Members JackPeyton Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 Robin: Wow, you really know a lot about being pregnant. Maxie: Yeah i did a lot of research when i was faking. Maxie: Oh, you cant but your baby in the closet. Sam: I seduced Lucky. Maxie: (rolls eyes) Well your not the first. Lulu: If you go anywhere near my father, i will break you. Maxie: No no. That could be interesting. Id do it just to hear you call me step mom Maxie: Ok. So i dont know exactly where Louisiana is. Maxie, after meeting Max's dad Maximus. "Oh? What a coincidence. Maximus, Max, Maxie. We can start our own law firm or something" "This isnt all about me! I cant believe i just said that" to Logan- "Does it bother the other women you sleep with when you shout your own name during sex?" To Spinelli- "Ok. Suger Mania has set in. Your officaly cut off, geek boy" To Mac: "Ok. We will ride home in the squad car. But i swear as soon as we get there i will high tail it to the metro court and have sex with the first bell boy i can find" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members juppiter Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 Kubla Khan, thank you so much for posting that speech! What a daytime classic. That speech is why AMC used to be consistently #2 in the ratings, and isn't now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members rangethatrover Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 DAMN! That was good! I would have been up all night trying to memorize that speech. What year was that from??? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DeeeDee Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 :lol: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Khan Posted December 23, 2008 Members Share Posted December 23, 2008 As does mine, Y&RWorldTurner. Especially this part: "Fletch, if only we ended up on another island all those years ago, things would have been so different." I heard that, lol. Say what you will about Judith Light's performance, but the dialogue she had to deliver as OLTL's Karen Wolek on the witness stand -- "Haven't I said what everyone wants to hear? That I am a common hooker like Katrina Karr? -- was awfully good. Also, I recently rediscovered (on YT) Dorian's confrontation w/ Mitch and Tina after realizing the two had set her up to show Victor Lord's secret room to Viki. Dorian: Viki and I have had our differences; I've hated her. And that's what you were counting on, wasn't it? You were counting on the fact that I would enjoy seeing her reduced to such a pathetic state. Tina (whining): How can you think that of me? I wouldn't do that! Dorian: Shut up. Just shut up. I WANT you to go to court, so that I can go to court, too. I will stand right by Viki's side, and I'll call you a liar, and a cheat, and a conniving little witch that doesn't deserve a penny of the Lord money, let alone the Lord name! Tina: No, you don't mean -- Dorian: BELIEVE IT. You're going to be very sorry that you made an enemy out of me. LOVED. IT. Some other favorites of mine... You made your bed, now writhe in it. -- Erica, to Adam (AMC) Don't look now, but someone's Freudian slip is showing. -- Opal (AMC) No. Don't run away. If you do, I'll kill Mac. -- Janice Frame's final words to Rachel before the infamous "swimming pool incident" (ANOTHER WORLD) Bob: Tell me what you're feeling. Kim: You don't want to KNOW what I'm feeling. -- when Bob told Kim about his and Susan's affair (ATWT) I just want you to know that this man [points to Sam] has just asked me for a divorce. And as one of the heads of this family -- and THE SOLE chairperson of Clegg Industries -- I think I should inform you that this is not going to be just a divorce. It's war. So..? Choose sides! -- Myrna, to the rest of the Cleggs, on the next-to-last scene of CAPITOL's final episode Oh, God...not Barbara Jean...not Barbara Jean's heart... -- Felicia, realizing whose heart has saved her daughter, Maxie's, life (GH) I see you! Oh, Robin, I see you! -- Stone's last words (GH) Well, Kelly...why don't you just go back to [Morgan]? Yeah, why don't you just go to her, and see if she can make you happy? -- Nola Reardon, to Kelly Nelson, after all her lies, including that he fathered her baby, have been exposed (GL) Don't you think you ever broke anything before?! You can try to be very careful, but things just get smashed, no matter what you do! -- Maureen, to Michelle, talking about a broken cup (or is she?) after finding THE letter, but before her confrontation w/ Lillian over her (Lillian's) affair w/ Ed (GL) You have reduced us to a ridiculous suburban joke, and I will never forgive you for this! -- Maureen, later, to Lillian. (God bless Courtney Simon for penning that extraordinary scene.) I don't even like Mason. Three out of five days, he's good company. What kind of average is that? -- Julia, to Eden, as she prepares for her and Mason's first wedding (SANTA BARBARA). I also floved the line, "Wanda and I are running off to raise tofu in New Hampshire," lol. As well as -- Mason: Well, there's sex. Cruz: Yes, but there are cheaper and easier ways to get it. Mason: True. IMO, Mason and Julia's wedding was chocked full of Patrick Mulcahey goodness. And even though I generally do not care for catfights? The dialogue immediately before, during and after this one -- -- make this the exception to my rule. (Favorite line? Maya, to Doreen: You're a slut, Doreen Jackson, you always will be! All the money in the world won't clean you up! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 Maxie: Is that why you refuse to go to patrick and robin's wedding, because you have to whack someone? That's rude. Jason: Robin understands why I'm not going to her wedding. Maxie: Because robin is a wonderful, understanding person who gives you permission to be selfish and inconsiderate, but i do not. Jason: Ok. Maxie: Ok? That's it? Jason: Yeah, that's it. I'm really busy. Maxie: How many weddings do you think robin is going to have? I mean, this isn't like carly, who gets married every five minutes so if you skip out on one, it's not that big of a deal. This is probably the only wedding robin's ever going to have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 ROTFLMAO! :lol: I can't stand Kirsten Storms, but I LOVE THAT F*CKIN' MAXIE CHARACTER!!! OMG! It's such a conflict with me. Do I enjoy Maxie but still barf at Kirsten Storms, or do I admit defeat and just take both women for who they are? Oh, it's so hard, but that's why GH's script writers are the absolute BEST! They slide sh*t in beneath the radar. "Make the line of your knife sharp enough... They won't even feel the blade slide in." Edited To Ask: What date is that from? I NEED to see that clip. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 just admit defeat! lol. honestly, i love kirsten. and i think the way she delivers her lines is what makes maxie. shes far from some great soap opera actress, but IMHO shes a really good one. she is great in heavy drama and emotion and breakdown and great at OTT wacky comedy, yet shines in those subtle scenes like the one with mac & the bridge or when maxie told spinellie that girls like her give up on dreams of happiness and settle and just take life one day at a time. idk the date. but it was right before robin & patricks last wedding when robin went into labor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SalemPlace Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 I just rewatched those Maxie scenes last night on my dvr. I don't know the exact date but they are the week of 10/27/08. I'm thinking it was 10/29 but I can't be sure. Hope that helps. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members sheilaforever Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 B&B's Stephanie to Brooke: You're as welcome as a whore at a monk's convent... Y&R's Jill & Kay in a 1000 of variations Jill: You killed my beloved Phillip! And if it weren't enough you ruined my life by making a tramp through annulling our marriage. Kay: Save it. You used my gratitude when I took you in and paid me back by stealing my husband! *prepare slaps* LOL! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members All My Shadows Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 This isn't really from a soap, but I think it's delicious all the same: Brenda Dickson: Do you like this gown? It's very dramatic. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Soapsuds Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 LOL..Is that from her infamous videos? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Mitch Posted December 30, 2008 Members Share Posted December 30, 2008 Guiding Light during its "hey days," Ed to Bridget, "Go upstairs and change, you look like you dance in cages." Alex to Roger, after he accuses her of having Mindy kidnapped (which Wheeler and Kreizman would have had her do..)"You have got to be kidding me! The peroxide alone would bankrupt me!" India to Mindy (while we are on the subject of hair) "Oh Mindy, it so nice to see you and you haven't changed a always had the most interesting, shade of hair!" Muscle Boys introducing Jenna "Ladies and Gentlemen, we present to you Ms. Jenna Wade!" Holly: "You may keep her.. thank you very much!" Blake to Harley, while Harley is wearing metallic coat.. "Harley where did you get that coat, from Reva's closet??? It screams' Forty and Divorced!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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