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GH: June Discussion Thread

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There is no justification for Luke has become. Why would Lucky regret raising kids that are not biological his? Does Mac regret raising Robin, Maxie and Georgie? Children are not responsible for the circumstances of their conception. Loving a child can never cause regret unless you are man without a soul like Luke. Besides Lucky is a young man who still may have his own biological children with Liz or with another woman, not that I think that he would love them more than Cameron and Jake. Bet Luke would have no interest in his biological grand children. Anyway this is all a smokescreen so that TG can spew his hatred all things Luke and Laura and their offspring. Hell, Luke doesn't even like Lulu that much more than he likes Lucky. She is too judgmental and clingy which seems conveniently forgotten for plot purposes. All Luke wants a clone like Boba Fett. It is embarrassing to watch. On some level, GH knows this which is why they are trying so hard to whitewash the criticism and make Lucky back down.

Nikolas and Rebecca are creepy and repulsive. No more words needed to describe that relationship.

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He may not but Liz was wrong for creating a smokescreen in which Lucky felt responsible for the child and thought that the child Liz was carrying was his. Now Lucky was tricked into loving said child because his mother lied to him and he was duped. He was tricked into loving a child that wasn't his and now he feels responsible for said child and it was wrong for Liz to put him in that position.

Why is it expected for the other spouse to love children that aren't there's biologically? Especially as a result of cheating? Why are they expected to HAVE to support children that aren't their own? Especially when the paternity was lied about?

I think that is unbelievably unfair to have Lucky expect to love and support these children that he really doesn't have a legal obligation to. Of course now that he and Liz are back together and now that her lies are exposed and she is out of Jasonland and she loves Lucky again which means Lucky has to love Liz and all of her baggage and support them and love them, clothe them, etc. but if they were to seperate he would still feel obligation to those kids. He would still love them and that's the point I think. He is trapped. The trap with Jake was made all the more worse because he loved Jake and thought he was his.

Lucky also doesn't legally have rights to any of those kids.

They are never going to let Lucky have his own kid.

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I don't think Lucky has felt trapped. He has always been close to Cameron and even when he was not with Liz, even when they were barely civil, he told her he'd always be a father to Jake.

Luke didn't say, "I feel sorry for Lucky, he has to raise children who don't have his DNA/he has to raise a son he was tricked into thinking was his," he said Lucky was a failure because he's raising other men's children. At least this explains why he no longer has a relationship with Bobbie -- she must also be a failure.

Lucky is the whipping boy for various Guza favorites, even if he does have a kid, they'd just turn this against him. Look at how much good it did AJ to have his own child.

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Lucky doesnt care if Cam is his. He is his father, in every way that matters. Its one of the few good thing about his character, IMHO.

as for Jake... thats just a mess.

But whatever, as soon as KMC leaves and the show kills Robin they will go forward with Liz/Patrick and they will raise the boys and emma. We all know it.

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Really? I don't like Will on DAYS, I find the actor completely stiff and boring. New Michael, on the other hand, is really good. Drew Garrett just fit right in on his first day at GH. He can cry on cue, and he has really good screen chemistry with his acting partners on the show.

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I haven't seen much of NuMichael but like Alvin said, that's a horrible comparison. LOL NuWill is so stiff and can't act. I'm surprised Marnie Saitta selected this guy.

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It's hard to be excited about new talent on GH because the writing is so bad the talent almost always flickers away in favor of mannerisms and phoning it in. At one time, Tyler Christopher was a good actor. So was Maurice Benard. Steve Burton had his moments.

Now that GH has their next generation of misogynist tantrum throwers at center stage, I wonder if they may finally be easing Sonny or Jason out.

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Yeah, let's just hope Drew Garrett isn't another Julie Marie Berman, who started out with so much promise and was quite good, but then became lazy, horrible and over-exposed on this show.

Garrett has a really natural presense on screen though, and I like that he's not the typical looking soap teen.

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I dont find him stiff and boring at all, esp in the past month i think he has relaxed and come into his own and his growing a lot from day to day.

Thing is Bermans till has it, she even pulls it out from time to time. But shes just sooo lazy all the time.

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