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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Shady Phae Phae at her finest. That's why I believe EVERYTHING that Angela Stanton has said. While Angela might come off as imbalanced in some interviews, I believe every word. I mean what dignified attorney would latch themselves onto a career criminal? Who. . .? Yeah, that's what I thought.

And I find it odd that people (on other sites) said that Nene only came for Phaedra b/c she had nothing better to do. Um no. . . Andy asked a question, "does anyone else think Phaedra is shady," and Nene responded to the question being asked. Phaedra answered the same question the week before when Kandi asked the other ladies if they felt Nene threw shade. Phaedra is pressed b/c Nene won't claim her a**, which she shouldn't. I KNOW OF people but that does not mean I KNOW you. If we didn't hang out, play as kids, have a serious convo about our lives then I don't KNOW you. Simple as that. Phaedra always talking about Kenya needed her for a story BUT people can same the same about her during season 4. Team Smalls needed Nene, Marlo, and Cynthia to fill up their dull a** "stories."

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Kenya's fake drama is why I didn't like this season. Kim leaving murdered this series. Without Kim and Sheree there was nothing interesting for Nene. She doesn't have an interesting bond with any of the current ladies. I wish Kim had stayed so we could've seen their reconciliation during the season, which I feel would've happened.

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Sorry but I beg to differ. Despite her fake drama, Kenya brought it this season seeing as Bravo chose not to keep Marlo, who would've kept sh*t interesting too.

Kim leaving was the best thing to happen to this series. She did nothing but hold the show hostage with her refusal to shoot with the other ladies, and I'm glad they all staged a coup against Kim resulting in her getting the boot. Kim is tired and just needs to fade into obscurity, which she is doing. Don't Be Tardy is only going to be good for probably one more season, and after that, she'll be an afterthought.

Exactly. Every woman (with the exception of Nene, who was in Hollywood) had Kenya on the tip of their tongues. Phaedra was all "buddy-buddy" with Kenya at the beginning b/c she wanted to use her as a pawn against Cynthia & Nene; however, Kenya was TOO smart and realized that going against Nene will only buy her ONE season. She smartened up and played nice with Cynthia, and in that process learned who the real fake person is. . . Phakedra. Now it's time for Porsha to open her eyes. . .

B/c like Nene said, Phaedra is not that smart. The trick might have book sense but lacks common sense.

In other new involving Queen Linnethia:


I guess with Summer being around the corner and it getting hot, thirsty b*tches are coming out left and right. Just goes to show you that family can bring you down quicker than family. And I don't see the problem with Nene referring to this trifling banshee as her half-sister. If you share one parent, guess what? You're half-sisters. This trick just wants to be in the spotlight and coattail of the Queen, but she ain't allowing it, and I don't blame her. Work hard, get rewarded well. People nowadays feel so f*ckin' obligated, like someone owes them something and they don't. UGH. mad.gif

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If only it was believable that her hate of Phaedra had to do with that and not to do with the fact that she is intimidated by the educated Phaedra (as well as the self-made Kandi) worked to attain their successful careers instead of having a precarious one that is based on being the flavor of the moment....

On another note, when is RHoNJ due to air anyway? I'm hoping that this is the season that that beaver's ass Caroline finally gets aired out as the stinky-sh!t bully that she always was, as I've never been able to stand her.

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I'm happy all of BH looks to be back. Of stale ass NJ and ATL aren't changing, BH def doesn't need to.

Yup. Without Kim and Shree this season was a bore. Kenya in entertaining in small doses. Basic girl is a ware of space. Nene is putting on a front. Cynthia tried to step up but it was too late. Kandi is boring. Phaedra is same as Kenya.
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See I don't see what else Sherman or Wiggy Ann could bring to the show. Sheree became an embarrassment by the end of s4 and that Chateau Sheree mess (along with her burning bridges on both sides), and Kim's britches have gotten too big and she thinks she's too good for RHOA. I get that there needs to be a shakeup, but I don't think that they'd bring anything else to the show except for being verbally beat down by Kenya & Nene. I'm open to Sheree returning for drama but (again) she has nothing else outside of that.

Now RHONJ, I agree that they needed changes. I think that Bravo could've kept those 5 but brought back Danielle and let one of Teresa's friends join the cast. After this season, a major shakeup needs to occur.

I'm assuming people would refer to the first two seasons as being "light and happy" when Danielle was the punching bag. It was still dark for me, but I floved me psycho Danielle. That b*tch left a stench on that show and they're still there (Kathy & Melissa--both who I like). Loved how Danielle baited Bravo, dropped the mic, and left the show still pulling strings.


Yaaasss!! The article says that Cynthia and Goddessa Marlo will be feature prominently on the show! Yes! Bravo can't cut her out if they tried b/c they'd hear from Nene. tongue.png

Act up, Marlo! Act up so you can be relevant and snag a peach!

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