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Y&R: Week of April 06, 2009

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DaytimeFan, I will truly miss you!

As for today's Y&R, I wish Maury would make a guest appearance and walk up to Cane and scream in his face: "YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER! MOVE ON AND GET A LIFE!"

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I sure don't know. You all have convinced me it is Patty. Patty had no history with Kay...I don't think their orbits ever crossed.

So, I'm totally befuddled who this could be. The Mary Jo Mason angle seems far too obvious...Victor would not engage his shooter. It can't be Diane, because she'd know all the players...and Mary Jane doesn't seem to. It's not Sheila....for many reasons. It doesn't make sense for it to be Lindsey Welles, because again, Lindsey had not meaningful ties to Victor or Kay. I am convinced the facial reconstruction is a clue of some type...

Sorry to be unhelpul, but kudos to the writers for getting it right.


DaytimeFan's leave taking is an interesting thing...sad for us, happy for him. It is unusual for a poster to announce that they are "taking their leave", but I think it is a testament to DF's contributions here, and his distinctive "voice", that the absence is worthy of note, and will be felt by many of us.

For me, DF has been singular in restoring my confidence in the show. Y&R (and, to a lesser extent, B&B) has been such an important part of my life...seeing it plunge into a creative and ratings decline trajectory was unnerving. For me, I sort of acutely remember -- beginning around 12/26/2007 -- DF was there as a voice of reassurance. The Bells are in control. Things are going to get better. Have faith.

Honestly, it took me a little while to get on board...but he's definitely been there, reminding us that fans hope for the best, and also expect the best.

These message boards (especially SON) are such pleasurable little communities...bellying up to the bar and sharing this peculiar little addiction we all have. Like real life, it brings really incredible personalities into your life...and you also watch some of 'em move on.

I hope the next part of your journey is great one, DF. The reinforcements are in place to evermore resist future incursions from the Hack Bitch from the Depths of Hell.

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Wow, I can't believe we're losing such a vital voice to the boards. I actually look forward to your posts everyday because you always have great insights to Y&R. I'll miss you. I hope you pop in and lurk every once in a while. Good luck in all your future endeavors.

I've got to say, Stacy was another positive addition to this show. She has great chemistry with everyone. I love it. This team of writers have excelled with their casting choices recently. Such a joy to see talent all across Y&R.

I love Esther eavesdropping. They're really utilizing Kate to the fullest of her abilities nowadays. What a pleasure to behold.

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Sign of the cross.


In 36 years, the ONLY thing that almost drove me to leave the show was


I'm not thrilled about

returning, but I didn't mind him BEFORE



was like a flesh-eating bacteria (IMO--I mean no disrespect for your opinion)...ripping through town and rendering dead and disintegrated all she touched. Raul had some promise? Not after

was done with him. JT had an inspiring romance with Colleen? Well, his energy stopped dead in her orbit. Bobby Marsino was the most promising anti-hero in a decade....not after

ripped off his gonads. Yech.

. Oh I shudder at the memories. Even my favorite, Kevin, ended up being persecuted because of her bloody never-ending blasted awful "

". Poor thing!

I'm having PTSD at the MENTION OF HER NAME.

I will honestly quit if she ever darkens the door of Y&R again (though I can't promise I won't come back :) ).

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Really, truly, for me it was that bad.

I remember when her contract negotiations broke down and she left the show.

And JACK SMITH went through EXTRA EFFORTS to get her back. Met with her personally and talked her into it (much as he did with Sharon Case).

She could have been GONE, but Jack Smith didn't allow it.

That is probably the day my heart turned cold for Mr. Smith. (Not really). I just have never ... not in 36 years ... not even with Tyra ... not with anyone ... had as much antipathy as I have for that woman, and the way she sucked up the show for years.

You know people who can't stand the Fisher-Baldwins, and who feel like they commandeered the show during LML's days? That's how I feel about this woman.

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You are very passionate :)

I was indifferent to Brittany for the most part........ I wasn't sad to see her go, and have not missed her a day since. I agree with you that Bobby was a very promising character and the chemistry he had with Nikki was OFF THE CHARTS!!!!!

They so should have went there.

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I feel the opposite and wish Bobby would return, child in tow, and Britt has died in some freak accident. I loved his chemistry with Nikki and felt they could have been the better romance. Plus he was the only man who was too much MAN for my dear Samantha on Sex and the City, what was not to love?

I think that this Marijuana woman isn't Patty. Plastic surgery has gotten very good but not yet good enough to turn a 50+ woman into a 35+ one. For me I think she's the victim of Gloria's skin cream tainting. Her husband was a scum bag, lying cheating bastard, already filling lawsuits while she was lying on deaths door in her hospital bed when Saint Victorious came to her rescue with an offer she couldn't refuse. He'd fake her death, in exchange for her future services. When she was first introduced she had finally recovered from almost dying and was finally able to survive the extensive reconstructive surgery required to re-enter society as anything other than a monster. I think she's willing to go along with her Savior's plan, but if she falls for Jack, her loyalties might be really tied.

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