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Y&R: Week of April 06, 2009

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It covered so much ground - Victoria not approving of Ashley, Victoria missing her dead best friend, Victoria torn between sympathy for Adam and despising him for what he did. And she was completely flat through the whole thing.

It's not like this was some great Victoria episode, but she was definitely given a range of stuff to play. Why would she go with "monotone" as an acting choice? I'm not looking for Chapman-esque histrionics, but a little emotion would be nice.

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Again, I remind the world that HEATHER TOM IS ACROSS THE HALL.

Tom is horribly miscast as the milquetoast Katie Logan.

I realize nobody wants to hurt feelings, so the OBVIOUS fix is to let the milquetoast Heinle play milquetoast Katie and let the fierce Tom play fierce Victoria.

But this is relevant to the "pictorial" question I asked yesterday...Heinle has snared two of the hunkiest men in daytime...and isn't she rumored to have had something to do with the end of another high-profile soap pairing?

Thus, she must have appeal I do not understand, one which intoxicates all the male executives who might otherwise rationally choose to do the right thing. I am therefore hoping that MAB is more clear-headed and fixes this while she still can.

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Maybe Amelia knows she is probably out the door soon.... so she is just like whatever. I mean Amelia all year has been on what, once or twice a month? I can imagine she is really frustrated. Who else loved Katherine telling Gloria to shut up? :D

Kay is Love!

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I so wish they could just switch Heather and Ameila in roles.

I thought the Ashley/Victoria scene was weird also. Of course, it was to get Ashley thinking about the spirit of Sabrina haunting the house but still it was a sloppy set up. I also didn't get why Ashley would be so short with Victoria. Did she actually expect Victoria to be happy about her and Victor having another baby? And Victoria was just blah. She looked like she was tired and oh so weary. Strange scene all around.

Vail Bloom looked sick in her scenes with Michael. I'm wondering if she had the flu or something. I liked her so much better as the Jabot attorney than as an ADA. I was never a huge fan of Christine, but at least I believe she was a good match for Michael in court. They need an older and stronger actor to play a new DA. Let Heather work with Rafe in lesser cases.

Glad to see Lauren back. She was doing the same old, same old but I just enjoy seeing Tracey Bregman on screen.

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Honestly, im torn on Amelia. I mean what do you expect when the show uses you like an extra? at the same time why not take the chance to show what you got. i do think AH is a good actress. I just have to question the show with this character. Maybe its time to write her out? When heather left it was such a hole because of Heather's Victoria. What they brought back was... nowhere close to it. AH can do it, shes showen it many times IMHO. But i do feel they wanted a softer Victoria baed on not only who they hired but who else tried out for the role and almost got it (Rachel Kimsey).

MAB & her team has fixed a lot of damage, but there is a few more that need to be fixed and it doesnt even seem like they are trying. Examples would be The Winters family, the characters of Lauren and Victoria... and a few others.

lmfan, i agree about heather. she was so much more.. everything.. at jabot. i hate that they took her away from that. vail also played much better with that set of people.

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It's still funny.

I'm her fan, but not her acolyte. In other words, I fully acknowledge she is a reckless -- even stupid -- b*tch. I still think she's evil because I don't think she ever really atoned in any meaningful way for what she put Kevin through.

None of this means I don't want to see Gloria. I wouldn't want her as a friend, but she's fun-as-heck to watch screwing up Genoa City.

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