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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I couldn't stand that bitch Christina


You know season 4 of NYC so far doesnt seem so bad in hindsight. I guess Ive seen worst since which has desensitized me to this. Things dont get bad until the last day of Morroco. Man were the brunettes awful! Kelly and LuAnn all but ganged up on Alex. Kelly flipping on her and saying she's weird is rich. LMAO at Alex storming down the stairs and LuAnn asking if a buffalo was coming. And you know what? It was Jill that set them off when she went reporting about her altercation with Ramona. The vacation was pretty much going well till that.

OMG at BoringCindy going through the photos and realizing she wasnt in any of them. Sonja: "Let's just say revenge is a dish best served cold and I enjoyed every minute of cutting her out of the pictures". DEAD! She was so irrelevant on the vacation so that was fitting. She made a big issue over hangers...really?

Something uncomfortable about watching that psychic tell Ramona that there's another woman in Mario's life and she tried to say it was probably Avery. Sonja asks her what if Mario leaves her when Avery goes to college was surely foreshadowing what was to come.

Sonja saying she keeps the tag of the clothes she buys bc she likes to remember the sale she got it from. Bitch please! I Have to say I love her friendship with Ramona. They genuinely care about each other and this seems real and not one just for tv like the other women have. Ramona throwing a surprise party for her was so sweet. Great moment

LuAnn's even Louis Vutton makes mistakes line was perfect. She was PRESSED about Alex.

Edited by Cheap21
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Even when I first watched s4 it didn't seem dark and vile at all. S3 was so much worse!

I disagree about the brunettes ganging up on Alex. First of all Alex came at Luann in a situation that had absolutely nothing to do with her like she always does. She was pressed as hell that she didn't get the reaction she wanted from Luann and honestly lax came off insane and it was amusing seeing crazy ass Kelly try to make her be rational lol. And Jill going off on Ramona was overdue IMO. She was actually pretty ok during the conversation by Jill standards until Ramona just refused to see anyone else side. Jill was hurt that Ramona would do that to her and bobby.

Cindy and Somja were amazing lol.

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Alex isn't good at articulating her point. LuAnn should have just respected her enough to sit down with her in private like she asked. She was very hostile and then got Kelly involved in it and that's why I thought they ganged up on her. It should have been one on one. They were clowning and making fun of her and being so rude and high school like in front of her face. It was mean

The Jill and Ramona thing was from like last season Ramona already explained why she made her leave the vacation; it didn't need to be rehashed. I don't know what Jill was expecting. An apology? Ramona wasn't sorry and quite frankly I don't think she was wrong in that situation. Jill shouldn't have shown up unannounced given the problems she had with Alex and a pregnant Bethanny. Jill was crying and making herself the victim when in actuality the previous year she was a bitch and deserved how the women reacted towards her. For her part, Ramona tried her best to mend fences but Jill was hard headed and not receptive of seeing past her resentment for Bethanny. Ramona was not wrong for choosing Bethanny in that moment. Wrong time, wrong place for Jill to try and make some grand gesture.

Simon is such a woman. I like Alex, but dang cant anybody tell me he wasn't desperate for an apple. The twitter drama with Kelly and Jill is so childish. How old is he? Why is he getting so involved in the female's business. If he were defending Alex it would be one thing, but he's going out of his way to antagonize and stir up drama like some catty female. You aren't a housewife. Stop trying to act like one

Ramona to LuAnn: "and I hope you can be married for 18 years as happy as me bc you know what? It must be terrible to be with a man that cheats on you left and right" Girl.....the stuff coming out her mouth knowing what we know now...she looks like a fool

Mr Vixen will come on here defending Nene to the death while the rest of cheer on Marlo and Kenya for being fabulous...lol. I haven't seen any extended material on Bravo.com so I don't have any actual predictions. I bet Nene will look bad and show her ass yet again. Seems like a common theme with her

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I don't think Ramona was wrong for having her leave but I think the way she approached it was absolutely wrong. I think while Jill was in the wrong for showing up Ramona was in the wrong for her reaction. It ended to be hashed out cuz Jill had an issue with it. I don't think expecting your friend to discuss an issue is out of the question. Ramona wouldn't really do it cuz she never can deal with issues. You can't hurt people and say I've moved on so you should to. That's not how relationships work.

Luann didn't owe Alex anything. I loved the way she handled that [!@#$%^&*]. Alex looked like a child desperate for attention IMO.

I agree about Simon lol. But I like him a lot more than Alex.

And yes Ramona looks like such a fool now lol.

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Nene showed her damn ass again more than once. She was stank ass to Peter at his birthday party. She was overly fake with Portia. She was a damn fool at the bailey bowl.

She needs a reality check. Sorry Hun but Hollywood don't want you. Your just a real housewive cast member so accept it. You ain't [!@#$%^&*]!

Kandi was spot on in her commentary.

More fat shaming from Cynthia. Shocker.

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That was the highlight. Pretty damn funny!

Phaedra was a near no-show on tonight's eppy. Porsha is still just there, watching the drama unfold around her like us, the audience.

NeNe is once again coming off quite badly and immature. Some of the dialogue during the NeNe/Marlo/Kenya debacle was telling. Marlo was basically saying she knows NeNe is pissed that the Marlo/Kenya friendship equals more airtime for Miss USA.

I would LOVE to see Miss Lawrence get down and dirty and fight Kenya's battles like Brandon. I have a feeling that would be deliciously entertaining.

NeNe throwing out more borderline-homophobic remarks. Sigh.... Although I'm fine with her accusing Peter next week of trying to be a bitch, cuz he is one.

Today was the first time watching that I realized I missed Wig. Random, I know. Another love-to-hate person. She's not needed, per se, but her personality and comments were entertaining.

I don't mean to hate on NeNe, but I had to laugh when she talked about her methods for tuning into the emotions of a role she's about to play. All of her acting roles so far have basically been herself with a different name (Rocky, Coach Roz, etc).

Kandi was all sorts of win tonight. She wasn't on as much but she brought a much needed fun energy to the Bailey Bowl.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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