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Search For Tomorrow Discussion Thread

Paul Raven

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It's very interesting, but I have to wonder how well the wild step of moving everyone in town into the same apartment complex went over with fans and the cast (outside of their press clippings). I mean, was the rest of the town a desolate, bombed-out wasteland after the flood? No one can live anywhere else? Are there roving gangs of cannibals on the streets? What is the infrastructure?

Edited by Vee
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As others pointed out, that was indeed Meg Myles as Mavis Stone. Meg also played Sid Brennan on The Edge of Night in the early 1980s.

I think the McCleary brothers became prominent in the titles because they became the focus of the show. Granted, there was less McCleary here, but there was another episode -- post-flood -- that was only the three brothers as they went back to their childhood home to see what they could salvage. And the only McCleary missing in this episode was Hogan. Adair and Kate were already gone and the recast Kate and Malcolm/Matt did't arrive until around September.

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Someone I am subscribed to on YT posted this lovely little treasure this morning:

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ETA: I didn't know Will Patton was on SFT! He's sexy then as he is now! What's the story with Kentucky Bluebird and Liza if anyone remembers?

Who are these red-headed girls? The one with Chase and the one slumming on Wendy's couch? What's the story with them?

And Queen Sherry.... I've fallen in love with this women. She gives me 80s soap diva--melodramatic but endearing at the same time. She gives me 'old Hollywood.' From her looks, to her acting. I enjoy it. I also didn't know John Aniston was still on the show at this time from what I've read. I thought he was already gone by then and moved onto DAYS. I wonder why NBC didn't try and snag more Search actors after it's demise. They seemed to have a solid cast from what little I've seen.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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That ep demonstrated what was wrong with Search at the time - apart from Liza,Sunny Wendy and Martin,everyone else was knew= part of the revolving door of characters that came and went in the 80's.

Will Patton was recurring and when he wouldn't commit,Kentucky was dropped.

Of course, the yearly producer and writer changes didn't help.

The thing is despite all the changes SFT had a viable core

Best friends Jo and Stu as matriach/patriach.

Jo's daughter Patti and her two kids Tracey and Chris.Her ward Bruce and his daughter Tori.

Stu's daughter Janet ,son Tom and grandkids Liza,Gary and Danny.

Build the show around these characters.

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Redhead with Chase: Adair McCleary, played by Page Hannah and later played by Susan Carey Lamm. Adair was in a love triangle with Chase and Alec Kendall.

Redhead on couch: Justine Calvert, played by Leslie Stevens who was on Y&R last year. Justine was a foil for Cagney and Suzie and was almost murdered around New Year's Eve 1984/1985.

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And Kevin was the first Jerry Grove on AW (he did a very good job...quite a hot, hot man too at that point).

I like the little I've seen of Julie on Search. Who was she on Y&R?

Frenchfan has some summaries of soaps around this time period.



Edited by DRW50
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Your right abbout Kevin Conroy as Jerry on AW. I have seen some of his episodes on youtube.

I didn't watch Search when it was on and it was cancelled when I was in grade school. I have fallen in love with this show and Sherry Mathis as Liza. I eat up every episode and wish some network would rerun it, even if it's just late 70's and 80's episodes.

Thanks for posting this and hope to see more.

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