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Y&R: Shocking Role Recast

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Right on!

I don't label my sexual orientation, I'm very proud to be liberal, I vote Democrat, and my main philosophy is to let people be who they are as long as they are not directly causing anyone but themselves mental or physical pain. But you know what I did two nights ago? I attempted to power-vote for Kris Allen on American Idol. And now that he's won, people are calling me an ignorant conservative Republican fundamentalist? WTF?! I'm tired of the [!@#$%^&*] drama queens like Perez who make life hell for the rest of us. Stick a douche in it.

No, I don't know who. Do I want to know? If it's Michael, I might destroy stuff...hell, I can't fight the urge to Google it........!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o Wow. To the MP thread I go to discuss. Thanks for the heads-up.

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Wow so much conversation since I last checked in. I don't watch Y&R so I can't comment on CE's acting or the storyline but nonetheless here's my $.02:

  • I stand by my belief that CE is less a bigot and more either 1.) an overreacting closet case, 2.) a burned out actor with an inflated ego and disillusioned with his role on the show for whatever reason, who probably has other personal issues or 3.) most likely both.

    This reminds me of the whole (rumored) Ambyr Childers situation. I simply don't understand why people with biases against gays or minorities pursue careers in acting. That would be like me applying for a job at Fox News or my local Diocese. It's something I might do instead of drug dealing or pole dancing. (Who I am kidding? If the choice is Fox or the pole, fetch me my clear heels and belly chain!)

  • Obviously there's more to the story on Y&R's part. The lightning speed with which CE was replaced shows that they were ready to recast. I doubt they expected him to walk so he was probably going to be fired. And he should have made them fire him. He shouldn't have quit. Now the show looks like the victim and he comes off as the idiot. Plus he gets a bad rep to boot.

  • The sheer fact that this was broken by Nelson and now pimped by Perez makes it suspect. I don't care if CE marched around the studio in a "God Hates F**s" t-shirt, Nelson's public agenda is so ugly it almost refutes any private bigotry CE may have. And Perez is practically the gay Joe McCarthy.

I hope they don't sue Engen. I don't think it'll serve any purpose. Soaps are in poor enough shape without giving the mainstream press something like this to latch on to. Better to leave him to his fate - whatever that is - and go on with the story - whatever that is.

Bottom line, I wish every "straight" actor could be as secure as John Stamos or Jake Gyllenhaal. In fact, I wish every straight man could be that secure whether he's an actor or not. I'm not holding my breath. Don't turn this guy into the next Carrie Prejean. We just got rid of her!

ETA: Am I the only person in the world who doesn't give a [!@#$%^&*] about American Idol?!

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