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Y&R: Week of March 2, 2009

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Can't stand these two together or separate.

Rofl..on this story line with Chilly. Billy is so scared of settling down and sexing up his brothers wife (soapy), I enjoy this story-line. It's been done a hundred of times but these two actors just bring it.

I'm glad to see that the hostage situation is coming to an end.

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I love the kidnapping storyline and personally wouldn't care if it lasted for a few more weeks.

Regarding the debate over Michael and Lauren, it annoys me, as I've always said, that Lauren is only used as a prop to Michael's family, mostly Gloria or even more Eden these days. We don't see the real Lauren over there, just some woman that has to handle all these people that keep interrupting her life and she keeps pushing away her true feelings just to make everyone happy. I'd like to see her finally burst after all this crap and change something.

So first Lily was feeling weird over raising Delia, and now suddenly she wants to be one happy family with Cane and Delia? That sickens me.

She had hysterectomy, yes.

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ITA with every single point.

I would love the focus to be on Lauren for awhile.

I love all these ideas, and I think Tracey would be fierce in an ovarian cancer scare storyline, and it would throw Michael's world in an upheaval also since he relies on her so much. Michael would have to reprioritize, and I would just salivate at the idea of the acting of CLB and TEB in some heartwrenching scenes (of course, they would need the writing). Actually, I think it would dramatically affect the whole family because Lauren is their anchor and what happens to the family dynamic when she is in danger? I would be worried that they might write Tracey off with this type of story, but it would be a great character based story.

Michael and Lauren are truly in a mature relationship and so are perfectly positioned to play some serious and heavy relationship drama that is beyond the typical adultery and game playing. I don't see them going in an affair direction with them either.

Jeanne Copper had an interesting quote a month or so ago. She saw Katherine's relationship with Murphy as the sort of relationship Michael and Lauren would have if they grew old together. She desecribed it as a soft love that brings one peace. I know the major focus in daytime is in the conflict, affairs and rivalries, but I do like that Michael and Lauren bring a different type of relationship to the show. They will never be the main focus again, but I just think they could get more than they are getting now.

LOL. You see I am starved for Lauren and Michael discussion, so I was sucked in again. I have throroughly enjoyed some Likey talk, but since this is the episode threads I am sure most want to disuss the goings on of Genoa City this week.

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Yeah, I can't debate that. LOL! You're right - the beginning of last year was terrible for Michael fans.

I would like nothing better than to see Lauren in a story. I love Michael, but just once, I wouldn't mind Michael taking a back seat to Lauren in the story. It's what SHOULD have happened with Pheila (Pheila shouldn't have happened AT ALL, but if it had to, it should have been about LAUREN)

Agreed there. I would love a hot Michael/Lauren sex scene. Won't hear any argument from me! LOL!

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I don't think the Katherine's storyline is going to be resolved instantly once this kidnapping crap is over. These minor characters have been in the same redundant scenes for too many days now. Lets move on folks and back to the Saga of Katherine trying to prove she's Kathernie. Both Jill and Nikki can be rather stubborn bitches when it comes to admitting that they are wrong. If it was going to be next week or even next month, why have Nikki

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Honestly, the fact that TEB is on recurring and has as much as she has and has gotten what she has gotten, as a fan i am very grateful for that.

I would love them to have a huge front burner storyline. However, i really dont mind what they have. Michael gets a lot, he does. The biggest problem for Lauren is that she has been reduced to nothing more than a prop for the Baldwin family. The best thing for her would be if they brought Joanna and Scotty back to the show. Throw Lauren into a buisness storyline, have her tempted by a hottie who wants her like JT or Billy or even Adam. However Lauren is a supporting char, played by a recurring actress. Not someone who they tend to build storys around.

Or better yet start to buildup that deep friendship between Lauren & Paul again, ahve Michael start to get jealous and worry about it. Have Lauren furious that he could doubt her after all the [!@#$%^&*] hes pulled and she stood by him. Some good conflict there between them.

Ehh, idk. I get all your points and agree with them to an extent. But at the same time i do like knowing that Lauren & Michael are the token happy couple.

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I can't root for Cane and Lily due to their ridiculous obsession with raising Cordelia, a child that neither of them have any legal claim to. Really, the plot point that Cane's name is on the birth certificate is ludicrous because in signing that birth certificate after KNOWING that he wasn't the father, Cane committed fraud, which is a crime.

Lily's willingness to raise Cordelia is quite sick, the child has two parents, two grandmothers and one great grandmother (not that they know about Kay mind you) who are all more than 'fit' under the eyes of the law to raise the child...Lily is one sick puppy...her holier than thou attitude towards Chloe and Billy, neither of whom have committed crimes (morally wrong behavior, absolutely, but no crimes and yes Chloe duping Cane isn't a crime, but it is grounds for an annulment) is pathetic.

Cane is just a total psycho. Suing for sole custody?! Totally bizarre. He's not heroic, he's psychopathic!

Loving the Kay/Esther kidnapping storyline, that one could go on forever I love it so...but it looks like it'll be wrapping up shortly.

At Noah's surprise party I think we saw the ice melt a little bit between Victor and Nikki. The Countdown to Ashley's Meltdown is on! Tick tock, tick tock...

Sharon Case is fantastic...Sharon should have been a psychological mess years ago! I love this Sharon, where has she been all my life?!

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And unfortunately for Ashley, she can't "melt" against Billy like Sharon's been doing to take the edge off.

I feel sorry for her. I am really hoping TPTB don't go down the CrazyAshley route. I'd rather see Ash get it together and get even.

LOL, with her bright red hair and Mrs. Crabapple voice, Annie literally looks like a cartoon come to life.

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