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Y&R: Week of April 06, 2009

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Yes. Paul was impotent for months and months. And, because he couldn't give it to Chris that way, of course, he was less of a man...and called off their wedding.

Phyllis has NEVER been revealed as the driver, and the investigation has been declared cold and dropped.

If you're gonna do clips, there are two I'd like to see:

Octopus on Cricket's honeymoon (or the Phyllis/Tim musical montage from that honeymoon), and

Phyllis backs over Diane Jenkins leg (starting with the country music on the radio she was listening too before backing up).

Are either of these on Youtube?

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Mark H, those pictures of Lauralee are scary, could you have found worse ones? I so don't want Cricket to ever return to the Y&R, I have seen enough to last me a lifetime.

And why should there ever be a Nikki/Victor reunion. That relationship has devolved into such an abusive one the mere thought makes me sick. What is left for them to tell, he escalates the verbal abuse to physical abuse? Nikki deserves better.

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In every single look Nikki gives Victor it's obvious he will always be her one true love. He may change lovers and could care less about Nikki, but she is stuck, heavy. I hate that, but it's something that can't be fixed.

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Oh how I long for THAT Phyllis. Throw in the red teddies and you have the whole package. "The Phyllis of Then" was the reason I started watching Y&R. She was bad(read that evil)to the bone and a master schemer who didn't give a damn about who got caught in her cross hairs. SHE WAS FABULOUS AND I LOVED HER. I can't stand "The Phyllis of Now", she makes my teeth hurt and I just want her gone.

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It's true, Nikki DOES love Victor, but that is NO EXCUSE for her continued acceptance of his verbal abuse. TPTB need to change the tone of their relationship ASAP, which is by no means a call for Victor and Nikki to be reunited.

IRF many women/children and yes men have gone to their graves loving the person who abused them to death in the name of.....

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I know, it's weird but by seeing Nikki's feelings for Victor only makes me want them together. But then I remember all the crap Victor put his entire family through and I really don't know what to think.

I loved it when she announced a few weeks back that she is no longer even a least bit interested in Victor's problems, but this entire thing with Katherine just confused me. The writers intentionally made Katherine talk about their never-ending love. They keep talking about the passion between the two, the same kind of passion that is currently turning Neil into a dumb hated character.

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