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CBS cancels Guiding Light

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Well, sadly, marceline, you will not get anything particularly interesting. Instead, we'll get a thumped out, blah article about the demos, the cable networks influence, women employment effect on soaps and so on. Of course, everyone will forget that cr*ppy writing did this, too.

Anyway... Who here thinks that we'll see something like 10 years of "experiments" (game shows, talks shows, perhaps some reality shows) and then they'll get back to soaps? :unsure:

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The cultural shift of women entering the workplace as well as alternative programming are the major causes for the decline in the Daytime audience. All Daytime programming has suffered. Of course, the crappy writing has driven a share of the remaining audience away, but is not the main reason that the soaps on are on the edge. It definitely does not help an already bad situation.

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But all those things are true. The external factors do matter. They don't negate the internal factors, certainly, but 4 shows in ten years isn't all crappy writing.

I do. I'm not sure how they'll be structure but what goes around comes around.

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I'm really proud that this is such a huge event that everyone is talking about. After all, it surely isn't every day that a 72-year old show gets the axe. It's everywhere and I'm glad that people even outside the soap world seem to be seeing what big news this is.

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Wow. If PGP is packaging ATWT and GL as a packaged deal, then would they both end up getting the axe come September?

CBS has a plan for one of their hours, but what about the second one?

Things DO NOT look good for CBS. Period. I think the only show safe is Y&R at this point.

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Now don't be a buzzkill Slyph. Let me have my illusion. :P

By the way: They may not be talking about it, but they are HEARING about it and that's good enough for me. Radio, newscasts, newspapers, internet. It's everywhere, which is mostly what I meant anyway.

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