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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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If she was fired or quit is truly just how you see it because I think the moment she told life and style she used a surrogate after have her lawyers force bravo to edit it and nearly any mention to it out, she was done for. They were never going to invite her back after that - and she knew it. So she didn't go to the reunion and says she quit, basically just to do it before she could be humiliated further by being fired. I'd say it was mutual that she wasnt returning. It just wasnt a decided at the same time through conversations mutual decision.

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Marisa gives one final blog ... leading people to believe homegirl will not be back next season. idk why the title of this blog is cracking me up.


Kenya & Kandi say nice things about Porsha.



That's sweet she has their support.

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Reality shows don't ruin marriages. I think VH said it best. A reality show is not the place for people in sham marriages. Not her words, but the sentiment is the same. Taylor's husband didn't begin to beat her when she got on the show, he always beat her. Camille? Kelsey got her the show to distract her so he could have affairs (he said as much). Kordell? The show has opened old haunts, and Porsha didn't want to quit. Adrienne and Paul? Who believed that was a happy marriage? A acted as if Paul repulsed her. Nene and Greg didn't have a solid marriage to start and you can't blame reality when they are back together.

Can't comment on the other shows because I don't watch them.

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You better preach And! Plus, I think a ton of people can say that. But I'm sorry, is he working for one of the networks as a football analyst? My moms aid that he was when we were discussing it but I don't recall seeing him. Now I must do some research.

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I was chatting with a friend and decided that people like Gretchen, Tamra, Nene, Kim Z, Kyle, Brandi are perfect wives for this series because they know what to do. They know wha producers want what fans want and thy are able to sell it without it coming off as fake. Thoughts?

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Actually, I think Lisa is the true master at knowing what fans want. She is quite perfect. She has the glamor, but she always makes sure to point out that she has a work ethic. She has a great sense of humor. She's also very quick to point out her insecurity (not really the right word, since I think Lisa is very confident) around Camille and Brandi's physical perfection. I think she has done a very good job of putting herself as much on the side of this show's target audience as she possibly could given her own wealth and beauty. She's really the whole package, imo.

Nene is great with the humor, but she also shows vulnerability.

I guess Kim Z sort of hits the Honey Boo Boo part of the audience. Some people love trashy. I see Kim Z as very smart. I think she knew exactly how she portrayed herself. She's the anti-Lisa in many ways. She went out of her way to shove her conspicuous consumption in people's faces, but she managed to be entertaining.

Brandi, I haven't seen enough of her yet. I'm just starting season 3 of BH. I think she is so beautiful, that it's probably very difficult for large sections of the female audience to relate to her. Still, being publicly humiliated by EC makes her more sympathetic. I may envy her perfect ass, but how could I not sympathize with her when she ran into the waitress that was screwing her husband at Lisa's party? Kyle and Kim also made me feel for Brandi when they ganged up on her and made her tear up during game night. They did her a favor there, imo.

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I'm going to have to add Kenya to my list of favorites. I think she's got a really good personality. Her "fabulous" video was genius. Then you add her issues with being an unmarried woman in her 40's who wants children and her breast cancer scare, all these issues are good reality TV, imo. I'm not entirely sure how much acting Kenya is doing, but I always like watching her.

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Juliajms, have you gotten to Season 3 of Atlanta yet? I was up and randomly watched 2 episodes from that season. I really loved it. NeNe and Wig were friends, Wig saying Phaedra's baby was an alien, Cynthia's friendship contract.Sheree saying she was ready for film after having a few lines in a rundown chitlin' circuit play "The Child Support Man" :lol: It was all light hearted fun and drama. This really is my favorite season.

Edited by Eric83
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