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But seriously: because I live in one of the states that refused the expanded Medicaid funds ("Obama money," as I call it), this news doesn't really impact me.  I'm still without health insurance; and unless and until our governor changes her mind (or -- God willing -- I am finally employed again AND I'm able to purchase insurance either independently or through my job), that will remain unchanged.


Nevertheless, it serves the GOP right to lose this after squawking for the past seven years about repealing and replacing President P-Funk's legacy.

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The most annoying part is that the base of the GOP, like the Koch brothers and the Fascism Caucus, didn't lose. They will be strengthened by this. And many will say it justified the decision to botch this from the very start of the process because it's better optics to sit back and let millions die in case in their dying breaths they tell their loved ones to blame liberals. 


It's disgusting how for over 8 years now Republicans have been rewarded over and over for doing nothing or just gutting and cutting. And it never seems to stop.

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Now the game really begins. The Democrats will now start trying IMO to get legislation passed that will strengthen the ACA, and to them hopefully show that since the Republicans screwed SO royally, they will look bad to their hometowns when they have town halls and people demand what will they do...will they FINALLY work across the aisle with Dems and make health care work? IMO, Ryan saying it's the law of the land means Repubs will run on it next year, never mind what he looked like. that was an act. we're really about to see how down and dirty both parties will get where it comes to universal health care. as John McClane said in Die Hard "This is just the beginning." 

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ACA is becoming more and more untouchable like Social Security and Medicare. The longer it is in place, the harder it is to repeal it. The public response to the bill was overwhelmingly negative and that's why some moderate Republicans opposed the bill.

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I hope so. Democrats really have to push hard on this and make this a cornerstone issue. John Conyers from Michigan introduced into congress HR 676 which Is a bill to expand and improve Medicare January 23rd I believe. That was done intentionally of course at that time for those who said the democrats didn't have a better plan.  I'm not suggesting this is realistic but it's a starting point. I think it was Rep Frelinghuysen an R from NJ who even said last night CHris Hayes mow that it's time for the R's to look across the aisle and start working with the dems to make the ACA better. He talked about his No vote on the new plan and how many people he talked to from his district who has stories if how the ACA helped them. If there are enough R's who feel this way now, 30 or so, this could happen or at least pressure to help it happen or at least to help make it a campaign issue for 2018 for the dems.

Edited by JaneAusten
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Let's put it this way: if they're talking about it, Mary Frackin ain't listening.


Speaking of Governor Fallin: for the third time in four years, Oklahoma has been hit with some kind of economic shortfall.  Her answer is to tax the hell out of everything.  They've even begun applying OK state tax to purchases made online through Amazon.com.  


Mama Khan: "Well, then, what's the point of ordering anything from Amazon?  We might as well go back to buying whatever we need in the stores!"  


Khan (to Gov. Fallin): "Well played, girlfriend.

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And I would agree.  I think the GOP had their chance to come up with a suitable alternative.  They proved they couldn't.  So now, the objective should be to take what they have and improve it.


I must tell you, though, that the more I think about this defeat, the more gleeful I am.  It's a nice way to stick it to my older brother, a diehard Trumpster, without having to lift one damn finger.

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That's because they never had one. And what they came up with was garbage.  But let me tell you if it weren't for the PEOPLE(not the dems or Gop) every R would have gone with it.


I keep seeing so much energy out there and it's not ending.  I hear people saying the dems should not gloat. Pelosi did and honestly while she's not my favorite, she was a damn good speaker and at least understood what she needed to do to get legislation passed. I think her gloating was more seeing the boy wonder fall flat on his face. I put much of this on Paul Ryan's shoulders. But while most were happy yes, every other dem I saw talking, Schumer, Warren, Kennedy,Jan Shakowsky, my own congressman, and even Sanders all thanked Americans for making this happen but that there is more work to be done.

Maybe he found out he is under investigation or might be now since he's leaking to the White House and vice versa.

Edited by JaneAusten
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