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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Vancouver: Enjoyed the premiere. Got a bit sick of Ronnie though and Jodi who so plays it up for the camera. I hope Mary wipes the floor with them this season.

I'm really liking the new Russian Housewife. I see a lot of promise out of her. Still iffy about Robin. She seems rather fake, but I'm kinda excited about that preview of her and Ronnie going head to head. Amanda is horrible. She looks so washed up.

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I caught up with RHoV too! Ronnie is, like, the Queen of this show because all the women are vying to be her BFF. Mary-Ronnie-Jody is the triangle the producers are hoping will keep on giving. Obvs I am rooting for Mary and Ronnie to get past their differences but the previews don't leave me hopeful. I just can't deal with seeing Jody belittle Mary with her nastiness and everybody just stand there pretending they didn't hear anything. I mean Jody compared Mary to pestillence -- and this was the "nice" episode with Remington and everybody being civil for Remy and Ronnie's sake!

This show seems closer to RHoBH than any other franchise in showing all the laid-back glamour of these women's lives and interiors of their houses. Like, Ronnie's house is crazy-amazing! I love all that stuff.

Ronnie still seems a little shaken and fragile after what happened to her daughter. I just love that little girl Remy, though, who worked that party like a true hostess and welcomed all the HWs to her barbecue. OT but Ronnie's son Jhordan is gorgeous and I cannot believe she has a son that age.

Mia's nose job is well done. She looks 100 times better.

Out of the new housewives, I was surprised how much I warmed to Robin. I wasn't sure I would enjoy watching her but I did. Ioulia I knew I would like. Um, Amanda is not winning me over thus far. There is something a little "meh" and blank about her.

Edited by Cat
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I wish someone made a gif of her talking head during that scene. It spoke so much truth






They're back!





I love how the new women were all introduced by being paired with one of the older ones. My favorite interaction was Ronnie and Robin. I thought it was too much information Robin telling her about her baby that died upon their first meeting but it was touching when Ronnie shared her own story. I see them being really good friends. I didnt think Id like Robin but so far Im digging her. I will have to say though that her bangs are tragic. Girl needs to get rid of them




I thought Amanda would be my favorite but Im not feeling her. She comes across like a Paris Hilton type




No strong opinion on Ioila (I'll learn how to spellit eventually) yet. She definetly has potential

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"DID YOU SAW WE'RE NOT JEWISH!?" is still the best line.

Hello, Jhordan! I kind love him and i kinda feel like a creeper for it. Its really sad about Remington, but Ronnie just comes off unlikeable and phony even when talking about her. I think its very telling of her that she did a lot of soul searching and that lead her back to being Jodys friend...

Mia, i love her. Jody, i love and hate her. For someone who is so proud to be jewish she sure was quick to get a nose job... I love how jody is making herself into a saint for meeting this single mom starting a company for 2 minutes lol.

Ronnie always looks so cold and mean when waiting for people to meet her.Awe, Mary. I love Mary. I normally can not deal with friends who try to demand their friends not be friends with people they done get along with, but Jody is straight up evil to Mary so I do get where she is coming from. I wonder if Ronnie calle d Jody but not Mary and thats why Jody was there and Ronnie wasnt. It was and still is really shitty that Ronnie brought up Marys annuled marriage and Ronnie is right, an annulment does make it invalid so she wasnt married before. But Mary should have told her kids when she signed up for this show because she had toknow it was coming out.

Ioulia... i kinda love her already but i really dont understand paying thousands for art like that concept is so over my head but thats a poor boy problem lol.

Ronnie is the star of this franchise. no question about it. Robin? Yeah, i do not feel her at all.

Love Amanda. This bitch is laucnhing a buisness and doesnt know about her product. I wonder why she would be nervous meeting with someone like Jody.

Jesus, way to overload dying and sick kids and battling addiction. It was a bit heavyhanded IMO. That said, its hard to be social with a friend who is sober and not drinking when it was a big part of your friendship. I have a good friend right now trying to become sober and its so hard for him and I do make time to hangout with him outside of the bars but i can tell hes struggling and i wish there was more i could do.

I see what they did there, pairing up the newbies with the returnees. It felt very forced, but ill accept it and move on.

I dont believe that Ronnie and never met Jodys daughter. Not at all.

I seriously am about a good line away from stanning for Amanda.

Did we even see any hospital/ambulance works at this party?

mary singing was great. really.

OH. MY. GOD. that season trailer is fantastic. basically everyone fights with everyone...

I still miss CHRISTina.

Edited by JackPeyton
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The reason RHOV resembles RHOBH so much is because the production company behind RHOV went and studied the production model of the production company of RHOBH and went down and observed filming and editing. A very smart move on RHOV's part.

I really warmed to Robin as well, she was so lovely with Remy and seems very genuine. Love the Russian, her attitude is a scream. Amanda is melba toast and seems like such an idiotic, basic bitch, plus she lives in a very average neighbourhood for RHOV standards.

From what I understand the Ronnie/Mary relationship has deteriorated in a major way which is a shame only because Remy clearly adores her godmother and Mary and Ronnie have 18 years into their relationship.

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Ramona and Alex are walking in a fashion show together today. Hopefully we'll get some pictures. It's a shame the show won't be filming for this.

It's holding most of it's lead-in and hasn't seen a drop yet. Shah's of Sunset also is getting a reunion (two parts!) so Bravo is finally branching out and having some success with non-HWs shows.

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WOW....this show is just absolutely perfect. The right mix of drama, hilarity, fashion, and glamour!!! And i love how beautiful everything looks....from the sets to the locations. As multiple people have commented on its clear that Bravo spends a lot of money on production and that shows in just how stylistic and amazing the show looks on camera.

Where to begin with this last episode!?! I'm just amazed at how patient Lisa Vanderpump is. I mean if I had been dealing with a "friend" like Kyle for the last 3 years? Bitch please I would have dropped her to the curb a long time ago or at least have exploded on her butt. But Lisa has been more than fair and its clear that it's starting to wear on her. You could tell her heart was basically crushed when she said, "sometimes the silence from your friends hurts more than the words from your enemies."

I seriously got chills when she said that. I had to rewatch that entire dinner scene like 5 times just because of that and Camille going nuts. Speaking of Camille (who I also adore) she's really gotta make a decision. Either she's gonna be 100% fake and be nice and phony to everyone or she can be real and call it how it is. I'm tired of her trying to not offend any and everyone. Its just pathetic and makes her look weak. And her attack on Lisa was so random and borderline retarded. I mean Lisa owns 51% of SUR which is clearly CONTROLLING interest in the company. Hello there's nothing more that needs to be said.

Brandi Glanville....she's offically my GODDESS. I mean this girl can do no wrong! I love how she called out Adrienne and the Maloof's for their "ownership" of the Palms. The way Adrienne was attacking Lisa last year over Pandora's bachelorette party you'd think Adrienne and her family owned 90 if not 100% of The Palms. Instead they own a paltry 2%? How embarassing and ridiculous. I just love Brandi for exposing what a fraud Adrienne is. Because none of these other ladies (Kyle Richards especially) will do it.

Yolanda = PURRFECT! Please come back for another season. I know she's better than half the cast and so above all this petty drama but her talking heads and her decorating and her lifestyle are just incredible. What a woman to admire. Her take down of Kyle and her dismal of Cra Cra Camille was just PURE PERFECTION. "We've wasted THREE DINNERS screaming about this subject". Couldn't have said it better.

The preview for Monday is so good. I cannot wait! "Shame on me!? SHAME....ON....YOU" - Brandi to Plastique Adrienne


Watching 1st episode of Season 2 and I already miss Reiko and Christina. I honestly don't have a clue why both didn't return but I think the show will be worse off without them. Christina especially made Season 1 for me. Her digs at mentally insane Jody were classic and her humor was just on point. Plus I loved Kevin and their "drunches"...haha!

Love Mary. I'm still iffy on Ronnie...I feel like this season is gonna make me hate her since she's gonna ally with Jody based on the previews. Have yet to form an opinion on the new girls. Robin's hair though does look horrible. And it doesn't help that she's the least attractive out of the entire cast....IMO

EDIT: And hello to all the Tre fans out there! Glad to see I'm not alone! Is Teresa perfect? Nope far from it but she knows that and owns it. At least she's genuine and real which is more than I can say for Jac and Caroline. Melissa grew on me last season but I still think she's playing nice for the cameras. I love Juicy Joe and I'm not at all offended by his gay comments. I think thats just who he is and he doesn't mean any harm by them. I think he and Teresa may have issues like any other couple but at the end of the day I don't think he mistreats her and I think he adores those 4 beautiful angels that they created together...even that monster Milania Giudice!

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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