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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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I bet CE's problem wasn't the dark turn his character was taking or the gay kiss he was asked to do. I bet he was tired of playing blind/fake-blind. It must not be fun for an actor to stare out into space like that for scenes on end. I bet, if they had given him a pair of sunglasses to wear, he would have been happy. :PB)

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*Raises Hand*

His chest was divine but other then that he always seemed a bit wooden. The past few months you could really start to tell he was becoming disinterested in what he was doing. I liked him when he first started and was being an ass at NE but after that things started to change for me at least.

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Agreed. Him and Vail Bloom are Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Watching Vail Bloom try to be a hardass is like watching a newborn kitty trying to roar like a tiger. And please give the girl a tissue so she can wipe that booger off her upper lip!

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For me, talent and personal issues are distinct. Whatever CE's damage might be on a personal level, he always gave a great performance (IMO). And I bet I would like Clementine Ford a lot on a personal level but ugh I can't stand her acting.

Vail Bloom should be kept for now, if only to provide continuity until NuAdam settles in. She might have great chemistry with NuAdam - you never know!

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Let me preface my comments by saying we don't know 100% what is happening,so we are all basing this on speculation.Nonetheless,it brings up some interesting issues.

If Engen didn't like the direction Adam was taking,that's really too bad.He must be very naive to think he can rewrite his part.He signed a contract to play Adam-full stop.

Many soap stars have lamented the writing and have either put up with it,or left when their contract was up.

As for the word homophobia,it does get thrown around alot and I think people have their own definitions.

To say homophobes are only those out there publically campaigning/supporting against gay rights,ignores the fact that homophobia is often much more subtle than that.

If,and I say,if Engen felt he could not kiss another male actor,I think that is wrong because it basically is saying that a male kiss is a repugnant thing to him and we should and understand that.I do not believe he is being asked to do anything unacceptable.

Would there be support for Clemtine Ford if she went to the producers and said she didn't want to do kissing scenes with male co stars because it is not natural to her and goes against her beliefs?

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Buh-Bye Chris Engan! Seriously, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out! Personally, I have ZERO tolerance for homophobes who are quite likely being paid nicely to play gay scenes. If he doesn't have what it takes to do the job then someone else does; we can all count on that.

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Why is everyone so quick to label Chris a homophobe for not wanting to do a gay kiss? Me personally, I have nothing against gay people but I don't want to kiss another woman. Does that make me homophobic? Hell no! That's just my personal preference. What Chris did wrong was WALK OFF THE SET of his JOB while he's under contract. That's what is gonna come back to bite him in the ass big time.

But please people lets not label the man something like homophobic without knowing the full story. Now a fool? For damn sure! Homophobic? Lets wait and see on that one.

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Well... I suppose you all have all sorts of actors who have lines they won't cross. Dickson was chastised because at one point before Jeanne Cooper's facelift surgery, Jill was supposed to tell Kay that she "Hoped she would die on the operating table", and Dickson refused to say that line because Jeanne was REALLY going into surgery... and even though it was acting, she couldn't live with saying that to someone she loved, even if it WAS just acting. But if it's true that he's just creeped out by a gay kiss, then it's HIS problem, and he needs to go be a truck driver.

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