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Another World

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The show was unrecognizable without them. Rumor had it that Nancy Lee Grahn and Gordon Thomson were to join AW after SB folded as their SB characters, Mason and Julia Capwell. I couldn't see that happening, at least not long-term, because of the shows filming on opposite coasts. Maybe Mason and Julia would have interacted with Cass, since they were all lawyers. Maybe they could have worked a case together. Who knows?


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I couldn't see that happening either.  Mason and Julia (and Nancy Lee Grahn and Gordon Thomson) would have been a much better fit on DAYS.

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Based on the Another World home page synopsis for 1981 it sounds like Jerry sustained some kind of brain injury that made him stalk and rape Clarice. The synopsis uses the word "schizophrenic" but it's not clear whether they portrayed any symptoms of the disease like hearing voices or suggested anything like a split personality (which back then was the popular conception of what schizophrenic meant).

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That's what a lot of people think because they had same name but the show was never really clear about who her mother was. The only thing I remember Russ saying about it was that him and Olivia's mother were divorced. I think it was just a case of the writers not studying Russ' history well enough when Olivia Matthews came in, especially since it was said several times in 1980-81 that Olivia Delaney couldn't have children. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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So I am watching AW and it August 1981, Jerry is starting to have moments of "bizarre" behavior.  He was nice one moment and then turned hostile the next.  He saw Kit at the hospital and was talking to her about getting back with Joey, then turned away and came back and berated her.  I didn't know he raped Clarice until recently here on the message board.  I didn't hate this Alice, but I do not have much to compare to, but understand that for most she was a pale comparison of the other actress.  They could be calling Another World at this time The Jamie Show.  I am enjoying this stroll down through 1981 at the moment....  

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This post re James MacDonald in the Soap Hoppers thread reminded me of a pet theory I had at the time when he appeared as "Blade" on Another World in 1986. Blade was an ex-con who hung around with a gang of creeps who menaced Nancy and kidnapped Victoria (thinking she was Marley). Michael hired him to help protect Donna when he knew Reginald was on the verge of coming back from the dead, and then Quinn hired him with Mitch to renovate the Cory mansion because they needed employment as conditions of their parole. He seemed to just disappear after that, but I think there must have been something in the soap press at the time hinting that Jake might have a brother because I really thought it was possible that it would turn out that that was the case, since he seemed to keep having significant interactions with Jake as well as other people. Nothing ever came of it and if it was the idea it was dropped and Jake left town with Marley soon after.


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No. She was very acclimated to RS and Mary and pretty much the whole cast. Robin was a good Rachel. When VW first came over Connie wasn't too keen on her. After just a little time, though, Connie & Vicky formed a close bond. Robin is in this clip. Unfortunately the visual acuity is not as great as it could be. It's 1968, July.

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