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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Here's why I do t feel bad for Lisa, aside from all her lies cat hunch up with her and it being her own fault, she had the opportunity to discuss issues. Kyle came to her to finally a dress the pain caused by both if them and she was brushed off. Yolanda took her aside and Brandi joined them and Lisa deflected, denied and stroked off like a little girl in over her head.

Brandi came for her absolutely. Telling Kyle was effed up, but it's what people do when they feel betrayed. Brandi was feeling used and abandoned by her friend so she set out to her and did so by telling Kyle the truth about Lisa.

You can call rando trashbox and blame her want all you want for this to absolve the great poor innocent victimized Lisa, but I think that's reaching. Lisa constantly says things are over and people have moved in them brings up the past to discredit them. She deflects and talks circles whenever she's confronted. She's not a smart strong woman. She's the same piece of trash all these people who sign up for reality shows are. She's a victim playing pot stirrer just like Kyle. She's a vindictive bitch just like Brandi is. And that's whee Lisa made her mistake, she underestimated both of them. She watched r a id ruin Adrinnes life. Cheered it on more than less. Brandi used secrets adrinne told her against her and Lisa stupidly decided she'd befriend Brandi and then cut her out. So Brandi did what Brandi does.

Lisa walked away from this because she couldn't outwit them all when they had compared notes. She couldn't pit one against the other. She had no play so she bolted. It's typically what liars will do when caught. I don't think Lisa is as lose to Scheena as Brandi is thinking she is, but I don't blame Brandi for thinking that at all. When a friend pulls away from you when your having a hard time it's pause for concern. When you realize your friend is closer to someone than they led you to believe and becoming friends with someone's who's character they TRASHED it's even more cause for questions. I do believe that Lisa cared for and loved Brandi, you could feel it when she told Brandi that, and I think Brandi is coming from a place of anger and hurt and that's why Yolanda tried to get Lisa to see what was happening and deal with if, but she shifted blame, deflected and walked off instead of dealing with the issue like a real friend should.

As for the tabloids, her story changed so many times in one day it's hard to tell. Of course Brandi could be lying but I doubt it. And I doubt it because of Lisa. Because of her actions. Because of her reactions. She looked scared that the truth was coming out and hurt that Brandi would out her, not upset and angry about the accusation.

Kyle is defiantly coming off better than most. Good for her for playing the game correctly for once.

And ken? Just disgusting. He was beyind M yelling at Brandi, Boyce's husband acting a like a bitch, and Paul being all up in the drama bad. It was defending his wife. It was attacking, yelling and name calling board line shaming women who were not doing any of that to he or his wife. He's the one that started yelling and turned that ugly and him alone. I loved seeing an actual strong woman like Yolanda come back at him. I honestly would have loved Kim going back at him had it been anyone else lol.

Lisa exit? I doubt it. She is as desperate for the spotlight as the rest are.

I think there is two more episodes.

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Where are you getting this poor little Lisa crap from? No one pro-Lisa has said she's fully innocent. We acknowledge her antics, but that magazine crap had so many plot holes, it could be Swiss cheese. If Lisa would've done that, the camera would've shown that. Stevie Wonder, who did grace us this season btw, could see Brandi devised this scheme to get back at Lisa because she wants her spot. Her shine. Sadly, it ain't happening.

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I wonder why they didn't put New York in Beverly Hills slot. I wonder if that means they plan on premiering OC soon and will put that on Mondays. Then again, OC could airing on Sundays.


After how Nene made a fool of herself on Celebrity Apprentice, I'm not sure how she'll do on DWtS. I'm sure she'll make headlines, but will it be for the right reasons? It's good that she got another paycheck though! Of course we know she won't be a good dancer, so I'm wondering how she's going to react to the judges critiques. Especially Bruno. I predict she'll make another homophobic remark on live TV and being a mainstream show, she's going to get eaten alive if that happens. She doesn't take criticism well, or other people doing better than her so it's absolutely the wrong move for her.

Edited by Chris B
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I doubt they'll put OC on Sunday because that's Bravo's strongest ratings night. Only RHONJ & RHOA get Sundays. Isn't RHONJ done taping and about to come back? They usually return in May and RHOA will be done at the beginning of May. OC will probably take BH's spot. Then MIA will take NY's spot in August/Sept, and ATL & BH will resume their spots in November.

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Marlo's blog

Chinese Proverb: Beware of people throwing shade while wearing bad toupees!

Divas and Divos, Im doing my best to be the one to take the high road, but these last few weeks have been filled with lots of shade and haterade from people promoting products from Donald Trumps hair emporium! Marlo and NeNe Say what you will about me, but Im always going to be real.

Im always going to be that Woman who will come straight from the heart with no chaser and no BS. Ive never claimed to be perfect, flawless or without regrets. Who is? Definitely not the fake bleached blond with the bold ambitions! She talks about my past incarcerations, her past includes pole sliding, lap dancing, lights, cameras and action!

Which one of us is worse? Both of us have come a long way since then havent we? Good thing we took advantage of opportunities. Ill never forget where I came from. Its what keeps me grinding towards a future of bigger and better things. Thats why I became so emotional when confronting the drag queen impersonator.

When I went to speak to her I genuinely wanted to express my disappointment that I hadnt been asked to join her team with the other bridesmaids. That really hurt me. But in order to get past it, I wanted to initiate a truce.

Sometimes friends have disagreements, and then they forgive and forget. I have said many times I looked up to her like a big sister and valued our relationship, so I wanted to break the ice, kiss and make up. However, when the water was thrown at me, along with the nasty attitude, I wasnt having it!

I didnt need to kiss her a$$ because she didnt bring me up. When she met me at my boutique I was already that girl who styled her, (on a budget) for season 2. And at the time, she was on team I.O.U, NOT team Rich! I didnt become a stylist yesterday.

Ive been a fashion trendsetter since I was mini Marlo and if it wasnt for me, shed still be rocking Dots jeans with Payless boots! No disrespect to the brands or those who wear them, but neither is known for their couture lines. I put her on and stepped her fashion game up. Youre welcomed!

Why do you think she hired me to be the creative director for the wedding? Marlo orig #1 Imitation is the highest form of flattery!

What person who is really secure about who she is feels the need to dictate what others can and cant do if they are her friends? I didnt sign the friend contract that said I agreed to be anybodys possession. I guess Kenya, Kim and Sheree didnt either. If she really believed she was in the spotlight, then why worry about others trying to steal her shine!

Truly confident people never waste time or energy worrying about the next person on the come-up. The same way really rich people NEVER speak on their wealth and they definitely dont silkscreen it in rhinestones across their chest!

Thats what new money with no class does because they are faking the funk in the social circles of the well-to-do. For the record, Ms. Marlo doesnt wear knockoff designers or faux fur. In other words, I dont like fake things or fake folks!

Aint nobody got time for that! Real friends have ups and downs, but if they are real, then nothing and no one will be able to come between them. NeNe calls herself a loyal friend? I wonder if any of her other ex friends would agree with her on that.

Doubt it! Even some of the friends on Team Rich see her in a different light because now they know her loyalty was a one way street and the only person benefitting from it was her!

Donald's toupee I heard she wants nothing else to do with me, but because Im against toupee abuse, Im still willing to hook her up with Lawrence, Dawn or Kemya, three of ATLs top hairstylist so she can free that small furry animal on her head.

My people are on speed dial, just holla at ya girl! Thats what friends are for Bloop! Posted by Marlo at 08:54:09 AM

ETA: Chile Marlo wasn't lying when she said she helped Nene up her fashion game


Edited by Eric83
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JP, I never said Lisa was the poor innocent victim in all this -- Lisa as victim is not why I like her. Did she do the tabloid stunt? probably. but none us know for sure. If she did, it doesn't make her a very nice friend. But I also recall at Palm Springs Lisa going to talk to Kyle and tell her she felt bad for her. Like she finally realized how much it was hurting her and that she was sorry it got to this.

And Yes I feel sorry for her for the ambush. Same as I felt sorry for Kyle in PS. Maybe because it made me sick to the stomach to watch the relish in the VTs from the others today. And to see Lisa slowly realize exactly what was going to happen. I can't hate on her for walking away and not being able to face the take-down.

Quite honestly, all this hand wringing, anguish, shaking and clutching the breast... For what? Because Lisa is talking to Kyle in the phone? Because Lisa knew Scheana before she met Brandi? Bcause Lisa may or may not have put tabloids in Brandi's suitcase? It is all so overwrought and extra. If it hadn't been that, it would have been something else. Those women were determined to find something, anything, to bring Lisa down in the eyes of the audience. Their intentions were not as pure as they pretended -- Lisa's weren't either but if they are going to pick on one, they should own up to the other. They were so keen on making her utterly evil and look like the wronged party! They were all playing victim, and not always convincingly.

Well, they got some ammo that they cobbled together and got her. Now what? If Lisa were to admit she is this terrible person they say she is, what next? It's ironic, really, because after S2 when Kyle went after Lisa, she started boohooing about "I said I'm sorry! What more does Lisa want?!" She just couldn't comprehend that just saying sowwy (on a VT) wasn't enough to make it all go away and make her the heroine again. Brandi has been backtracking too in her statements, saying "I love Lisa really!" like that's going to make things all better. And when Lisa doesn't reciprocate, it becomes more ammo, i.e.: See how mean Lisa is? She won't forgive us! She wants to bring us down! I don't know what they expect her to do, quite frankly. She's damned if she does (Lisa is untrustworthy! She has an agenda!) and damned if she doesn't.

As for Ken, like I said before, did you expect him to sit back and let Lisa take it by herself? His first instinct was to defend his wife. He wasn't out of line in calling out Kim for not bothering to turn up to Pandora's wedding (moving, my eye!). He prob shouldn't have called Yolanda stupid, but belittling all the women? Yeah, no. Mauricio would have done the same -- in fact he has, when drunken Kim shouted at Kyle in Hawaii.

TBH I really can't defend anymore, i'm exhausted debating tabloids and Scheana and this whole show. The superficial details feel like a storm in a teacup. The fact of the matter is, the others are trying to blackball Lisa off the show. I'm sure it will boost the ratings but the whole sorry mess has tarnished the franchise for me, and I can't really cheer people like Yolanda, Brandi, Kim and Kyle smugly and self-righteously 'bring down' someone I actually once enjoyed. I don't think anybody is in the right, but certainly not those four, and if the show is going to be all "The wonderful exploits of Saint Yolanda, Tragic Kim, Plucky Heroine Kyle and Truth Cannon Brandi" from here on in, I can't buy into that. Personally speaking.

As for the rest... It's absolutely not personal, jp, just my opinion, and I'm not going to break up with you about it! lol

Ok, it's late for me and a shiteous and potentially job- destructing day awaits me tomorrow. I'm gonna try and get some sleep. xxx

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Oh poor Brandi. Lisa doesnt coddle her and is getting close to Kyle. She needs to grow up and get over herself. This drama is so petty and childish

Yolanda shading Lisa's age...oh shut up. Ken was wrong to call her stipid though. He got to turned up too fast.

As far as the tabloid stuff goes...I dont know. I dont want to beleive it but it does look suspect. I dont blame Kyle and Mauricio for how they acted. They are being lied to and manipulated and not sure what to believe. Lisa definetly didn't help her case at all.

Kim needed to STFU. She needed to stay out of it....I cant beleive she went back to the stupid teenage party. Really? Its clear why she has an ax to grind with Lisa.

I liked the stuff with Joyce an her family. i really enjoy her as a housewife. She is a genuinely good person with a kind heart.

her talking heads infuriate me to no end

DEAD. Bravo just give this bitch a peach. She cant write though. Welcomed? I notice other glaring grammatical errors. But hey, she's known for her sharp tongue, not writing skills


Nene's style in season was was so K-Mart! Marlo turned her from that to this


Edited by Cheap21
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Ew, flashback to junior high! Excellent analysis. I haven't watched BH yet but it all sounds so petty. #TeamLisa I would've rather Andy focused more on Linda Gray on last night's WWHL instead of Kyle and her wounded bird act.

NeNe on DWTS? Wow.... This could either redeem her image or be a disaster (and final nail). I'll be watching, though, at least initially.

That is too funny! If I had started watching Housewives right off the bat when it originally began airing, I don't think I'd be inspired to watch Atlanta based on this busted up group shot! Sheree and Lisa always looked well put together, I will say though.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I don't think Brandi is coming from a place of being or wanting to be BFF with Kyle. Tattling on Lisa was less about caring about Kyle, and more about Brandi being mad at Lisa for going back to Kyle (after everything said and done there) - and, in her eyes, dropping her when things got rough. She basically admitted as much in her blog.

It's a little insane that somehow all of Kyle's sins have been erased within the dream team due to the collapse of the dream team.


I read a few sentences of this paragraph and you could have been describing at least 3-4 of the women last night. Fully reading the paragraph you're obviously talking about Lisa Peron. Lisa usually is the one walking away, not the other women (sans Brandi). That wasn't an ambush simply on the fact that I felt that most of the women involved didn't really enjoy doing it. I leave Yolanda and Kim out of that selection. I can't read Yolanda - she's too cold - and Kim just really has somewhat justified issues with Lisa. Boyce was a bystander. Yolanda and Kim gave it to Ken more than Lisa. Brandi just said her part and shut-up.

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