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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Yes it does!!  It sounds like there was build-up to Ken shooting Ed... but it sounds like it played out in a way that didn't match with the build-up.


I know that when Ken returned in the late 90s... there was a scene where Holly went to Michelle and Jesse for help when he went missing.. and Michelle's body language was hostile to the point where Jesse asked her why she didn't want to help.. and she blurted out that Ken shot her father so why should she help find him.... and Holly felt bad about that happening.


I always thought Ken's return in the late 90s was wasted.. he provided good support when Holly was losing it.. but I always felt it would have been better had Ed been on the canvas to deal with what happened in the mid 70s.


If that's all Leslie was doing in those last months, it's no wonder why Lynne Adams quit.



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 There's something so alienating about what GL was by this point. It's very slick, but too slick, made worse by the perpetually unlikeable and smarmy characters on display. I can see why I was struggling to keep going with the show by this time.

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Sorry I missed your question earlier. The woman in the hospital bed (with Ed) is Janet (Mason) Norris.


I definitely agree. Even if it was Peter Simon in the role, the fact that Ed wasn't there was a missed opportunity. Even after 25 years (well, 30 soap time), Ed would be reminded of the man and the incident that made him unable to perform surgery. Ken, even after years of treatment, could still have resentment towards Ed for "stealing" Janet away from him. To help give Ken some added momentum, they could have cast Ken and Janet's daughter, Emily, who comes to Springfield to try to start or repair a relationship with her father.

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I do think not bringing on Emily was a missed opportunity considering her aunt and cousin were still pretty active and front burning on the show at that time.  Since she wasn't raised with the Norris clan, I could have seen her being the black sheep (i.e. the only normal, sane member of the family).

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Caroline McWilliams appeared in the episode concerning Papa Bauer's funeral, and I swear, with her outfit and hair, it was as if she was channeling the spirit of first-season Mary Richards.

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Does anyone remember the confrontation between Nadine and Vanessa after the truth came out about Nadine taking Bridget's baby? 

It was one of my earliest memories of GL, and I wish I could find it online. Such gripping scenes between MK and JC. Seeing how Nadine and Vanessa butted heads, I can't help but to think that Nadine was a substitute for Nola. I can't, however, say that I'm that mad about it, Jean Carol was phenomenal as was Nadine. 

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Yeah, I think it was a mistake killing Nadine off. I never understood that decision. Just like I didn't understand the need to kill off Maureen either. At least Vanessa was on until the very end. To answer your question, I haven't seen any clips of that confrontation about Bridget's baby. Though I do remember watching it live. What month and year was that?

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I understand killing Nadine from a story perspective.  She had an almost perfect arc as a character.  She was introduced as very unlikable, then she did a really bad thing and then, she got a redemption through her reconnecting with Buzz which set her up as a martyr when she was killed.  Considering that she was always a supporting character it is remarkable that she got a full redemption, that is rare for female characters in general and seems like a herculean writer's task for a character who conspired to keep a baby from his mother and was giving gold-digger advice to her daughter.


On the other hand, Peter(was that the baby's name?) was a great candidate for SORASing.

Edited by j swift
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Yes, his name was Peter. I think he ended up living with Bridget and Dylan in Minnesota.



I agree. She and her son were lost in the shuffle with all the changes in producers and headwriters. Peter should have shown up in Vanessa's life again. Didn't Vanessa adopt him for awhile or look after him? This plot involved all three of them, Bridget/Nadine/Vanessa. Plus Peter was Roger's grandson (he was Hart's son). So Peter would have been the half-brother of R.J., Cassie's boy. R.J. was another kid who was not aged and seldom appeared on camera after he was born. Cassie's focus was on her other children, Tammy and Will.

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I'd always wanted to see the original Holly in action on the show (but sadly, it appears that her stint was not preserved whatsoever).  My mom, when alive, was hoping some of her stint had been saved and would be put on the DVD's.. but alas no.   I guess this old episode of the Match Game from 1976 is the best thing out there for her.  


I can see why she played her for several years.. she has a presence that is both likable and fascinating.  I couldn't see her playing the Holly that was written in the late 70s... but the Holly of the late 80s/early 90s.. for sure.  


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