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Y&R: Episodes Discussion for the week June 22

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So do people feel that having two Y&R threads was a successful experiment? I thought it was annoying myself. I perfer to have all the conversation in one thread instead of scattered.

I hear you. If I were single, MM wouldn't have a whole lot of trouble manipulating me into giving him some. :lol:

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Thanks... and you know what, it's got everything you can want. Victor getting the hell shocked out of him, revenge... plenty of opporotunity to have Yani running around Adam's bedroom looking for evidence in a tight pair of boxer briefs (Light blue, please, so was can see some DETAIL!) and a big, fat Bill Bell type payoff at the end. Who could ask for more?

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I thought it worked GREAT for the first two days (Monday and Tuesday). I really enjoyed talking about individual scenes again, as opposed to long story and management issues. Then it all fell apart by late Wednesday/early Thursday. (Damn that Silver Chipmunk mention on Wednesday. It totally turned ruined our Episode Discussion thread! LOL!)

I went in the potpourri thread a few minutes ago. They should call them Y&R: Episode Discussion and Y&R: I Hate Everything They're Doing. :D

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Mackenzie has never believed Billy was perfect.

The most Mackenzie has ever expected of Billy is to be decent.

If anyone wants Billy to change & be perfect it's Chloe.

That's how BILLY feels about their relationship which is understandable given the way they broke up.

Mackenzie is the exact opposite.

It depends on how stuff works out with MTS.

If MTS stays

will probably be gone in 6 months to a year.

If MTS leaves

will probably be redeemed.

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I think I disagree with you here Dee. I don't think Chloe wants him to be perfect I think she just wants to be his everything. I know that's contradicting but I never saw where love made sense unless two people have mutual feelings; and even then sometimes... She's infatuated but it's not about who Billy can be. She's loves Billy as he is but what she's infatuated with is more about how she fits in to that essence(if that makes any sense). Billy is different when he's with Mac and Lily, Chloe wants that part of him in addition to what he gives her

Today's show was decent, wasn't very interested in the Mac Billy scenes until Chloe crashed the party (Have I said how much I loved EH!). The Nick/Sharon scenes were ok (the problem was never the coupledom or dynamic to me it's the story. Adam and Rafe I guess has potential I just don't have mouch faith in it. Good scenes nonetheless. My favorite scene hands down was the Victor/MaryJane powerplay scene at the par with an unknowing Jack stuck somewhere in between. MJ is playing with fire and I love it. Can't wait to see the MJ/Phyllis face off and even the MJ/VICTOR face off. Victor's approach to powerplay is very "Art of War"

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I totally agree with this - and it's why I'm fine with this Summer storyline. Yes, it's trying to murder children, and I totally understand a lot of mothers have issues with watching a daily story about that, and I totally respect that. You'll hear no argument from me. But between MJ/Victor's power-play scenes today, and Summer being poisoned, Mary Jane is finally taking the leap she needs from pathetic psycho-lapdog to Glenn Close. And the timing is perfect - she's on the show for three months. The mystery is all but solved (unless you're a Y&R newbie, in which case it might not be so obvious). And I love that the day Mary Jane stands up to Victor and toys with him is the same day she tries to murder his granddaughter. Victor's officially lost control of her, even though he doesn't know it yet - and even though I obviously find no joy in watching a comatose five-year old (and to be honest, I really don't have the patience to watch Nick relive Cassie all over again. He was wonderful the first time around, but we've done it already... twice, if you count Noah after Brad's death)... but I find immense joy that the Mary Jane story is FINALLY kicking into high gear.

I think I've decided (just so Alvin & Co don't think I'm always the Rose-Colored Optimist) that this head-writing team can only really excel at one story at a time. For awhile, it was Marge/Kay/Jill. Then in Feb, it was the Quad/Billy (which started off great, I have to say. "I hate myself" is still in my Top 20 Favorite Daytime Moments Ever), and everything else kinda stalled. Right now I feel like it's the MJ story (really, MJ and Tricia Cast are the two pretty unanimous things Y&R fans agree are working at the moment)... and I have a feeling the Langley/P3 story will kick ass in July. I'm as excited to see MJ in an episode now, as I was to seeing Phyllis v. Sharon in February, and Katherine/Murphy trying to prove who she was in January.

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Strangely, it's not bothering me. I suppose because there is no doubt in my mind that Summer will be fine. Plus, I don't believe MJ has any intent to kill Summer. In fact, I think MJ is so far gone she thinks she is helping Summer get her Daddy back. The stuff with Ashley is far more disturbing to me.

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