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Y&R: Week of March 2, 2009

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He's a stupid, stupid man. "We can't see each other anymore, you have to quit your job" .... and then he goes to see Sharon a day or two later telling her that she can always come to him. Maybe he's still got a bit of that amnesia turning on and off from time to time.

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I'll say it again, Nick is a 3 year old. He wants what it wants when it wants it. The only person he loves is himself.

What? Adam's blindness isn't real? It is part of a plot? I like that a lot. Good to know Adam has some of his father's scheming in him.

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Eileen Davidson is going to be 50 this year, lots of women are having children that late in their lives these days. It's plausible, but it seems there's a lot more to this twist. She might not even be pregnant at all according to some spumours.

Victor and his magic sperm is another topic altogether.

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Absolutely spot on. I also don't see why Billy hasn't gone to the police and filed assault charges for the black eye Cane gave him last week. Cane is a hot head who thinks with his fists and what judge would give him a baby to influence?

As for Ashley's pregnancy, menopause does not give you 15 positive results. Pregnant women can have false pregnancy results but it is not medically possible to get a positive result unless the bun is in the oven. As for the pregnancy itself, here is my post from the spoiler thread on why this is a good thing for the future of Y&R:

Bring back Olivia and have her admit to lying to Ashley about not being able to conceive just so she wouldn't even try with Brad. Can you imagine the years of storyline going forth if there is a LEGITAMATE, Abbot/Newman baby??? Victor conceived this one of his own free will and that gives the Abbott children a very real claim to the Newman legacy and fortune. But by the time it arrives, I want Ashley to have dumped Victor for his duplicity in taking Jabot away from her and giving it to Billy, while professing to her his love and respect. She earned that CEO position and he lied, schemed and took it away from her just to get back at Jack, and perhaps just to keep his woman down. She should be so pissed off with Victor that she cuts him out of her life and goes for full custody of the baby. We need years of Ashley being the Bitch that we all know Eileen Davidson can play.

60-70 year old women are now having babies.

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Sharon is such a nasty skank. In Paris when she and Nicholas kissed she said she did not want to be his mistress because it would be too demeaning and she's still slutting it up with him when he has NO intention of leaving Phyliss. Eh.

Nick and Sharon Have no rooting value for me.

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All this delicious Nick bashing just makes my day. It's about time Nick was attacked instead of the women in his life.

Imagine this scene. Phyllis and Sharon both have a breakdown at the same time, team up, and cut off his dick a la the Babbitt case.

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Unfortunately, Nick is being bashed by the people who usually bash him like me. The warring fan bases still want him with their woman and are busy bashing the other woman using words like skank and whore even though he is the biggest manwhore. It is quite sick.

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