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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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This is my inner WoST coming out but is it just me or is the theme slightly different. I swear in later versions (not the remix) there is more instruments after the first section. I never heard this version.

Also its a nice touch that Roger is smiling. Though I love the picture of him looking towards the camera that I can still picture to this day.

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This question has been bugging me for years about Beth and Lorelai. I tried asking it on SoapCity but the people on that board listened to the the Lord and Master and not continuity...I hated that board. Sorry for venting:

I swore that the time between Beth drowning and Lorelai writing the diary and arriving in Springfield was a big time confusion. Wasn't it only a few weeks between Beth's drowning and Lorelai's appearance in Springfield. If that were the case, how could Lorelai write a journal that was supposedly months between the drowning when it was only a few weeks? Am I missing something or was the diary Beth's inner Lorelai coming out because of the abuse (which if I remember correctly, the writers for the show at that time weren't smart enough to possibly pull off.) BTW: Who WAS writing the show at that time? Was it pre-Conboy/Weston era?

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You bring up very good points, I really couldn't answer your question about the actual time span of the storyline, though you do raise a good point about it. Only thing I remember about that story and its plotting, is how Beth allegedly drowned around May/June, and I tuned out for a few months after that. When autumn arrived, and I tuned in, Beth was back but as Lorelei.

The story was written by Lloyd Gold I believe. I'm a little unsure if Millee Taggart was his Co-HW at the time or not, but Taggart did pen much of the aftermath of the Lorelei storyline, such as Olivia's involvement in publishing Beth's diary.

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I think I know what you're talking about. I didn't really start watching GL until about '93 I guess, I know Marj was already playing Alex by that time. But you hear that cymbal crash/crescendo at 1:20? I think that came in sooner in later versions of the closing theme.

I miss WoST, good times.

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Yea no, I remember watching pretty much every day from about 1993 on and the theme IS a bit different in the second section. More strings etc. May have been the quality of the recording that caused some of that to be subdued, but you're absolutely right. There is a marked difference.

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Beth/Lorelei was one of Lloyd Gold's first stories. I'm not sure if it was right away or sometime in, but Christopher Dunn was his co headwriter before Taggart came in. I remember SOD saying she was brought in to help focus the writing, before she became co headwriter. The diary did come up under Taggart, and because Beth was only gone for a few weeks before Lorelei showed up, either it wasn't in Gold's original story plans, or we were supposed to suspend disbelief regarding time frame.

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I miss earlier WoST. It got crazier and crazier as the years went on. And so did its webmaster.

Anyway, Carl thanks for posting this as well as the long Jelinda's theme in the ATWT thread. "Hold on to Love" and "Jelinda's Theme" are the most breathtaking soap themes IMO.

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Damn the Bauer living room and the Spaulding dining room looked great! Did they always look that good or is Peapack making everything look better? Loved the show during the Rauch/Taggert preWestonConboy era. Loved JoanAlex (and her fake concern for Olivia...good to know RR was still a terrible actor and always looked like he had gas when he was being mean) and hmmmm Phillip and Olivia, hot! Actually liked Matt Bomer in the clip, cute and kind of sexy (never liked him at the time) and of course, loved tough Marina (shades of Nola..saying the wrong thing at the wrong time) funny she would soon become simpering annoying Bruno Marina.

Was that MADD we see in the closing (and Harley 's ugly ass coat she wore for years!)

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