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Paul Raven

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I'm making my way through October 1984 having tried several times without much luck. I've always found the episodes too dark. I still find things rather bleak, but I can appreciate the dialogue and the general sense of character more. People have much richer lives. Jo is still involved in city council and attending college courses even if it isn't driving story. Adair worries about passing her Italian class. Wendy is working at the station but also seems to be dabblin with modeling and Brett Hamilton. 

Production wise, I like the look of the show. The darker color palate works in context of the time period. I always really enjoy how detailed that Sentell set is. I always am wondering whether the Kendalls have a similar setting. I've seen Chase in a bedroom, but I may not have figured out if it was a hotel room or in a Kendall house. Given the time period, I don't mind "Knights of the Turntable." The concept is silly: two well off fraternal twins launch a music program at some small local TV station where everyone under 21 seems to be really into Mel Tillis. I like the look. I'm also surprised by the amount of location shooting (the fishing trip, Adair/Chase's golf date). I was surprised to see people outside the studio for something that wasn't that remarkable. 

Ultimately though, being unremarkable, is what I'm noticing in terms of most of the story. While nothing is bad, nothing is long term. I really enjoy Alec Kendall's death, the fighting that results between Chase and Lloyd, and Chase and Adair's romance. I enjoy Kevin Conroy's angsty performance as Chase while he loves Adair, but feels guilty because she is his brother's girl. Page Hannah is a true ingenue, but she struggled with some of the more dramatic material. The problem is any momentum this story gains is immediately going to be hurt by the casting merry-go-round involving all three actors. I also have a soft spot for "We Can't Be Wrong."

I think having a Liza operating a company called TI with a ward named TR is a bit silly. Mathis and Patton have good chemistry as Liza and Kentucky, but I find a lot of the overall story bizarre. Is Cord sabotaging the company because he was deprived of his birthright or simply trying to discredit Liza so that he can take over? Martin Vidonic is intense in his performance, but I think a more charismatic actor would have given Cord more legs to stand on. I'm not a fan of the deranged war veteran trope so the climax to the story is a bit too much for me. I do appreciate that it is Liza who talked Cord down. I just don't see where any of this is going. I wish the climax had involved Cord kidnapping TR and the kidnapping bringing all sort of emotions regarding the Rebecca kidnapping which may have brought out more information to forefront for the adoption storyline. I wonder if Franz and Glynn had always planned such a short arc with Cord or just decide to wrap things up. I know Victoria was Hogan's ex so I imagine she was an intended Hogan / Sunny spoiler, but she really just sort of floats around in story limbo. 

Warren Carter faking his death and blackmailing Brett Hamilton about his pornographic past is something I feel Ralph Ellis and Eugenis Hunt would have done. There is definitely shades of Warren / Ringo in the Warren / Brett relationship. Corbett just has sexual chemistry with everyone so I'm never sure if he wants to have Brett over a barrell metaphorically or literally. Brett Porter isn't bad, but I find the character underwhelming. I'm not the biggest Cagney / Suzi fan, but I'm appreciating Teri Eoff more and more as time goes on. Similarly, I don't like Cagney / Justine, but Leslie Stevens has grown on me. I wish they had kept her in Chase's orbit longer. I wonder if Stevens would have worked better as Adair. 

The Stu / Jo / murder hotel stuff has started. I'm glad they have something to do, but this isn't my favorite material. 

Overall, I think my problem is the show feels to small, but too big at the same time. There are a lot of characters, but none of the stories feel big. Franz and Glynn stylistically are very differnet from Tomlin and Lee's era, who seemed to strike a better balance between NBC and P&G. I do like what comes later at the tailend of Glynn/Franz and during Glynn's solo run. 

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@dc11786 That's a spot on assessment of SFT. Nothing had any long-term impact. Even Warren's reign of terror. Once Warren dies he was quickly forgotten. Chase and Alec had more chemistry with each other. Then they did with either Adair. Also both looked 30. When they were supposed to be in their early 20's. Lesile Stevens could've worked as Adair. Justine and Chase had chemistry. Brett always gave me repressed gay man vibes. As you know Jo gets the idea for the NYE/fundraiser/gala from  the couple planning the ''murder''. Kentucky and Liza had awesome chemistry. Still with it's flaws. I found SFT more enjoyable than Ryan's Hope and Capitol. From that era.

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There are elements of Warren's plot that I had completely forgotten. In my previous watches, I don't think I ever picked up on the thread where Warren set up Brian Emerson on drug charges in D.C. Granted, this all happens off screen with Sunny learning about it over the news wire and Stephanie rushing off to D.C. to help Brian. I wonder if the show was planning on bringing back Brian or if it was just a way to flesh out the story. The finale is weeks away in the material I'm watching (I'm approaching mid-November 1984), but I thought the idea of Suzi killing Warren had the potential for longterm ramifications (Jonah eventually learning Suzi's role in his father's death), but the immediate fallout (like most of this time period) wraps up quickly. 

In the episodes I'm watching, Warren is continuing to target people, but his main concern is Jonah. There is almost no mention of his loyal wife, Wendy. It's interesting to me that Warren always has a sidekick, but also has vastly different those two were. Ringo was loyal and truly friends with Warren. They had a history together that bonded them as well as genuine affection (at least on Ringo's part). Brett is being blackmailed. The power dynamic is completely different. It definitely can be read as sexual even if it wasn't intended. Warren has always coveted the background and lifestyle that Brett comes from. I would be interested in seeing if Franz and Glynn delve into the pornographic film backstory. I don't really understand why Brett got involvied in a starring role, but I'm not surprised Warren discovered it or that he had used it to get the upper hand with Brett. 

Chase / Alec definitely have chemistry. I imagine that the Alec / Chase / Adair story was inspired by Arthur / Lancelot / Guinevere with the whole show "Knights of the Turntable," Alec's song "Your Shining Knight," and Alec's whole quest for adventure leading to his presumed death. I'm really excited by the point that Alec returns from the dead while Chase is singing a love song to Adair that Alec has written. It's just really messy in the best way possible. The plot mechanics of Alec's return are sloppy. Alec cannot manage to find a phone, but arrives at the studio looking no different than he did when he left Henderson. Robert Curtis Brown could have at the very least grown a little stubble. It's humorous when Lloyd says that Alec looks so different. I can't tell if this was a failure on production to make Alec look worse for the wear or if they had considered recasting Alec during his death. 

This episode features the return:

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 The homoeroticism of the Kendall twins is definitely on display. The writers' choice to focus on Alec's feelings about seeing Chase again over seeing Adair was a bizarre choice given the storyline's direction (within episodes Alec intends to propose to Adair). It is Chase who never gave up on Alec and it was Chase who was concerned about Alec's feelings rather than Adair. I would even add the choice to have Justine dance to "The Best of Times" from "La Cage aux Folles" would lead one to think that way. On a sidenote, I miss the days of New York soaps that would make theatre references. Anyway, the look in Alec's eyes for Chase seems more intense than most looks he shares with Adair. There is a later scene where Alec and Chase are talking privately and Alec informs his brother that he is going to take a shower and I half expected Alec to ask Chase if he wanted to join him. Soaps use to be able to do things without being completely campy. 

@victoria foxton Your point regarding Brett's sexuality reminded me of a little tidbit I came across recently. I mostly know Brett Porter from his appearance on "The Golden Girls" with Tom Villard. Villard had been partners at one point Wayne Hudgins (Beau Spencer, ATWT). I was saddened, but not surprised, to realize that both Villard and Hudgins had died quite young of AIDS. Bringing it back to "Search," I believe the actress who played Cyndy the PA at Channel 6 also died from the disease. 

I don't care for the Murder with Merriment stuff. I enjoyed it more than I have this viewing than I have in the past, but I wish the lighter material was truly light. I'd prefer more merriment and less murder.

Do Victoria or Cord appear after the showdown at the hanger? Does the prototype get completed? All this stuff just seems dropped immediately. I know the show had problems locking down Will Patton, but Kentucky just drops off. With that said, Sherry Mathis' subsequent story seems to be an (aborted?) attempt at a triangle between Stephanie, Lloyd, and Liza. It would have been more interesting with Maree Cheatham, but I do think if the dressed Shaffer less matronly it would have worked. 

The show is definitely delivering a sweeps. Alec's back from the dead. Warren's return stint is kicking into gear as he is making moves to secure his future with Jonah and possibly Wendy. You have guest stars (Mel Tillis, Rowdy Gaines) even though I question who they are expecting to turn in for these two. A large party with a bunch of different cast members to celebrate Alec's return. 

The Alec / Chase / Adair stuff remains strong and moves briskly, possibly too briskly. Alec's decision to enter medical school is great, but planning on proposing to Adair seems rather sudden. At least Chase treats it as a sudden move. The sequence with Chase telling Adair that he had slept with her, but didn't love her, while Wendy was listening was great. Lisa Peluso is definitely underutilized at this point, but I know she was pretty busy earlier in the year with all the Warren / Suzi drama.

I know its sacrilegious, but I'm not the biggest Cagney and Suzi fan. I like the actors, but I find the pairing forced at points. Leslie Stevens would be better utilized in other stories. I enjoy her more as Adair's pal or a thorn in the side of mother-daughter duo Stephanie and Wendy as Stephanie's secretary and Wendy's roommate. Justine, in some ways, is a replacement for Rhonda Sue Huckaby in terms of being a comic foil for Stephanie and a sort of tagalong in the younger set. 

I'm looking forward to seeing how Liza's party progresses.

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It seems like SFT saw Warren/Michael Corbett as their answer to GL's Roger Thorpe/Michael Zaslow, right down to the two men's single-minded obsession with abducting their own children (Jonah and Christina/Blake, respectively) from their suffering mothers.

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