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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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New York was perfection. Not only did the show look beautiful, but the chemistry works among the ladies and they all brought it with the fashions. I know many hate the "pile-ups" on these shows, but the situation with Aviva is a little unique. Besides Nene, I don't think there has been a housewife that is as set in her ways. Aviva believed her hype last season and during and after filming never saw where she was in the wrong. It was so obvious at the reunion that she wanted to kill everybody, but she had to keep quiet to try and salvage her image. With the premiere it seems like she's doing the same, but again it doesn't seem genuine. It's not a surprise starting next week that she kicks off all the drama. She's clearly very angry for being "wronged" and there is no way she can hold it in. I can't wait for Carole vs Aviva. The Bravo clips look good!

Kristen was a perfect choice. She seems to be a good age, is an actual housewife and has something new to bring to the show. She seems like a less trashy Brandi Glanville, so I can see how they are friends. Sonja is the mess she always is, but her outfits were stunning so I forgive her. Speaking of stunning, Ramona DID look a million bucks. Her look was on point and I liked how subdued, but Ramona-ish she was. I know opinions are mixed, but she is truly a RH star and certainly earned the right to be the last one standing here.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE Carole and Heather's developed friendship. You can tell it's genuine and they just seem FUN together. I've always loved Carole and she didn't disappoint this week. I think she has great talking heads (as a writer I expect nothing less), her fashions are fun and I do think she's reasonable in her interactions with the other ladies. I don't see her seeing out a lot of trouble, but I look forward to seeing how she handles the conflict with Aviva.

I didn't miss The Countess, but I think that's mostly because the premiere felt very full and I know she'll appear heavily later on. After a truly terrible season of Beverly Hills I'm glad that NYC is back and seems on course to have a memorable season. I hope the ratings perk up.

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Nene is hard headed, but for Aviva it goes far beyond that. I think Aviva's biggest problem is that she wasn't being herself so now that truer parts of her personality have come out it's hard for her to maintain her previous persona with the reality of who she is.

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I read that when I found the gif! This utterly confounds me because the gif makes me laugh so hard -- but in a good way. Like, it actually makes me feel warmly towards Jill. I like Ramona but I can't fault Jill for this! I don't know why Zarin blocked the creator of a gif that people use to denote their own Are you kidding? moments.

+1 to your entire post!

I really enjoyed the episode, the lightness, the fun, especially after a toxic run of RH franchises. I had almost forgotten the LOL moments we could have watching these shows. And the patented NY background music whenever we see Ramonja pottering around Sonja's increasingly decrepit house! I swear, Sonja is turning into Little Edie Beale of Grey Gardens fame, only with toyboys and dates. Even when somebody like Sonja and Ramona are down, they push through, carry on, continue living life to the fullest. They don't get any perverse enjoyment from moping or sinking into their sadness, it seems.

Heather and Carole's friendship is made of so much WIN and it is probably my favourite thing about the show. Also, it is so nice to see two women without their faces having been pulled and injected to puffy heaven. I'm sure they have some help but their foreheads move! They have wrinkles! Both still rock their original noses.

Obviously work is being done on some, if not all, of these women, but it is good work for the most part and they retain their individuality. Ramona looks like she had an eye-lift, and that's why she is coming her bangs over them until it settles. Whatever Sonja had done is INSANELY good because she still looks like her, only better. Her body is banging. And catching the preview of LuAnn -- that woman never ages, damn. And I know he's a dog, but Mario just seems to get hotter as he ages.

Aviva's lips are definitely plumper but they can't hide the crazy! And IA with Chris that she isn't sorry at all. Making amends is part of a wider agenda for staying on the show (BTW, Sonja pointing out that Aviva's mom drank herself to an early grave after living with her father was an unexpectedly lucid moment from Sonja).

Edited by Cat
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Oh! I liked the way Ramona did not back down to Aviva's charm offensive and told her why she did not trust her in a clear, direct but calm way. I also loved the way Aviva shaded Ramona with kindness by seeing she needed advice from Ramona because Ramona was older than her. That naughty glint in her eye, lol.

The LEG!!!

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RHONY - When did Kelly Bensimon become a blonde transvestite with intellectual disabilities?


RHOA - I think Bravo has struck a gold mine with THAT crazy bitch.




Nene - girl, bye.

Sonja on the pole!

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I LOVED the NYC premiere and I am so happy these girls are back! Ratings will go up... I think this season will bring it. BH, OC, and NYC always start lower and then rise throughout the season, so I'm not too worried. Only Atlanta and Jersey seem to come out with a huge bang, so again, not too worried right now.

Even though BH was terrible this year, I did really enjoy their finale... I loved the way they transitioned into behind the scenes for the reunion... that was a good cliffhanger and aside from Miami, is the only series to show behind the scenes for a reunion like that. I enjoyed that.

Carlton was such a non-factor in the finale, and the fact she didn't go to Puerto Rico just makes her seem so irrelevant. Joyce is a non-factor too. I'm surprised they got 3 episodes worth of reunion out of this... they need to drop quite a few of the ladies and get real storylines for next year. This season had NOTHING.

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What a great premiere. I absolutely loved how Ramona dealt with Aviva's fake ass. Carole and Heather truly have a friendship and you can totally see it on camera. I like the new girl so far. I didn't think her conversation with her husband was gross or crass.

Dare I say I missed LuAnn. Love her or hater, that raspy voiced snob is part of what makes this show RHONY. Very pleased to see she's basically a cast member based on the previews.


I like Yolanda and all but she's just as phony as anyone. All of this bitching and moaning about Lisa, but at the party she greets her like they're just the bestest of friends.

I absolutely loved how cold Lisa was at the start of the party and honestly wished she had kept it up the whole time. Brandi keeps asking Lisa to tell the story knowing damn well their stories are different just so she can keep calling her a liar. But then she keeps turning around and saying she hopes they can work it out. Bitch get the !@#$%^&*] outta here.

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I will say that Lisa handled herself well given her situation... but Ken's grumpy ass acted like a pissy bitch. I sort of understood Yolanda's take on his attitude... although at the end when she told him to butt out of their 'girls conversation' - that was ridiculous because she, along with Lisa and Brandi, butted into Ken and Mauricio's conversation right before that.

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I'll wait to see the whole episode before I condemn Ramona but she's not usually one to lash out in that manner so I'm quite curious as to what caused it....

And yeah despite people's attempts to play her Ramona is and will always be HBIC of New York. Didn't even realize Luann wasn't on till 3/4ths of the way through and I'm so glad I don't have to hear that fake aristocratic voice.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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