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Was Cecile only a fantasy or was there some reality? The AWHP gives her dates as May 19, 20, and 25. Murder on the Honeymoon Express was May 20. The synopsis for the week of May 24 sounds like Cass might have run into Real Cecile as well.

It's interesting that they had Cecile onscreen at the time since Maggie had just showed up as "Joy" right before this. I wonder if they had hoped to keep Nancy around for longer.

I think it could definitely have been interesting to see Sandy interacting with Iris and Amanda and Matthew. With Jamie and Larry and Catlin gone it is harder to imagine what they would have done with Blaine to keep her interesting. My mind is so cluttered up with Jamie and Dennis dating the younger generation of Lisa/Vicky/Marley/Olivia that it seems to make Blaine's presence awkward.


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Remember the blooper shows Dick Clark had back in the day? He used to have a block of an episode dedicated to soap bloopers. They showed a blooper with Nancy Frangione and Lisa Brenner. Cecile and Maggie were supposed to be arguing when Ms. Frangione nearly took a header off the Cory mansion stairs. Ouch! I wish I could find it online; I found it on an old VHS tape.

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I loved NF's run in '86 when Cecile was Queen and kidnapped Cass. Her runs after that continually went down in quality. I'm not sure all the writing changes helped or if they really knew Cecile. She was never really moved out of Cass's orbit and that's a shame. What about Senator Grant? Or bringing Peter Love back? She could have been woven into so many stories in a fun, manipulative way that social-climber Cecile was known as. 

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