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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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Actually, I wouldn't mind them recasting Heather either. Vail Bloom is lifeless and she comes off as the repressed slutty librarian. Yes, they haven't done much with Heather, but Vail isn't that great of an actress either, the girl has vey little range. The best thing about her is her hair.

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I thought Vail played very, very nicely with Engen.

With Engen gone, I agree that all bets are off regarding Vail. She could be better or worse. Time will tell, but it will be interesting to see.

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I've been following this story off-and-on all day and I'm very disappointed with the allegations. We don't know the truth. Frankly, I don't blame CE for being frustrated with his story. So after framing Victor, he's haunting Ashley (who's carrying his half-sibling)? Since everyone (i.e. Gloria) eventually gets exposed. What's Adam's future on the show? He will be beyond redeemable at that point. If the plan was to have him kiss Rafe in an attempt to manipulate him, that's BS. Rafe has gone above and beyond to help Adam, I doubt he needs to be kissed to fall under Adam's spell. This plot point is for sheer shock value. Everyone criticized Latham for being plot and not character-focused. So what part of Adam's character has been shown to have latent bi feeling? None. Never. It's crap. It sounds like he was in talking to the powers about his displeasure -- if he wants to quit, then so be it. (Yeah, he's breaking a contract. So what?) Shows do it all the time. How do you think MTS feels about her recent demotion to recurring after the years (decades) she's given to the show! If he didn't want to do a M2M kiss because he's not comfortable with it, that's his personal issue. I'd hate for people to judge me for decisions I've made. It unfortunate that some people (bloggers -- I'm calling you out) who want unconditional acceptance of their beliefs and lifestyles are so quick to judge and condemn. I'm more concerned with the recent direction Y&R has gone in the past few weeks.

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I thought he looked bored to be honest with you. Perhaps his alleged unhappiness had already begun by this time.

Perhaps TPTB should be a little more sensitive to these actors preferences and be more open to talking with them about their characters before making assumptions especially since in 2009 more are willing to come clean about their sexuality, both gay men and women and heterosexuals alike. Furthermore, just because he didn't want to kiss someone of the same sex does not make him homophobic, uncomfortable that is evident but not homophobic (if this is even the REAL reason).

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Interesting that they recast Adam so quickly, and Michael Muhney is said to be a good actor, according to Veronica Mars fans. Perhaps they knew for a while that Engen was dissatisfied?

Why would they go to the trouble and hire someone with a good acting resume, if the Adam character is about to be killed off?

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A couple of posters brung up. He won't have a problem kissing a black female co star. I'm trying to figure out whjat that got to do with him not wanting to kiss a guy.

That's why I wrote black people have their own issues in the industry.

& when did I made everything about race.

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