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Glee: Discusion Thread


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Unique I thought was awful. Typical drag queen who thinks they are fabulous just by saying they are. It's sort of why I am unimpressed with Mercedes because she is just a female drag queen. She wants to be Mariah she wants to be Whitney, but all that means to her is glory notes and attitude. Unique and Mercedes are the same performer basically, and there just is nothing unique about Unique whatsoever. Santana has more going on than either of them.

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I found the scene where he found out about kurt basically cheating on him to be one of the only really good, emotional, character based scenes this season actually. Its too bad Kurt is sticking around because a Blaine without Kurt would be interesting,

Quinn & Jesus boy were amazing, of course they are an afterthought so that is why.

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This episode really was disturbing. I didn't at first realize what I was watching because I never dreamt Glee would cover such ground, and then the end was awful because you know this cannot work out well for Coach Biest at all. And then it goes from disturbing to depressing with Puck and Rachel. It was all really well done, but I did not enjoy this episode at all. This was far too serious an episode.

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This may have been the most anti-Glee episode ever. It felt like there was less singing than usual. I understood why Puck had to get the "F" and I also understood why Rachel had to fail, too. They're leaving the door open for next season. But combined with the domestic violence story this episode was way too heavy. Glee usually does happy endings no matter what so even if it didn't happen in Tuesday's episode, I'm confident Biest will break free.

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This was a really nice finale. The best part for me was the Finn and Rachel stuff. I love hokey stuff with running after the train, and I felt bad for them but this was the only way it could be. Quinn, Santana, Mercedes and Puck all got nice finishes too although in Puck's case we don't really know what becomes of him. Santana's ending surprised me but I guess they can follow her and Rachel together if the show is so inclined. Kurt's ending was a bit of a shock because the show didn't even address it.

Nice use of flashbacks, especially the Kurt one. It was also nice they gave Quinn her moments with Puck, Rachel and Sue. As for the remaining students this is a motley crew of nobodies and no talents. There is Blaine, and then there is basically no one else. Tina and Artie are fine as supporting characters but they can't front performances. I don't know where the show goes from here.

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They shouldnt have wasted Lindsay from The Glee Project in that nothing role and brought her on as someone from a rival school whos a few grades lower than Rachel that poses a threat, then have her transfer to mckinley in the finale. She has a powerhouse of a voice.

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