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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Poor Porsha is such a bad actress. She is trying to act strong and hurt, but all I see is stupid once again. She is very beautiful this year, however the short wig is a disaster.

Another very good episode. Every housewife seems to be on the show for a reason. Ever annoying Peter.


I love Lisa and Adrianna. I don't care who is a liar, who has a shady past and who can't defend herself. I love both of them.

Joanna is a piece of trash trying very hard. If there is a season 4 I don't want to see her again. She made a joke out of her gay husband this season and attacked harmless Lisa. I am sure there is a very good reason Marta was so distant at the wedding. She said some horrible things to Lisa and reminded of desperate Ana at last year's reunion.

Alexia and Joanna try to pretend that they really believe there is something very unethical about a married woman not working. I think they are just very jealous and with their problems at home they shouldn't be judging others so easily.

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LOL....she just had to throw shade at my girl Faye

I love Carlton's use of the word "bloody". "I don't want to eat an index" LOL. I kinda love how she curses in front of her kids. That segment was hilarious. She was also hilarious with the way she has little patience for nonsense. She was priceless at Kyle's lunch. I think I like her

Why the hell does Brandi have Joanna's name in her mouth? Seriously, she doesn't know when to shut the f--k up. She is always talking greasy about someone, spilling sh-t that doesn't concern her. What if Yolanda doesn't want her sharing details of her marriage to the world. Did she think about Yolanda's kids to talk about their father? I really cant stand her ass and its bc of her damn mouth. Bitch

Wasn't expecting to see Shana today. Is she a friend?


LMAO at the Richards sisters thinking what everyone else was with Lisa's "faint"


Joanna came across awful in terms of Lisa at the reunion. Very disappointed. Why the heck was her makeup artist acting like a bitchy queen and attacking Lisa? Get that troll out of there. Unbeleivable


Adriana is still as messy as ever. I hate her backhanded compliments and how she tries to play innocent with her digs and insults. My god thats such an evil look. She looks like one of those telenovela bitches. Anyone else notice how her hair was getting messed up as the reunion went on?

"Why would I want a man with a limp penis" OMG, Im sorry but this has been laughing my ass off. I cant believe she went there.

When Lea said she had the check and was going to pull it out, Andy goes "Oooohhh. I love evidence" laugh.png "I crazingly don't care anymore about this topic" Andy is messy...lol

Edited by Cheap21
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Carlton is an odd bird. On one hand, she curses like a sailor in front of her children. But then in social settings, she is SO frigid ice cold about etiquette and what should and shouldn't be said in social gatherings. I like her, I think she's funny. But at the same time, she's TOO prude when interacting with other people. I kept thinking she's got such a huge stick up her ass the size of a double-headed dildo!

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I hpoe they don't continue with this new theme for the reunion shows...behind the scenes. I think it's just cutting more time away from the actual show. to me, most of it was a waste of time.

I wonder why New York wasn't on this year. They decided to air another season of Beverly Hills instead. Not that i'm complaining, i love my Lisa Vandepump. I don't know if i like either of the new housewives yet. Carlton reminds me a little of Danielle Stubbs (NJ). I hope this doesn't turn into the whole cast against her like it did with Danielle.

in Miami, Lea looked so pretty in that blue sparkly dress. She always looks good at the reunions.

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Every time Porsche speaks I feel like I get dumber, and for someone like me that's a problem lol. I'm watching atl and not loving it honestly. It's ok, but nothing special.

Joanna remains the only relevant person on that basic Miami show.

I am behind on BH due to day of days but I plan on catching up tomorrow.

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This was such a dull episode, really underwhelming, nothing really happened...the highlight was seeing Shana/Taylor who I absolutely miss, I'm sure it's hard to film her since she'd have been in Colorado for most of it...but they replaced her with the likes of Joyce? Carlton has some personality and her swearing and children and house at least spice things up, Joyce adds nothing!

Brandi and her ugly rented house, Yolanda and her port removal (anyone else notice she has Farrah Fawcett's internist?), Kim and her dumb dog, Lisa and Ken walking along a street in WeHo towards a barren pit that will, one day, become their bar...so dull.

I don't know why Kyle bothers pretending she's Lisa's friend, moaning constantly about how much Lisa's hurt her and how she wants to move on when, let's face it...she clearly hates her. The way she and Kim mocked her in their screening room and how next week she brings it up in the limo? What a dumb bitch.

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I disagree about Beverly Hills and I'm glad they had a pretty good jump in the ratings after the premiere. Obviously, they have a lot to establish with two new wives and such prominent faces gone (Adrienne, Camille, Taylor, Faye). In the long run I think they picked the two right wives, I'm just waiting for relationships to develop. This episode did a lot to introduce us to Carlton, who I continue to love. Joyce took a back seat, but it's only episode two. The only one I'm having a problem with is Kim who has no storyline or anybody to film with. She can't talk to her dog all season..

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