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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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On that I can kind of see as television production is expensive and daytime never stops. Its too bad that the funeral wasn't held later or at least a wake where the cast could attend...(I know KT mentions going so she must not have been filming that day.)

Sarah and Rusy were kind of like Billy and H.B. where a name is thrown out by one writer (this time it was Long) and another writer used them. I always thought Sarah should have been harder, tougher and trashier then how she was played.

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JWS I can see...(or as a bartender in my hometown once said..."Gay guys aint got muscles." ..uh..I guess you never saw a gay guy...) but Clarke??? I cannot see anyone who took MC for straight...(didnt she play Tina Lord on OLTL too????)

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Funny..that is what Marland called Charita..the Sada Thompson of daytime..I didn't see it Sada was sour and sexless...not that Bert was Reva..but you could see where she was a "hoot and a half" in her heyday!


I love that the GL actors stay in touch..its almost like college..they all did a few years i this place that only they shared..and they went on to other things..but they are still friends...


Oh I think a double team of Ms. Marsha with Ms. Susie Pratt..and lets see.. Peter Simon...I know she is sick but Eileen Fulton...Elizabeth Hubbard...would be Alan's hell on earth!!!

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Interesting that ED doesn't keep in touch with former castmates. She mentioned how she and Marsha were roommates in CA when she left ATWT the first time and had lost touch with her. Harley was like really? I still keep in touch with her. Same thing with Anne Sward on ATWT. Ellen doesn't know anything about her yet HBS keeps in touch with her and knew right away what she was up to.

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