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There's a lot of discussion about producers or writers ruining shows but, for a network executive to approve a story and then fire the team responsible for producing that story can only undermine the whole show. 


My point about Donna leaving the Love siblings in the 70's for Carl stands.  Vicky always had abandonment issues with Donna but Marley never had feelings about being left alone with Peter and Nicole for her teen years?  At least Vicky had Bridget.


Thanks for the specificity on the Harrison mansions; I adore remembrances of the sets and all of the times that a new production team thought that a new gathering place would completely revamp the show. 


I didn't recall the Harrison's being from Boston because I confused it with Dack Rambo's Grant who was running for office when he was introduced so I just assumed that Grant had longer familial ties to Bay City.


BTW, in hindsight it would have been great if Rachel's half sister or Steve's Aussie daughter had been Ryan's mother.  Given all the recasts, those were well conceived characters who were hampered by the inadequacy of the actors and would have served the story well in the 90's. 

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Marley was always given the short end of the stick except during her rape story and being on trial for shooting Jake. 


I guess writers figured Vicky was the more interesting of the twins, but thinking about it... Marley could have been an interesting and fascinating character to write because she was raised believing Donna was her sister, and finding out as a late teen that the woman she thought was her sister was really her mother would have had years of story.  Actually, one of my relatives found out at 21 by a slip of the tongue by his girlfriend that the woman he was raised to believe was his sister was really his birth mother and that the people he thought were his parents were actually his grandparents.  He emotionally never recovered and had a loss of identity that he never ever found.


Marley going crazy and kidnapping Vicky could have worked if her motive was anger at choosing to marry her rapist instead of being loyal to her sister.. and being that she was no longer Vicky's identical twin... her sense of identity could have really be shaken.. the final nail in the coffin of her sanity.



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I also forgot to add that when Jill Farren Phelps became executive producer and Tom King and Craig Carlson were the headwriters, Harding Lemay was hired as a "consultant" and his name appears in the December 5th credits, so Lemay was there through much of Justine story.  I'm just not sure how much input he had into the story, but I cannot see him approving of all of this plot- driven writing. 🤔😝🤔

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Wow, he was pretty nice about Donna S.  I actually think it's a good sign if people are fighting in the writers room.. it means that both people are passionate about the genre and product.. and I will saw Donna S was passionate about AW.. much more so then she was when on the GL and AMC writing teams.

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Lemay: "The next writers after her...and the producers...one producer in particular that I won’t get into, who still to this day has black hair, were becoming increasingly injudicious."


JFP must be the black-haired producer, right? I swear I've seen Lemay complimenting her in the past -- and he consulted for her on GL and OLTL as well as AW. 

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The grammar in Lemay's quotes is quite atrocious. I have never seen him misuse the English language so badly in any interview before. As well, well-known facts about the writer's association with AW are contradicted in this piece. Wouldn't he know his own history? Color me sceptical.

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