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There were several female adversarial relationships that had the potential to be like Viki/Dorian but the revolving door of Executive Producers and Head Writers prevented the show from having much continuity from 1979 onward.  Liz / Missy, Rachel / Alice, Rachel / Iris, Cecile / Blaine, Cecile / Donna all could have provided years of drama.

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I am guessing with the revolving door of EP and HW's it would have been difficult to have that tentpole rivalry.  Of course Rachel vs Cecile/Donna/Sharlene would have been a tertiary storyline at times.  On OLTL Llanfair was always a coveted and established home point that was desired.  The Cory Mansion never really had that.  The Love Mansion burned down.  Donna and Rachel had their moments, but not the same animosity.  Donna was a nuisance to Rachel at best.  Cecile had it, but they wrote her into positions that she could not return to a conventional storyline.  She was too over the top.  It was good having Rachel and Vicki at odds, but eventually Vicki became too much like Rachel a "bad girl" who with love and money became a heroine.    

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Yeah, May 4, 1964, and then there's also May 4, 1970*

*On May 4, 1970, in Kent, Ohio, 28 National Guardsmen fired their weapons at a group of anti-war demonstrators on the Kent State University campus, killing four students, wounding eight, and permanently paralyzing another.


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Honestly, had it not been for recasts(Mainly recasting Alice) and a revolving door or EP's and HW's; Rachel vs Alice should have been similar to Viki/Dorian that would've driven story for years. A poster pitched an earlier story about throwing Jamie into the mix; you also had Mac and Alice growing close possibly during Rachel's amnesia, and had the show ever got GR back as a much alive Steven on a permanent basis, it could've continued for decades. The ingredients were there, but the talent behind the scenes, to tap into it was not. 

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Who is to say that it was worth it to take a chance on GR's behavior changing so he would not drive half of the cast crazy again, day in & day out? I can see bringing JC back but not Dwyer or Reinholdt; 1 was the subjective quality of acting; 2 were actual behavior on set & in studio.

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Carmen Duncan RIP

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I've been posting about the May 1st anniversary of Doug Watson's death & the repercussions to the show & the writing & 18 months having to be tossed & the Cory Publishing anniversary & what had been planned, etc., etc. on & on & so I came smack-dab up against the thing, the word, the phrase that I could go forever without mentioning it again & and that is ... the Red Swan. I wonder if every show has something like that you just dread all over again if it comes up.

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