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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Teresa and Jaqui went at it, finally. And to my surprise, and delight, Jaqui did not backdown and just let it go. I saw nothing wrong with anything she brought up or asked. It must be hard to think you are someons friend only for them to talk about you and your family in the tabloids, not tell you anything of importance going on in their life, and being totally fake to you. I feel bad for her, and im glad she confronted teresa about it. teresa was redic and defensive. She cant own anything oir even see anyone elses side of anything. I was so glad when Jaqui said she needed to pull back from teresa. And enter caroline, lol, her just walking upon them was hilarious, likely set up, but yet totally belivebale without production as well. Shes still clearly hurt by what teresa has said about her and her family, and she should be. I loved how Teresa kepy denying [!@#$%^&*] we already know, some of what she herself has confirmed even, and then for her to deny having a contract and selling stories to the tabloids? please. We all know she does, and didnt she confirm this on the show? Either way, she only denied it to them and not in her confessional interview thing.

Once again, Chris is perfect. Where do I get one of those?

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Jacqueline is officially cray-cray. I mean she absolutely has such a need to insert herself in other people's business that she's spinning herself into insanity. It is driving her crazy that Teresa doesn't spill her guts to her traitorous arse and she's spinning around in her little web because she doesn't know everything so she can report back to Mama Manzo.

I mean the bizzarre shift in mood with this woman with the crying and the sneering and the taunting and laughing? Scary...

As for Caroline's entrance? That was a complete set up. She just had to drop off one of the girl's bathing suits :rolleyes: as was Jacqueline's need to mention every single legal issue on camera to force Teresa to talk about it. You could just feel the agenda in the air. Its so crystal clear what is driving Caroline and Jacqueline is her lacky. She's so jealous and rabid that its eating her up on the inside.

In the preview for next week I love the fact that Teresa sent Jac "to the left, to the left" when she tried to insert her narrative into confronting Melissa. I mean, I thought she was disassociating herself from Teresa and her family, make up your mind loony toon.

Teresa, just continue doing you and winning honey, and keep those squares out of your circle.

I swear every conversation starts and ends with Teresa. Can we get some new people with interesting and happy lives?

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I gotta DA, Eric. Im with JP....Team Jacqueline! Jaq has been a friend to Teresa and a true one at that. Teresa has been telling alot of lies and even she was tripping over them during that confrontation. She doesnt get paid for any of the interviews? She doesnt sell stories? She doesnt have a cover contract? She's already admitted to this stuff in the past. I like that Jaq didnt back down and she called Teresa out. She tried to give her an out and wanted her to be open and honest with her but Teresa kept back peddling and making excuses


The look when Caroline popped out of nowhere. She's been holding all that in for weeks and couldnt wait to explode on Teresa


Damn this man is hot as hell

I cant take anymore of Lauren and her boring weigh issues storyline

Edited by Cheap21
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I think the way Jaqui approached tre was very respectful and truthful to her great character and her views on their friendship. I see nothing wrong with her expecting teresa to be real with her, and honest with her as opposed to this everythings fine [!@#$%^&*] she tries to sell, cuz hunny we all know everything aint fine. and when teresa is profiting off selling stories/quotes about the other ladies including jaqui yes she has every right to press her about that. you dont get to put it all out there with your spin and expect nobody to question it.

really, everything that has been said negatively about teresa was proven right there and later on WWHL. She has admitted to having a contract and selling stories and giving quotes to magazines for money. She then denies it and acts like its not true? I also loved how jaqui called her out on the loyalty thing she throws around so often, i swear teresa and sonny from GH are one in the same with that [!@#$%^&*].

You know that a producer called Caroline and had her come on over to this [!@#$%^&*]. And good on them, cuz it was GLORIOUS.

I cant wait til teresa exposes herself further as the bitch she is with what she pulls re Melissa late this season. She is truly awful.

and yes, Chris is one fine man! love the new avatar!

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+2 regarding Cheap's avatar and that hot cuddly-bear of a man. He was even more fabulous in this last episode, talking about he and Jacqueline planning to buy Teresa and Joe's stuff to give back to them if ever the Giudices were forced to sell everything.

FINALLY Jacqueline's ex sees Ashlee for what she is. I love the up-front and friendly relationship Jac and Chris have with Ashlee's father -- true co-parenting in spite of the distance.

Another instance of Lauren starting a project, bitching about how much hard work it is, and then dropping it. That said, I do think that diets are destined to fail, and that Lauren's mantra of eating healthily, enjoying life a bit more and not stressing a mouthful of some good stuff once in a while is the sanest way to go.

The Teresa vs. Jac and Caroline fight... I am still processing it because the issues involved are such a hot mess. It is a family feud + Danielle + Bravo's own decision to pull the rug from under Teresa + Teresa's crazy lies and her wretched hopelessness at pretending. She believes her own hype now, her own lies, and she has this haunted look in her eye... she is literally a shadow of the woman in S1.

I do think Teresa has legitimate beef with Melissa and Kathy. Those two went to Bravo, desperate to appear on the show in exchange for selling Teresa out and being the Anti-Teresas. Bravo addressed it obliquely in Sunday's epi but that is what this is about. Having said that, it is old news now and Teresa needs to let it go. The fact is, she has no functioning alliances now that Caroline and the Manzos have effectively blackballed her. Her position on the show is akin to Danielle's in S2 and therefore precarious. Jacqueline was the one person who was actively her friend and now her refusal to even own up or admit that things are not hunky-dory has cost her that friendship. I am surprised Jac took a stand as she usually despises confrontation, but she did and she tried to do so in as calm and respectful a way as she possibly could, letting Tre explain herself and willing to hear what she had to say.

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Thanks! He truly is. I thought he looked so good looking on with his tough face on. I cant get enough of that man. Definetly favorite RH husband

I wodner how long the ladies were out there arguing? It was daytime when it started and it was pitch dark by the time Caroline came out

I can definetly see why the ladies would have issues trusting Teresa when they talk to her and invite her in on family events bc they dont know if she will take what they say and twist it around to sell as quotes to the mags. Even if it isnt Teresa that alters the quotes, she gives it to them to do so. I dont like that there's NO accountability on her apart. I wish she were blatantly honest and said yeah my family has been in financial trouble so we have to hustle and one of the ways we help keep our lives afloat is via these magazines bc they pay me. Dont take it personal, bc its buisienss and Im not trying to hurt anyone. Instead she's like everything is perfectly fine and I dont get paid at all. Really? So you sell your friends out for free? At least it would make more sense if she was getting a check rather than doing it just for the heck of it

And another lie. Teresa said she never tried to poison the women against Kathy and Melissa. Thats a straight up lie and she knows it

One thing I will agree is that this is sad. I liked their friendship and Teresa said she feels like she's going through a friendship divorce

Thats why I cant wait for Dina to pop up and if the producers were smart, they'd work overtime to get her back on full time bc Teresa needs her as an ally and Dina vs Jac & Caroline would be tv gold. For myentertainment value, I want to see it, but for the family's sake, its best they not put that on tv.
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thats why its so weird that all this was filmed last summer. Have they done nothing for season 5 yet? The girls were on the View last week and it seemed as if none are signed on yet and Teresa hasnt talked to Kathy or Melissa ince September's reunion. It seems weird that so much time will have passed between seasons especially since the current one came right after the last. Speaking of which, did you see that inreview? Teresa refused to sit out on the couch with them. She said her family has two many issues and dealing with it in front of an audience wasnt the time or place to handle it which is why she wouldnt interview with them

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That might be it. As it stands it feels like half a show. The new girls don't mesh in well with each other and LuAnn doesn't mesh with any of them. It's a mess. A brand new cast may or may not have worked and it probably would be worst than what we have
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I watched the next OC season 1 DVD (is the reunion also on DVD?). I enjoyed this more than the first episodes, as it was less about ratface Vicky smothering her children.

I have such mixed feelings about Lauri, because what I see onscreen is likeable and probably the most relateable of the group, but as the season goes along it's obvious that most of her life is not close to what is onscreen. She constantly references conflicts with her daughter which are only show in quick flashes. She talks about this friend, Steve, not a boyfriend, not at all, yet we find out that she was so blind to his drug use that she believed him over her own son. Then you have all the preparation for Hugh Hefner's party and you get the impression that she's just a whore. Not helped by that weird thing at the end which says she "dated" Slade for two weeks? I lost a lot of respect after seeing that.

Speaking of Slade, I'm actually surprised to learn he has been a constant presence on the show. He isn't exactly a great camera presence, and his passive-aggressive lispiness wears you down. I guess he likes drama so that may be why he stays. The only thing I enjoy about Slade is his ass. I was wondering if all the stuff about his not paying child support came out during the first season or only in more recent seasons? The first season tried to make him look like a great father. Jo has a lot of camera presence but sticks out like a sore thumb on this show. Too bad Bravo didn't find better use for her. Did any of you watch that show she and Slade had? Was it any good?

The only Vicki stuff I liked was when she went back home and when we saw her mother, which explained a lot about her. Vicky looked much better before all the surgeries and hair bleaching. I also can't stand watching her husband, who gives me the same bad vibe some other second husbands give. Somehow the one I feel most sorry for is her loser son, who at least just wants to have a good time.

I didn't care for Jeana at first but did grow to like her more as the episodes went along. Shane is a jerk but all I kept thinking was that he was hot. Is he really dating Sarah Winchester or was that just some PR stunt?

Seeing some of those "I love money" montages is fascinating when you realize the housing crash looming over their heads. Was Jeana the only one affected?

Edited by CarlD2
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I love Jeana, aside from BH's Lisa Vanderpump she is my favourite of the American Housewives and I think the OC has been all the poorer once Jeana left midway through Season 5, I think they know it too since they've brought her back for the finales of both seasons...Jeana's son Shane, a bit of a jerk...but also that's how a lot of 18 year old boys who play sports at that level are, one dimensional, thick and sometimes mean. That said, Shane was often good with his siblings.

Jeana wasn't the only one affected, all of them were, even Vicki, despite her protestations of how much money she makes. The reason Jeana's so associated with the housing crash is 1) she's a real estate agent and 2) she's the only one whose flat out explained how badly its affected her.

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