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Y&R: Episodes Discussion for the week June 22

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I actually think (more so hope) that the show is setting up the Mac/Billy relationship to fail with the constant mentions of how Mac wants to change him and that they are only living in a fantasy so once they get together they'll realize they ruined two perfectly good relationships with people who love their current selves for absolutely nothing.

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I agree. I do think they're going to have to repair Billy if they want Billy/Chloe to work, because Billy is so pathetic and selfish now, they can't just have him decide to lower himself to be with Chloe because Mac is a fantasy. Chloe is not a great person either but at the moment I think she's too good for him. Billy doing his puppy dog face and kissing up to Chloe shouldn't be enough for her.

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*sigh* So much for the potpourri thread.

How do you know, Alvin? How do you know that she's not watching on the air right now (which was written in, like, March) and thinking "Wow, this didn't come out at all like I thought it would. We need to make some changes in the stuff we're writing now for August. We screwed up."

How do you know she doesn't hate Nelson Branco's guts, and doesn't believe a word he says?

Or maybe none of that is happening. But you throw around phrases like "delusionly thinking this farce of a show is perfectly well". How do you know that? Do you have proof she's sitting back in her desk and thinking "I'm brilliant and I don't care what anybody on the Internet says, because I know this is genius, and the show has never been better!" Sure, she may say it in interviews - but when was the last time you heard the EP/HW of ANY soap opera admit "Yeah, that was a really bad year I wrote/produced". They may say it in the privacy of their offices and to their co-workers, but they'd never admit that to the public.

I know I'm probably just beating my head against a wall, but some of these posts are just baffling to me.

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How can it be an accident? Mr. "I have a Harvard degree" confronted Ashley on the stairs in the dark dressed up as Sabrina. What did he expect would happen to Ashley? She is on the stairs. He knows she will be shocked and scared so of course there would be a good chance she would fall down the stairs and lose her baby. You scare anyone on the stairs, you know they have a chance of falling. I don't buy this late addition of Adam talking to Hope's picture to rationalize he did not want to hurt Ashley. And even after he caused her miscarriage, he is still tormenting her and allowing her to receive checkups from a sexual molester and we all know that OB/GYN's don't just listen to the heartbeat of the child while the mother is completely dressed. This story is sick anyway you look at it. It may have been interesting in the beginning but they have crossed the line.

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I agree, but I don't think she needs Billy to be the perfect, wonderful man Mackenzie hopes Billy will be. Their relationship is also based on what was never going to be (their wedding night, the rest of their lives together, interrupted by the news they were cousins), and no reality can ever live up to the fantasy.

I hope you're right about MJ and the brain tumor. They can have Jana join her and hold hands and chant, or something. Then MJ can bash Nick's head in with a crowbar.

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70% of this thread wasn't episode discussion anyway. :lol:

Some of the stuff going wrong now has been going on for almost a year. Did she not think people would get sick of the quad? Did she not know that Billy and Mac's sudden pining for one another was rushed? Did she not know that whatever she does with the Winters sucks? There's so much more.

Furthermore, her dropping out of daytime for 20 years before the strike infers to me that her passion was never soap writing.

Considering that he seems to constantly get interviews and scoops from her, I would think their relationship is pretty cool.

Many of her problems like pacing, unsympathetic characters, overused characters, neglected characters, the horrible storylines for the minority characters have been apparent since the start of her tenure. If she hasn't figured that out in 18 months, when will she?

Also, when she says in interviews, "This is MY and show MY vision", she better expect people to get on her case about it. Her "show", and her "vision" isn't pleasing to everyone. She's confident in interviews, which is fine, I have nothing against it, but with confidence comes detractors with a different interpretation.

I'm not asking for her to admit her mistakes in public, but it would be nice that after 18 months, she would attempt to fix some of her key problems.

Why? A lot of her problems in storytelling have been going on for so long, I think many of us are just fed up with it. We realize that not everything can be perfect, but after 18 months, when you constantly neglect your problem areas, it's just lazy.

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I think the Rafe/Adam twist is a good one. I don't think this has happened on a soap before(well actually this reminds me of the Chad/Vincent storyline on Passions--I know everyone is going to jump all over this). But I do agree that I think the pacing was bad. They should have featured Rafe & Adam's friendship more before this twist happened. But I like the fact that Adam's desperation has reached to this. And I think they should spread Rafe around the canvas a little bit--maybe make him friends with Tyra or something, which would give two of those characters more to do (instead of being isolated in their own storylines).

The only storyline on this show that I dislike is the art storyline...even though I like the main four characters that are involved. I think Daniel is truly a dumb character but overall I do like him.

And overall I do like this show...it's dark. My only complaint is that the writers need to have different characters interact with each other, instead of keeping them isolated. It may not be one the level of the William Bell/Kay Alden days but it is better than LML. I think this is Y&R for this generation (therefore the melodrama years are over). I miss those years but I'm loving what I'm seeing now.

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For me that line was clearly crossed when Adam cleaned Ashley up and disposed of the bloody aftermath and fetus by burning Ashley's clothes and bloody towel in the fireplace. Then to add insult to injury they had Adam blackmailing her new OB/GYN because he was a molester of his patients. Why? They could have had Adam blackmailing the doctor over illegally prescriing drugs but they had to make him a molester. To me that is disturbing and sick.

The scenes today were just contrived nonsense to try to cover up for poor storytelling, but that one episode is what made me and I think many others go from finding this story interesting to finding it sick.

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I have a question. I know Rafe told Colleen or somebody that wasn't Adam that he is gay.

Did Rafe ever mention to Adam that he is gay? or Adam put on his gay radar to see if Rafe gay. Or did Adam catch Rafe giving him the sexy eyes or heard him talk about guys.

So my question is why would Adam just come out & say that he have feelings for Rafe?

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