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And that's why I'm hoping the Governor's races in Virginia and New Jersey this year will get more attention in the press once their primaries are over--it doesn't start in 2018, it starts this year.


And while I understand the distaste by some about thinking the idea that Democrats have to redirect towards rural America/rural white voters, the fact of the matter is the Democrats are in such a minority now--on the presidential level, Senate/Congressional level, Gubernatorial level, and the Legislative level--we have no choice but to talk to and reach out to EVERYONE now. We're just trying to win the lowest ranked seats back, or at all, really. I'm not saying we should cater specifically to Trump voters--to the contrary, there are many people who voted for him that we will never reach--but we do need to show up, everywhere. Campaign everywhere, and talk to people, in part because the idea of a swing state still hypothetically exists. Obviously we need to hang on to the voters we already have, and continue to get younger voters who will voting for the first time these next few years registered to vote, but there are voters all over the country we need to reach, for every level of office imaginable. We're at a point as Democrats where we can't afford to pick and choose anymore. We need to win, and win as big as we possibly can, these next few years. I'm not saying we should waste money in areas we will never win, but we should at least visit/try to recruit people in those districts/areas before we give up entirely.


And hell, there are even ways to marry the concerns between rural voters and women/minority voters into one strategy. While there may be a lot more POC living in city areas, there are rural areas--especially in the South--where they make up a significant percentage of that population as well. Obviously that will require work in fighting voter suppression, but it's another factor to consider, too. 

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Right now I'm also looking at two House races. Jon Ossoff in Georgia and Rob Quist in Montana. Both are Democrats who are polling well. Ossoff is in a jungle primary so we'll see if he makes it to the next round. Rob Quist is up against a billionaire carpetbagger who already ran for governor and lost.

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This is pretty much why I am unlikely to ever join an American political party again. American politics relies heavily on keeping people separated in comfortable little boxes. While the GOP generally hate helping anyone who isn't rich, they find a way to keep a base of people voting against their own personal interests by stirring up their brand of patriotism and inspiring them to hate everyone who is not like them.


Democrats are fine with everyone staying in place and placating them kind of like caring for a bunch of stray puppies. They may be compassionate but it's in this sort of patronizing we know what's good for you way. White people can be more than one thing. They can be working class, rich, women, men, children, etc. Everyone else is just whatever group they're lumped into: black, Latino, Asian, Muslim, etc. Contrary to the political narrative, every American citizen with a Spanish speaking background is not concerned about immigration.  Were people more amazed by the Hidden Figures being women or were they more amazed they were black? Me, I was amazed by neither. I was just surprised that it took so long to be told. None of this divisiveness should be remotely shocking. We pretty much continue to feed it while being appalled by it.



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I recently moved here. I am very excited that I get to send a message to Trump's Washington early. I'm excited for the Governor's race next year too. I'm hoping the absolute worst for the Trump administration so that the Dem nominee can attach the GOP nominee to him. He won the state but at narrower margins than McCain and Romney. Hillary flipped a few of these big suburban metro Atlanta counties (Gwinnett, Cobb, Douglas) blue. I just encourage people to take their frustration out at the polls.


I'm very excited about the 2017-2018 governor's races. Republicans lead Democrats in governor seats 33-16. There are many seats the Dems can snatch: Massachusetts, Maryland, New Mexico, New Jersey, Illinois, Florida, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, and Nevada. This mid-term election season is of the utmost importance. People want him to be impeached but I honestly want Trump to remain and fall flat on his face: Not only so that GOP voters defect from him but the crowd that has been loud since the day AFTER Election Day, get their behinds out and VOTE

Edited by Eric83
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As someone from Illinois(our state is a mess), our Governor is VERY unpopular primarily because he has done nothing. We also have some old school democrats, and while I am glad we have them now while this billionaire Governor tries to get his Kansas like agenda through(they block and block and have the support to do it), the next mission here is frankly to get them out. THe financial collapse in this state going back to 2008 when so many did is at the feel of both our "good" GOP governors over the years along with these old school democrats. But one battle at a time.

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No, I'm the one that's sorry because I didn't convey what I was saying in a manner that didn't make you think I thought you were trying to lump everyone together. You didn't sound stupid. I respect your opinion. I believe I learn a great deal from reading and listening to different opinions.


While I don't agree with Snoop, even though he used a prop gun, I can't even muster up respect for the presidency concern.  The fact that he says so many outrageous, dangerous things including lies, and expects people to be outraged over something he considers an outrage is like....Please.

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