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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Kenya disappointed me at the reunion. SMH! Porsha's speech was so cringeworthy. It went on for far too long and we know what happens later. Porsha said on WWHL she found out about the divorce on twitter while Kordell was in the next room. What a bitch!

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I missed the reunion! Pt. 2 & 3 but ya'll entertained the hell out of me here. Queen Nene got her Bridesmaids ya'll and it is two familiar faces from ATL


"I love my bridesmaids @CynthiaBailey10 @iheartMarlo @LauraMGovan @iamjennifer @dianagowins @thablondebomb @LEXISIS1 @StylesbyPat @dawnienla," NeNe gushed.

It'll be fun seeing Jenn on something and I like that she's friends with Nene and that Nene was adamant that we will most DEFINITELY be seeing Miss Marlo on her show after the teasing game Bravo kept doing this year during the season.

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The new girls opening is as annoying as she is.

Vicki that dress is awful on you. Wow. I don't believe for a moment that Alexis isn't thirsty for this party. And these two can not sell a fake friendship at all. And wow at them insisting the new basic bitch come.

I just love Heather. She has a great radio voice. I love KFI radio recently.

Alexis claiming to be bullied is so hilarious. I hate people who use the buzzword of the moment. I also can't at Alexis acting like she's never said a bad word about anyone.

Heather is such a boss. The way she told Lydia you are the company you keep and Alexis is your company so think about that. Lol.

Heather/Gretchen. My favorites.

,oh Jesus. Please. Like this new bitch didn't know Vicki scream woohoo. I can't. Stop trying so hard.

I get tamras rage honestly.

Vicki calling Gretchen stupid? This bitch. She and Alexis are so similar rn the way everything is all about them.

Nobody said Alexis is a bad person, Vicki.

Alexis is trying so hard to earn her check.

Oh my god back to Alexis being bullied. I can't.

Thank god Gretchen called ale is out on her past behavior of doing exactly what she is calling bullying. Seriously she can't deal with heather speaking truth.

Throw Trashlexis out Tamra! Bye Jesus Juggs.


Edited by JackPeyton
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Jack, IDK how you can watch the OC Housewives but I commend you. I've just grown to dislike them heffas b/c they try TOO hard. It's OK to be thirsty (a little bit) and be hilarious (i.e. Kenya), but these chicks are thirsty to the point that it's painful. I can't bear to watch a whole episode so I only do the short clips on BravoTV b/c that's all I can take. Alexis screaming "bully" is so annoying. I'm tired of the ALL the HW--heck reality TV in general using the word bully. You've signed up for this sh*t and you know that drama plays a pivotal role on these shows. Also, I feel that when you're an adult you can't be "bullied" b/c you're at the age where you should have a backbone and be capable enough to defend yourself. So over people using this word loosely.

Now onto Wendy grading the women, I feel that she gave the right grade with the exception of Kandi. That heffa should've gotten a F too b/c Kandi contributed NOTHING to this season or the reunion. Kim dragged her ass into the reading room at the reunion, educated her ass, and then tossed her out the door like she was a dog. You only see Kandi perk up when she has something to say about Nene, who unlike Kim, didn't rob yo ass of hundred of thousands of dollars.

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Really Jack? I was hoping that MIA was your new crack like mine. It's easily my fave HW series right now and IMO, the one franchise that really BROUGHT IT this past season. Lisa's 2 part party was EPIC, the reunion was GOLD, the only weakness was the season finale IMO. I CAN'T WAIT for it to come back!

Edited by juniorz1
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Heather is love. But while Alexis is definitely wearing out the B word every five seconds, I can kind of understand her hurt. Should she have come to Tamra's dinner party in a warehouse gym opening? Absolutely not. Tamra should have put her foot down and said NO from the beginning. But Tamra, Heather and Gretchen were mean-girling Alexis the entire time, rolling their eyes, not even looking at her while they were talking to her. If that's not some HS sh!t, I don't know what is.

Alexis is still hurt that Gretchen moved on from her to become BFFs with Tamra, and that's a sentiment I think many of us have experienced at one time or another. The ironic thing is that Gretch is equally as insecure about the role Vicki has in Tamra's life as her former BFF as Alexis does about Tamra and Gretchen.

I do think Heather was AWESOME in saying that people do not go on medication for Alexis's rich-girl problems.

And this was the first time that Slade did not bug me. You could see on his face the worry he had for his son, and Gretchen tearing up talking about it was genuine, too. I felt bad for him.

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Before I go into RHOC I must say, ATL's reunion was boring overall. It had some nice moments, but it couldn't touch the season one or season four reunions. Kandi and Cynthia had no storylines so they were useless, Kenya couldn't provide any good comebacks so it was easy to shut her down and even Nene didn't do enough during the season to have a big enough presence. It was decent, but I definitely don't think this season had the same quality as season four. I hope Kim returns next year and also Marlo.

As for OC, I'm watching faithfully, but I have a hard time seeing how Alexis is the devil they make her out to be. She is an idiot, but she doesn't seem mean spirited in the way that the other ladies are. I also think Heather is SO lucky she's on this show because her humorless ass would've been eaten alive on RHOBH. I hate everything about her attitude and how important she is to the storylines. Tamra and now Heather are reasons I don't enjoy this franchise as much anymore.

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