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CBS cancels Guiding Light

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That is a beautifully written piece by Sara! I never really watched GL much..... I briefly turned it on when "The Writer" took up in 1995 as HW, but that did not last long. My mom has watched it off and on and I have always sort of been aware of what is going on. Fan or no fan, it was an institution and everyone has lost something today. The light will still shine on, in the hearts of soap fans everywhere.

I wonder if Agnes Nixon will come out and say anything, wasn't GL her first writing job?

ETA: Just consulted Toups' profiles and saw she worked with Search For Tomorrow prior, but definitely I think GL is what really put her on the map.

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If they bring back Pyramid:

1) NO NO NOOOOOO Donny Osmond. Please GOD, keep him away from this show.

2) Hire an established, smarmy game show vet(or someone with those qualities) who knows how to host a game show, has a winning smile, and find attractive.(Bloom/Tassler/Moonves: This means Todd Newton, Doug Davidson, Chuck Woolery, Bob Goen, Walt Willey. This DOES NOT mean: Mark Steines, Mario Lopez, Ian Ziering, George Hamilton, or any other reality TV or primetime TV reject). Pick someone QUALIFIED to do this job. Period. You know you've screwed up royally with Drew Carey. Don't make the same mistake.

3) The rules are rules FOR A REASON. Part of what made Pyramid's earlier versions so compelling is how unfair the rules were. The Winner's Circle should not be as easy to win as it was in the Donny Osmond update. No game show should be that easy.

4) No video walls.

5) Bring back the fun music, that theme song we all know and love.

6) And Michael Davies, I know this one will be hard for YOU to understand, but don't make this show into Who Wants to be a Millionaire like you have every other damn game show you've helmed since. That means, vibrant, colorful sets(black and blue are NOT OUR FRIENDS, MMKAY?!), no dramatic lighting, no dramatic music during the winner's circle or the clue categories.

7) Get out of work actors/actresses from primetime, but get your daytime stars to do this show. Use Pyramid as a platform to pimp your lineup. Unlike the Price is Right, this show can be used as a way to promote and pimp your daytime shows.

8) And last but not least, make the Tournament of Champions the Heart Stopping event it should and deserves to be. In the Pyramid update, the $100,000 Bonus round was broken up into different money categories and that took the fun out of winning the big chunk of money.

I know I am rambling on, but please GOD, I love Pyramid to death, but the last thing I want them to do is screw this one up the way they screwed up the Donny Osmond version.

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I love Walt, but still am very very shocked he is still with All My Children.... he's been a prime candidate to be let go for like over a decade now.... The Writer I guess saved him for a few years, but even she grew tired of her bathroom stall creation.....

It does not appear that Jack and Erica will be reconciling anytime soon.... so...

I hope GL brings back some of the old faves.....

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Yeah, it's too bad Walt Willey wasn't on Port Charles. He'd be at the top of Bloom's wish list. <_<

Anyway, they need to stay away from these guys that just want to collect the paycheck. They need a proven gameshow vet who knows how to build suspense in each and every moment. That's what's lacking right now with The Price is Right. Drew can't build suspense to save his damn life.

My vote definitely goes to Todd Newton, who can easily sure gameshow cancer.

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This is sad even though it wasn't unexpected.

But we have to remember the show's accomplishments that no one will ever duplicate. 72 years, changing mediums and over 57 years on tv. It's unlikely any remaining soap will achieve 57 years.

GL has so much to be proud of!

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Gotta hand it to CBS for announcing the cancellation on April Fool's Day. Some people will think the news is a joke, which psychologically prepares them for when they realize that the news is true. But by then, they won't be so surprised or as outraged over the news.

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You know that's not going to happen. GL will go out with whimper.

Exactly, Grant's return wasnt enough to keep me viewing. The production values were just awful. Once the show went that direction the show was toast. It should have stayed with the same production values and ended with some class.

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I am inclined to think AMC would go before OLTL (tell me that 5-10 yrs ago and I'd call you a fool), but Frons has made it quite clear he has no loyalty to All My Children.... and if OLTL is in fact making money....

But I think whichever one goes first, the one left standing will soon follow.

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