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His son-in-law really does seem to be a disgusting creep. I wonder how long this will linger with the family after it's over. I doubt their lives will ever be the same again, especially those who had actual careers. 


I saw that the twit Conway was going around saying certain Congressmen sexually assaulted her when she was younger and trying to use this to push back against Trump criticism. I'd love it if someone asked her who because that's awfully convenient timing to suddenly bring this up. Remember when the GOP got upset about this type of thing and loved to paint it as out of control liberalism? 

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The main thrust of the conservative movement of the last 80 years has been this deep resentment to social security and thus all so-called socialized programs.  This goes back to FDR.  They have been trying to destroy these programs since the 30s and the way they have gone about it the last 30 years is to cut taxes.   Then  with taxes cut they don't have the money they used to so then they say "we can't afford food stamps and whatnot".   Well of course they can't, they just cut taxes.  By starving government they hope to one day do away with all the social programs.   

Make America Great Again.

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MAGA is 'make America great again.'


Important to remember: The Trump brand is also irrevocably damaged, especially after Pussygate. It will never recover globally, let alone nationally. Ivanka may be driven by her adoration of her distant, egocentric father, but she (if no one else) is smart enough to know this.


Oh, and: Pence just cancelled on another event tomorrow.

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The moderators sucked.   Every time these two were about to go at it about who did what when, that brainless moderator would say "sorry, we have to move on".   But why do you have to move on?   If they want to get into a ten minute discussion on taxes or Syria, let them.   That's better than these 2 minute content free bullet point formats.  He wanted to really get into her emails, and she wanted to really get into a bunch of stuff.  So let them.   His taxes or lack thereof and her emails have been two of the major themes of the election.   Who really needs to hear Hillary says Trump has lovely children?   Save that crap for a hallmark card.

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Right. Beyond that it's also fear of government overreach - paranoia that the government is out to get them (like the "death panels"). Of course they're fine with using the government the way they want to overreach, but don't do it to them or they'll crush it. Opposing and killing things and stifling are the only thing the GOP actually knows how to do. They even hate libraries. 

I saw some viewers saying they made Trump look better by making him look like a victim with their overbaked behavior. They're probably right. 


It's time for debates to stop having moderators. Anderson Cooper isn't even a journalist, he's a spoiled rich boy who looked good on TV and giggles a lot. 

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I don't think they are right. I think everyone but his hardcore thought Trump looked terrible whining and bitching at Martha Raddatz, who rightly treated him like a child. He was being snippy with them from moment one.


I think Cooper and Raddatz did the best they could, but the fact is Trump requires extreme moderation that almost goes over the line to corral him. Raddatz in particular tried hard.

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So from Robert Costa with WaPo - GOP political reporter


"In calls this morning, many Rs privately want to defect from Trump. But they say the debate gave them pause since he roused their base."


Lots of profiles in courage candidates in the GOP I see. They know the presidency is lost but are afraid to abandon Trump for fear of losing the House and Senate also.

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@JaneAusten, I heard the same exact thing being discussed on a morning newsmagazine show earlier today. 


The concensus is that HRC also won last night's debate- some polls giving her a wide margin, others a narrower one.


Trump's 2005 comments on women have done some damage, also his apparent lack of contrition did not come across well to women, in particular, but many men also found the comments to be distasteful. A few athletes actually took to social media to criticize Trump's use of the phrase 'locker room' talk, as an excuse. They argued that this type of talk was outside the main of what is considered normal behavior and would only considered acceptable by sexual predators etc.


I sometimes livestream news broadcasts from different parts of the world and clicked on one from Japan and one of the first things discussed was Trump's "lewd" remarks about women. Yesterday, the BBC also used the word "lewd" referring to Trump's words. This is the image that the U.S. is now projecting around the world.

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