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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Are you [!@#$%^&*] kidding me? [© Brandi Glanville] 10 minutes of Brandi barfing and retching in the bathroom during Kim's daughter's graduation? This is TV-worthy? BH is so damn budget this year.

I am over the bully/racist/victim thing between Brandi and Boyce. It is quite literally the only SL on the show. Brandi just cannot own up to anything, and Boyce is playing the victim card for all it is worth. She clearly learned at the feet of the Master Victim herself, Kyle.

Brandi & Boyce = a failed Gretchen & Tamra. laugh.png Too true. If only they were as interesting.

Just when I was warming to Kim beaming with pride over her daughter and joking around with her ex-husband, she goes and has to play the victim card herself with Lisa & Ken. "Lisa and Ken didn't come to my daughter's graduation party! Waaah! Just say you were busy and be done with it." Well, they did, Drunks. And they sent over a gift. No wonder Ken is so over all of these hoes. Can't believe Kim had to make a little drama-school audition tape about "Ken's tone." Sure she missed events with all the girls... but this isn't about throwing mud at Kim, y'all. This is about throwing mud at Lisa!

Lisa and Kyle eavesdropping in those gorgeous gardens reminded me of old, fun RHOBH. And I can totally believe Lisa is a 32D... because I am, too. And not to shatter the illusion but, for reasons to do with bra architechture, a 32D is a B-cup in all but name. It really is not All That. sad.pnglaugh.png

Carlton is just not fitting in, even though I quite like her. And can we stop pretending that the "nanny" is the kid's nanny? We know she is the Gebbias' dungeon dominatrix and Carlton's own, personal stress-reliever.

Edited by Cat
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I actually find Carlton very natural on camera, she's doing her own thing and she comes to the events when she wants and doesn't feel a need to be the center of attention. When she has something relevant to say she says it. IMO, I've been more interested in what she's done than what Kim as done this season. In future seasons once she gets to know the others, I could see her being useful. Joyce was saved by this feud with Brandi, otherwise she had nothing to offer. I like that Carlton also has the ability to film scenes with her family and without the other ladies. She doesn't feel as forced. Overall though, this season is a dud for Beverly Hills. The weekly functions aren't doing it for me. It feels like something is missing. I don't know if it's the strong supporting characters or the specific mix of women, but it's feeling a little like filler every week.

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating Carlton. In fact, I think on another show, she would be refreshingly honest, funny and a great archetype (even though I suspect she wasn't born with the first name Carlton!). However, I don't think she is bringing any interesting new dynamic to THIS show. BH feels very stale at the moment, and that's not Carlton's fault. But at the same time, I feel like she should be bringing something. What that 'something' is, I don't know. And that's probably because Carlton is incapable of bringing 'it' because she's just not that type of BH woman. She would be a fun "friend of" (I already like her better than Pam/Dana), but she's not a HW to me.

IA that the show feels very repetitive and full of filler. This week, we had yet another pole-dancing sequence featuring Brandi and Carlton -- didn't we have one, like, two weeks' ago? And wasn't it more fun last season when everybody went to Vegas and had a go there?

Similarly, the Richards' sisters bikini wax. I feel like this has been done before though not sure it was a bikini wax involving these two. Kim talking about her cute weiner -- I mean, it's sweet that they are getting along again, but the "let's bond like we're in High School" feels a little been there-done that-booked the reality show-participated in the scripted scene. I don't need to see Kim peek over Kyle's dress to see how her vajayjay is coming along. If this was the equivalent of Demi Moore shaving off all her hair in GI Jane, it failed.

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I like carlton a lot and I respect she's taken time to form opinions and judge everyone for herself. Sure she hated Kyle basically from the start but that was due to kyle being disrespectful to her in her home and questioning her religious beliefs upon basically first meeting. It was influenced.

It was fun to see her stand up for Brandi, someone she's become friends with, to Hoyce who she doesn't have an issue with but also sees her for what she is. A victim playing, pot stirring puppet of kyles. Ok I added the puppet of kyles but whatever.

I do think carlton would be better on OC. But I like that she's different from the women on BH. Idk. Time will tell.

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To me Carlton comes across as defensive and mostly trying to create material based on how cool she is and on how cool other people aren't if they are deemed unworthy by her. She reminds me of one of those parodies of rebellious teenagers on sitcoms. She's so busy posturing, she hasn't formed any actual relationship - the whole thing with Brandi seems forced to me.

Edited by DRW50
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Cat, you hit the nail on the head as to why BH is basic this year. There is no story. None. At all.

Hoyce thinks Brandi isn't racist but made a racist comment and is a bully. That's the story. That's it. Oh and Kim has a dog.

Everything else has just been scenes. There's no narrative. More than that there's no good dynamics.

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That crusty old bitch needs to focus on her own damn life! You cannot control your GROWN children's lives, boo! And trying to do so is a surefire way to lose YOUR relationship with them!

ETA: How funny that Kenya's Dad said she had gross ashy feet after the whole "Bye Ashy" thing last year. I was rolling. But Kenya is finally bringing it again this season and I'm losing interest in Porsha by the minute.

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I agree that Carlton doesn't quite fit on the show, which you can tell by her expressions whenever she enters a housewives events and a fight is going on LOL It seems that Carlton has only clicked with Brandi and Kim, to a lesser extent, and no one else.

Like I said before... Carlton fits on BH like Quinn fit on OC like Deshawn fit on Atlanta like Cindy fit on NY.

I always thought that Luann held out to0 long and was told when she signed on that it was possible she might have a lesser role?

Regarding Jennifer Gilbert, it was believed she would be a housewife and even filmed for several months. I think she would have fit in better had the franchise kept it's original intention of showcasing the day to day life to working New York moms. But since the franchise was evolving past that point, the producers didnt think she would fit with the petty dramas of the other women.

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Don't hate on Joyce! She's the reason why Kandi's story is popping right now and her Twitter antics are what will get people more hyped for the drama onscreen

Beverly Hills

BH was so boring this week.

Kim gets WAY too much airtime and talking heads. Figures why I found the show a bore. Why the heck is she so pressed that Lisa didn't attend a teenager's party? Seriously, she got more important things to do with her life. I was on Lisa's side. She and Ken sent a gift and acknowledged it. They didn't need to be there. It wasn't a party about Kim and its not like they are close with her daughter

What was the point of bitch Brandi talking to Joyce? I thought she was going to apologize, but of course that's not what she did. Yet again she had to throw in a racial dig this episode with her "Miss Hawaii" comment. Ugh! I cant stand her. Brandi told Joyce, she only said one racial thing about her. Not even counting the stuff she's said behind her back, she's said racial things to her face more than once. Im glad both said sorry at the end even if it did feel fake

Im with people on Carlton. She does not fit on the show and I hope she's a one season wonder

I completely forgot but someone mentioned that Brandi is acting all upset bc Joyce pointed out her drinking, yet in her debut season she called out Kim on doing crystal meth, which IMO was worse. I guess now she knows how Kim felt.

Edited by Cheap21
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