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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Finally watched the reunion and I have to say, for all this talk about Paul being the victim of Lion-O's disrespect, I can't say that I feel an ounce of pity - especially after he'd called another woman a bitch (yes, it's Brandi, but he just came across as ugly). It's too soon to say if I'll want him back, but I do know that I'm glad that he's gone.

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Thanks Cheap!

I LOL'd when Joe Guidice asked Kathy why she was talking and she rolled her eyes "It's the reunion we all get to say something" um no bitch you did nothing of significance the entire year trying to hop into arguments with Teresa at the reunion hoping and wishing that Andy would ask her a question. Edited by Eric83
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Awww! Y'all are so mean to Kathy. I agree about Ritchie though - he's desparate and his comments last season were nasty. I liked him on their first season though. The kids are awesome though - I cried when they went through Victoria's struggles and childhood story.

Kathy's job is to be in Teresa's business and continue this family storyline. I doubt she went to Bravo trolling for a job (like Melissa). I'm sure Bravo wanted more from Teresa's family (since that's the theme of this series)... and they found Kathy that was close enough in location and was actually a housewife. Rosie got popular (especially with Andy), so they're keeping Kathy in. Simple. If they keep her in, she has to be involved and do something. I think it shows just how nice and wonderful Kathy really is when we see her try to create drama - bc it's a tad awkward and she's not used to really doing that stuff in the 'real life'.

Plus - I'm 100% behind her on the canoli/dessert thing. Her remark was not an attack, and I bet you anything her desserts (and her mother's desserts) are FAR superior to Teresa's.

I can't wait to catch up on my ladies this weekend! I have a reunion, a finale, and a premiere all waiting for me on my DVR! :D

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I agree! I think season 3 Kathy is more like the real kathy then what season 4 was! I bet that she and family were told to create more drama if they wanted to have jobs beyond that season.

In a way, I think Kathy and family in season 3 was a throwback to old school Real Housewives that was more a peek into families then all the toxic feuds and fights that the franchise has evolved into.

If the ratings for season 5 of New Jersey drop, then you can bet that Mr. Cohan will be rebooting the Jersey franchise.

I remember reading that Dina wanted out after season 1, not just because of Danielle and her antics.. but because she thought it would showcase more of the friendships and family. I recall the unused scene special from season 1 had a lot of Dina in it (i.e. talking about her little girl growing up and wishing she were just a little girl, Dina and family going to a fair, Dina and Theresa dress shopping, and seeing Dina at her job with the very ornate table displays that could decorate ten tables!).

I also read that when the show refused to let her out of her contract, she didn't want her daughter filmed... filming had to be adjusted so that her daughter couldn't be filmed, nor while she was on jobs.. and became very zen and 'boring' so that the show finally agreed to let her out mid-filming. If you think about it, it is very genius because she was able to wiggle out of being a housewife and still be in Andy's good graces.

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we have Melissa for that! Teresa's feud with her and Joe is more compelling than the silly stuff with Kathy. Teresa could never cross paths with her again and be fine but she can't with Joe and Melissa so the dynamics there are a lot more interesting to watch. If Kathy is there to continue family drama than she is highly redundant. She should have been dropped to friend and honestly is have preferred one of Melissa's sisters taking her spot
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Eh Kathy still did not have to pretend she has all this animosity with Teresa when they have really never had issues. If she wanted to be in the drama her best way to go should have been to be on Teresa's side and go against everyone else with her but I doubt she could handle that so she just did what everyone else was doing.

Anyway onto to relevant cast members.... Joe Gorga, Jacqueline, and Chris Laurita are being charged with assault and terroristic threats and have initial hearings set for April 18.


I will admit all of these people in NJ even my girl Tre at times act like sub-human neanderthals. They do way too much. I still can't believe they were throwing sinks.

Edited by Eric83
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Good. I'd love to see Chris and Jacqueline's dirty dealings brought to the forefront the way Teresa and Joe's have.

Throwing sinks? I mean... this cast clearly loses their mind and all sense of right and reason when the cameras are rolling. I can't imagine the cameras weren't rolling when they were all hanging together at Punta Cana when the first (okay second, if you count the Posche fashion show from season two) time a big brawl occurred. The christening was way over the top, too.

Edited by Gray Bunny
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I was watching the Atlanta season 1 reunion and my jaw dropped when Lisa, of all people, went completely off on Kim. I would almost say that was staged but it just seemed too personal and ugly to be fake. I wonder what that was about. Either way, it was very entertaining. And Lisa literally sitting on Nene to stop her from getting up - I loved it.

I like DeShawn but you could see Andy Cohen giving her so many chances to say...anything, and she barely managed a response. I wonder why they've kept Cynthia since from what people have said, Cynthia is also very quiet. Is it because of her looks or career? Of course it's not just that DeShawn is quiet - when she did speak at the reunion, she was very garbled.

All that "I thought I had cancer/I didn't but I can't talk about what I had" stuff from Kim made my head spin a little. You could tell Kim had worked hard to get some of this straight before the reunion. It was interesting to watch, especially her awareness of how admitting you screwed up/scenes looked bad will make you look better in the moments you can't explain as easily.

Does Big Papa show up in season 2 or was he always offcamera?

Edited by CarlD2
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She and DeShawn almost seemed like they were on a separate show as they weren't as integrated with the group as the trip of Nene, Kim and Sheree were. When Lisa threatened to flip Kim over the couch, she secured her spot on season 2. Andy tried to get DeShawn to badmouth the other ladies but she played very neutral and diplomatic with her answers and was then fired.

As for Cynthia, she was kept around bc of Nene. Nene was getting very polarizing by the time season 4 rolled as she wasn't friends with Phaedra, Kandi, Sheree or Kim. Cynthia served as her ally and link to the other group. I don't know how much of the current season you've watched, but Cynthia has really come into her own and has finally found her voice and isn't afraid to read someone and call out BS

Edited by Cheap21
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Thanks. I guess Nene made up with Phaedra and Kandi?

I mostly watch on Netflix as I don't have room on my DVR for marathons and some shows I prefer watching on DVD to online (if they ever stream these on Netflix I'll probably watch though). I will definitely try to check out some of the later seasons. I enjoyed this first season more than I thought I would have.

Edited by CarlD2
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Nene's not really around enough for it to matter. She and Kandi made up when they went to Anguila together. I don't recall she and Phaedra ever having any problems with each other; they were just never close. I think its easier for Nene to get along with everyone bc she's spent most of the season in LA, away from the BS and drama.

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