping it real and made sure to let Brandi know that this meant nothing to her

Im glad they followed up on Brandi's ridiculous bet. Like Eileen said "Of course I was right. I was there" Why the hell would Brandi argue with her about who the woman worked with?


Brandi kissing Lisa's ass is pathetic and embarrassing. That line about eating her p-ssy was just crass and shows what gutter trash she is

Yolanda shut up about that damn star.



She's hilarious and I love her talking heads. LMAO at her and Eileen realizing why Brandi and Lisa arent friends anymore

Edited by Cheap21
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Brandi is such vile trash! She is ruining what would otherwise be a perfectly great season of Beverly Hills. I'm so over her desperate attempts to get Lisa back. I had an ex like that. He would always do the little baby voice and try and be all cute and I would just look at him and imagine punching his face in until he couldn't talk anymore... I imagine Lisa does the same thing.

Yolanda, Lisa does not like you. She's not even your Hollywood friend anymore. She rightly thinks nothing of you. Now shut the [!@#$%^&*] up and go worship your husband while he looks for wife number 5.

Eileen and Lisa Rinna are made of win! I love how open and honest they are. And watching them listen to the gaggle of hags trash Lisa all while maintaining their own separate opinions was refreshing. All the other franchises could use some new housewives like this.

Why is Kim still on this show? Anyone? Bueller?

I loved how everyone sat at that table and went along with Brandi's lies about Lisa and said absolutely nothing. So much for having Lisa's back, eh vile Kyle? And you're right Yolanda, love is a big word. One that you clearly have no understanding of. But you keep on marrying men for money so it gives you that sense of power and entitlement you so desperately seek. Because without it you're just a blink and you miss it has-been model with no real skill set of her own... otherwise known as Brandi. Keep trying to diminish Lisa's presence in the group, regardless of if she ever gives any of you lot the time of day she will always remain the Queen. Now bow down bitches!

Edited by MrPrezident
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