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The show was all over the place in 1982. The month before Rachel met Nikoli, Mitch had become involved with The Male Panthers, and Matthew was kidnapped. That storyline involved the French Connection-like car chase through the streets of San Diego as Rachel tried to escape from The Male Panthers with Matthew. That sequence had Steve Frame chasing the speeding cars in a helicopter above San Diego, and it include several CHiPs officers as well. It is a wonder that NBC didn't have Officers Ponch and Jon make a guest appearance on AW! At this time, reruns of CHiPs aired after AW on the NBC Daytime schedule from April to September 1982. LOL. Later that summer, Rachel and Steve were involved in that construction collapse. Rachel jumped from one crazy situation to another under Corrine Jacker's writing.

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Shame that the role of Nikolai was wasted on Paul Hecht-he was a very charming, accomplished theater actor.

I always saw a wonderful physical resemblance between not only Sandra Ferguson and Victoria Wyndham but also with Constance Ford. Those choppers were very similar! I guess you'd call it an overbite. I thought her Amanda looked the perfect combination of Mac (blonde hair) and Rachel (the aforementioned teefs). I just wish we had gotten to see Amanda through her earlier teenage years like we got to do with Ryan on RH and Victoria on Y&R. Amanda was played by a little girl (Dana Klaboe), disappeared for a period of months and emerged as a young lady who looked no younger than 18.

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Slick, you are slick. Where did you find this info? I remember Sylvie. In fact, I just watched an episode from 1988 when Iris retured to tell Mac he was in fact her real father and that she stayed with Sylvie while she died. They had another character named Alice on AW at that time, considering Alice Frame was still on the show?

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1982 was pretty rough for AW was it not? You had the entire Matthews clan eradicated(Jim died, Pat and Alice left town, Julia died in a bomb explosion!), offbeat tales and unintriguing capers. The show tried to develop a triangle between Mac, Cecile's mother Elena(Maeve McGuire) and Mac's secretary but it fell apart out of nowhere. Rachel/Steve/Alice Part XXII was painful to watch.

On the flip side the show did gain Cass and Felicia that year but one early review I remember seeing on the old WOST site was quite critical. They referred to Felicia as "a big diva of nothing".

Going back to the subject of Blair Baker, I don't even remember there being two different actresses who played the role. Must have been around the same time they recasted Maggie three, possibly four times before writing her out.

Edited by soapfan770
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It's actually always been very puzzling to me about the unnecessary deaths of Julia and later Sally. As for Julia, they had two later famous actresses play the part yet still screwed it up.

A more memorable instance of another casting screw-up is when Phelps let Justin Chambers go as Nick Hudson and replaced him with someone she'd worked with on Santa Barbara and GL together if I recall right. I believe Chambers has the last laugh on that one.

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Loretta Shea was the one who died in the bomb explosion. Jacker built up the Shea family -- Harry, Loretta, and Pete. Jacker also planned to introduce two teenage Shea daughters but then abandoned those plans. Within months, the entire family was decimated -- Loretta and Harry died and Pete left ay City. What a waste.

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He was. He left with that random daughter of Steve's. I still wonder why they never brought her back later on.

I remember thinking the Sheas (in the limited 1982 footage I've seen) were generic and depressing, but then, that was the show at that point.

I don't think it can be stated enough how much characters like Donna, Cass, and Felicia did for AW.

Edited by DRW50
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Christopher Knight aka Peter Brady was on as one of the forgotten Hobson kids too at this time.

I remember an infamous one time Days script writer with the last name of Boof put up her AW fanfiction one which concerned Diana Frame.

The Cass/Felicia/Kathleen/Wallingford stuff definitely gave AW cult status and a goofy niche that even Blanche Devereaux had to wach the continuing story.

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