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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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Yes, it is unprofessional to walk off the set and quit, call in sick and "get a urinary tract infection on a Tuesday."

He should have played what was on the page, yes. But I find this inherent need to vilify him without knowing all the facts very interesting.

Yes, there are actors gay and straight who don't want to play what's on the page and they do it anyway because they remain "professional," even bashing it along the way. I've seen many people on this board say "Actors should object to doing(insert storyline here)."

We don't know what happened. Engen may have asked Paul/Maria and Co. for weeks after finding out Rafe was gay whether Adam was going to hook up with him. They may have flat out denied it or even said, "We don't know where the story is going. Just trust us with this."

Maybe Engen is actually gay in real life or has gay friends and feels like being some sort of amoral gay villain goes against everything he believes in?

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I'll be interested to watch Michael Muhney in the role, he started taping yesterday apparently.

It'll be a hard ask replacing Chris Engen, but those who watched VERONICA MARS say that Muhney was terrific in that series, so you never know, he could end up being a successful recast.

I can't believe they would have gone to the trouble to hire a reputedly decent recast, if Adam is going to be written off the show shortly.

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If the actor is not comfortable with homosexuality, does that mean he is wrong and should just shut his mouth and do something that is against his beliefs?

That is so wrong if ANYONE feels that way. He is not out bashing homosexuality, he just does not believe in it. Big deal.

That chick from Saved By The Bell left B&B for something ....I forget what now, but was she a horrible person because of it or did she just do what she felt was right for her?

Wow....such a contradiction people have these days.

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I give him the benefit of the doubt and think the gay kiss is probably just the straw that broke the camel's back. Knowing these writers and how they've been writing Adam, he probably knew Rafe was gay and schemed to play on that (pretending to like Rafe in that way) to get him to do his dirty work. Like how he plays Heather.

CE must have been so fed up with all this one-note Adam gaslighting stuff from the book crap to jail to faking blindness now to think Ashley's she's nuts. Who knows how the kiss would have happened, but it was probably some shocking stunt thing for us to go more "OMG Adam's so evil."

they're probably going to kill the kid or ship him off the show anyway. I don't know why Y&R even brought Hope's son on if this is what they were going to do.

I don't blame CE for wanting out of this story.

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I agree 100%. We do not even know eveyrthing that happened yet. My feelings are that many people in this thread have made several accusations, and several people have made excuses about and for his behavior. My post was sort of my feelings about both of those things, the accusations/excuse and what may have happened.

However, for me personally, if he did indeed quit the show and possibly stall/damage his career (because of the contract, not people's responses to the issues at hand) over what has been asserted, that is quite the "stand" to take, and it does not sit well with me. I am not bashing him, I just have a problem with this, it makes me sad for a multitude of reasons.

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Seriously, you people are fuckin' retarded.

You reduce this issue to a bunch of petty grievances over board wars, personal bullshit between each other and dick-measuring contests over whether Y&R has good or bad writing. Only on a board as ridiculous and juvenile as this one would people make Chris Engen's idiotic quitting over a gay storyline into another front in the unending junior high forensics [!@#$%^&*]-flinging debate about whether or not Maria Arena Bell and Hogan Sheffer are good or bad writers. One gets the impression that even if Engen had, say, left the show after shotgunning the kid playing Summer in the face, you would still say, "Chris had his reasons! Who's to say Bell's scripts didn't lead to that moment with him and the shotgun and the child actress? Haha, king to knight 7! Your move, MAB fans!" What the [!@#$%^&*]? Seriously, people: W. T. F?

Whether Y&R is good or bad is not the issue. Whether you like or hate MAB's writing is not the issue. I don't even give a [!@#$%^&*] about her since I don't watch the show. The issue is, Chris Engen quit the show, very possibly over a gay storyline. People want to politicize it and subsume it into a Maria Arena Bell board war issue. That's not what this is about and you guys are ridiculous for trying to make it so.

OLTL has its problems, massive ones, but I'm glad we've never gotten to a point where we're willing to apologize for severely unprofessional behavior just to prop up arguments.

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Yes, he SHOULD just shut his mouth and do something that is against his beliefs. Because it's a part he's playing on TV. he's not truly a homosexual. If he can't have that much professionalism, then he doesn't DESERVE to be an actor, let alone on a show with such a rich history of talent and creativity such as Y&R. Any actor is justified to leave if they are being asked to work in unsafe conditions, or being asked to work through physical illness... but leaving because of the writing is the height of arrogance and hubris. You signed a CONTRACT and having integrity means living up to that. Obviously, he has NONE. (A side not.e.. THANK you Toups for have a board that has FREE discussion, on BOTH sides. I posted the same thing above on soapcentral, and it was deleted within minutes. That's why I come HERE)

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